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Since 1980, with the communicative approach gradually applied to the L2 (second language) classroom teaching, the interaction between teachers and students has become one of the main research areas of the L2 Acquisition. In all types of interactions, the teacher’s corrective feedback has a pivotal role for the effect of foreign language teaching.
     Recast, as one of the most common error-correction feedbacks, has received much attention in the world. At abroad, there are a lot of researches on classes, and also on laboratories. While in China the researches on recast are started late, and the applied research is relatively weak. It is started by Sun Yanqing in 2005. The previous studies is focused on the comparison between recast and other forms of corrective feedback, but there are few researches on the effect of recast. So the author tries to discuss the effects of teachers’recast on learners’oral production in spoken English class.
     It employs an experimental course to examine the effect of teachers’recast on learners’oral performance in spoken English class. The subjects are economic majors from Changsha University. And the research questions are as follows: (1) In spoken English classroom, if the teacher adopts the recast instruction, will the students be more active to take part in the interaction of speaking? (2) In spoken English classroom, if the teacher adopts the recast instruction, will there be greater fluency and accuracy in subjects’language? (3) What’s the factor limiting the students’memory to recast?
     Through the observation and analyzing the test results, the researcher discovers that: (1) Input with recast arouses the learning initiative of students. As it promotes the interaction between the teacher and learners; (2) There will be greater fluency and accuracy in subjects’language if the teacher adopts the recast instruction; (3) The learners’memory to recast is limited by the difference level between the students’initial utterance and teachers’recast. That is, the smaller changes of recast in the initial discourse are, the higher correct rate of recall is; and the larger changes of recast in the initial discourse are, the lower correct rate of recall is.
     The significance of the research is to provide some suggestions for foreign language teaching: (1) Suggestions for teacher’s talk. Teacher’s talk is used for the organization of language teaching, and is also a learning object for learners. As it contains new information of the target language, the teacher’s talk plays an important role in the language learning. Recast, as one way of teacher’s talks, is fully taking the students’self-esteem into account with its implicit feature, will help students to gradually participate in cooperation, mobilize their enthusiasm, and improve the influence and accuracy of their spoken English. Therefore, in the spoken English classroom, teachers should use recast appropriately. Meanwhile, because of the implicit features of recast, it is difficult to cause the students’attention and hard to achieve the effects of error correction. So teachers can cause the students’attention by means of tone, facial expressions, and gestures, to improve the students’oral English production. (2) Suggestions for the interaction between the teachers and students in the spoken English classroom. An important feature of the students-centered teaching model is interaction. And the process of teachers’recast and learners’recall of recast is a true interactive communication process. A teacher’s recast not only mobilizes the learning initiative of students, but it also enables the students to do self-correction in the process of exchange. In addition, learners will get more benefits from teachers’recast that has less change in students’ initial words. That is both related to the learner’s working memory capacity, and their existing foreign language levels. Therefore, when teachers adopt the recast instruction, the existing foreign language level of the learners should be fully taken into account, and they should provide students with the comprehensible input.
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