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     其次,随着电子投票协议研究的进展,安全的电子投票协议所要满足的条件越来越多。这样导致设计者必须按照所有的安全性质逐条地设计协议,如此设计是困难和复杂的。所幸的是,Ran Canetti提出了UC安全的概念。UC框架为协议的设计提供了模块化的方式。本文利用数论中模数的性质构造了,具有UC安全的两候选人电子投票协议。在UC的框架下采用一种新的编码手段以达到无需零知识证明即可验证选票的合法性,并利用基于身份的(n,n)门限加解密以及双线性对来实现多个计票中心联合计票的多候选人选举方案。
     第三,本文基于多方安全计算中的Bit分解协议构造了,无需零知识证明多候选人选举协议。Ivan Damard在2006年TCC会议中首次提出了Bit分解的概念,作为安全多方计算的一个典型应用,通过高性能服务器的合作将比特串的加密值分解成其对应每一位的加密值,因此利用该协议对重新编码后的选票进行分解得到其对应候选人的选票,再通过同态加密运算即可得到选举结果,通过上述手段将大量选票分解统计工作交给高性能服务器完成,可极大提高选举效率,适用于全国大选等大规模的选举。
As the rapid development and application of Intenet, humankind has gradually entered the information society. Information, an important resource, is as a more important role in social production and daily lives. Electronic voting is exactly the product of information technology, it has become an important component of e-commerce and e-government. Although there are many deficiencies in electronic voting system, in the long run, electronic voting which is quicker, more convenient and more security will replace the traditional voting.
     Most of the traditional electronic voting protocol use zero-knowledge proof to verify the legitimacy of votes. While the low efficiency of the zero-knowledge proof process efficiency greatly restricted the efficiency of the election, so it does not apply to a large-scale national election. The focus of this article is electronic voting system without zero-knowledge proof.
     First, in this article, it is described that the electronic voting protocol, the basic concepts and principles, an overview of its development process and the basic technology.
     Second, with the progress of the e-voting protocols study, the conditions of secure electronic voting protocols were propsed more and more, so the designers must follow all the security natures of the design of the protocols, in this way the design is more difficult and complex than before. Fortunately, Ran Canetti proposed UC concept. In UC framework, the design of protocol is in a modular approach. In this paper, an electronic voting protocol with two candidates was proposed based on the nature of modulus in Number Theory. In the UC framework we adopt a new code to verify the legitimacy of votes without zero-knowledge proof and use identity-based (n,n) threshold encryption and decryption, as well as bi-linear to achieve the multiple counting of the Center for counting of the multi-candidate electoral scheme.
     Third, based on Bit decomposition protocol, a without zero-knowledge proof multi-candidate election protocol was proposed. In 2006 TCC Bit decomposition was first proposed by Ivan Damard as a typical application of secure multi-party computation. By the cooperation of high-performance server, the encryption bit string value of each one broken down into its corresponding encrypted value, which is used to decompose the re-encoded the votes into the votes the candidates by their counterparts. And then through the homomorphic encryption algorithm with the state election results can be obtained. Using above-mentioned measures that the high-performance server is used to decompose a large number of votes and complete the statistical work can be greatly improve the efficiency of the elections for the national election, or another large-scale election.
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