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     选用未去势雄性西藏小型猪为动物模型(n=54),实验组用直线加速器分别予2、5、8、11、14Gy单次剂量照射(n=9/组),剂量率均统一为255cGy/min。对照组9只未予照射。观察西藏小型猪辐射后呕吐、腹泻,大便隐血、外周血淋巴细胞计数及淋巴结淋巴细胞凋亡等指标,分别于照射后6、24、72小时予西藏小型猪分别处死实验组中的三只小型猪,光镜及电镜观察不同剂量不同时间点下西藏小型猪小肠及淋巴结的形态学变化。根据临床现有的辐射病分级标准,比较不同剂量辐射后小型猪的症状与人类急性放射病模型的特点,确定西藏小型猪急性辐射病模型的成功建立。数据分析采用析因法对外周血淋巴细胞计数,淋巴结淋巴细胞凋亡率进行分析。如剂量、时间因素的交互效应及主效应p值小于0.05,则应分别固定时间因素及剂量因素,并用单因素方差分析法对两者的简单效应进行分析。组内多重比较根据方差齐性结果,分别用最小差值法(LSD)或Games-Howell法进行分析。小肠病理评分结果主要采用K-INDEPENDENT Samples非参数检验法进行检测。所有数据处理均用Statistical Product and Service Solutions13.0(SPSS13.0)软件完成。
     实验动物分组及辐照条件参照第一章,PET/CT扫描方法如下:麻醉后,西藏小型猪静脉注射造影剂一小时后开始扫描。扫描所获图像及数据均通过Xeleris工作站系统进行处理。对FDG摄取的定量主要通过:1)划定目的区域(regions of interest, ROIs),本章目的脏器为小肠。2)通过Xeleris工作站系统自动计算注入的FDG剂量与ROIs之间的比值(%ID)。数据的标准化均由电脑自动完成并以SUV值的形式输出。为使图像更为直观的表现出SUV值的差距,本研究主要应用rainbow伪彩模式并将所生成图片的颜色参照彩图条进行设定。为保证结果的客观真实性,我们做了下列措施:1)注入FDG的量统一以0.11-0.13millicurie/kg/猪进行计算;2)所有的实验用猪在进行PET/CT扫描前,至少禁食8小时保证血糖水平的均一和稳定;3)同时对三个相邻层面的SUV最大值进行扫描收集并用以统计学分析;4)小型猪统一于FDG注射后1小时进行扫描。统计方法如下:数据均以均数±标准差的形式进行表示。用析因分析法对小肠SUV值进行分析。如剂量、时间因素的交互效应及主效应p值小于0.05,则应分别固定时间因素及剂量因素,并用单因素方差分析法对两者的简单效应进行分析。组内多重比较根据方差齐性结果,分别用最小差值法(LSD)或Games-Howell法进行分析。P值小于0.05被视为具有统计学差异(双尾)。
     放射后72小时,2Gy组(1.84±0.24)、5Gy组(2.93±0.43)SUV值较对照组(1.16±0.10)明显升高(2、5Gy组vs对照组,p值均<0.05),8Gy组(7.03±0.91)、11Gy组(4.09±0.43)SUV值高于对照组且有统计学差异,反之,14Gy组(0.42±0.09)SUV值明显低于对照组(11、14Gy组vs对照组,p值均<0.05),但11、14Gy组SUV值无统计学差异(11Gy vs.14Gy, p>0.05).固定剂量因素可知:放射剂量为2、5、8Gy时,FDG摄取在放射后24及72小时均高于放射后6小时。其变化趋势为放射后24小时FDG摄取>72小时>6小时。放射剂量为11、14Gy时,FDG摄取随观察时间的延长而进行性降低。
     辐射导致小肠线粒体能量生成障碍的发生是多环节、多组分共同作用的结果,辐射剂量低时,能量代谢仍能维持一定水平时,但没有完全失衡,细胞功能仍有恢复的可能;当能量物质下降到一定程度时,恢复的几率大大降低。呼吸链复合物酶活性的降低、氧化与磷酸化脱偶联加强、呼吸功能降低,mt DNA的损伤以及能量物质的改变等,均起一定的作用,这些组分均可能成为提高辐射后线粒体能量生成效率的有效干预靶点。
Purpose and background:
     The influence of nuclear terrorism, nuclear contamination and nuclear radiation therapy to human survival,safety and health has become a hot topic of current medical research. Large-scale nuclear accident or nuclear terrorist incident may result in a large number of casualties in a short time. The victims radiated by high-dose in a short time are often accompanied by symptoms of systemic reaction, such as systemic, inflammation, nausea, vomiting, septicemia, and skin burns. Due to there is no obvious features of these symptoms, coupled with the clinical work by the personnel nuclear radiation damage is not very common, when in the situation of dealing with such a victim, most of clinical staff dose not have a clear understanding on how to diagnosis the patient's injury and take what kind of active treatment measures. In addition, there are still over200,000cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy all over the world annually, even more than about1.5million of the survival of patients with symptoms of intestinal radiation damage after radiotherapy. Small intestinal tissue radiation toxicity remains a major obstacle to the treatment of abdominal and pelvic tumors, limiting the use of high therapeutic doses. In view of this, a detailed understanding of the intestinal tract to ionizing radiation damage mechanisms and diagnostic methods is very necessary to help taking the effective means to reduce the intestinal damage caused by the clinical course of treatment and improve quality of life in patients.
     18-fluoro glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography X-ray photographic method.(([18F]-FDG-PET/CT) is an advanced molecular imaging diagnostic techniques. This machine combines molecular mechanism,functional analysis, metabolic imaging with classic anatomy, shape, density not only retains the classic role of the anatomical images, and also joined the functionality of advanced molecular imaging, is of great significance for clinical diagnosis. At present, oncology diagnosis in its clinical applications occupied more than90%in this field, mainly used for early detection or exclusion of tumor. However, However, whether [18F]-FDG-PET/CT can be useful in the diagnosis in acute radiation injury is rarely reported. In theory, when the body expose to varying degrees of ionizing radiation, systemic inflammatory response may occur and energy metabolism pathways would be change to some extent, thus will inevitably lead to the change of [18F]-FDG uptake. But is this changes in[18F]-FDG uptake in TBI-induced radiation damage with regularity? Can it be used for rapid diagnosis of exposure doses and reflect the extent of the damage of the body? Which is one of the subject to solve the problem.
     The principle on PET/CT for the diagnosis of acute radiation sickness is closely related to the pathogenesis of acute radiation sickness and energy metabolism abnormalities. Mitochondria are the structural basis of the small intestine energy metabolism, the most important part of cell aerobic oxidation in the process for the synthesis of ATP, and also the most radiation sensitive organelles. Through the measurement of small intestine mitochondrial complex activity, respiratory function, the contents of the energy substances and the quantitative PCR determination of expression of the mitochondrial protein coding, gene, we plan to show a radiation-induced changes in indicators of the small intestine, on the basis of the above assumption we can also bring out some hypothesis of the possible molecular mechanism of energy metabolism damage further.
     Chapter one:The establishment of Tibet mini pig model
     The establishment of acute radiation disease model of Tibet mini-pigs. Not castrated male Tibetan mini pig was chose as an animal model (n=54), the radiation groups were exposed to the of2,5,8,11,14Gy of single dose of irradiation (n=9/group) with a linear accelerator, the dose rate was255cGy/min.9of the control group were not irradiated. We recorded vomiting, diarrhea, fecal occult blood, peripheral blood lymphocyte count and lymph node lymphocyte apoptosis index of Tibet mini pigs. Three Tibet mini pigs of the experimental group were sacrificed at6,24,72hours after irradiation respectively, we ovserved the morphological changes of small intestine and lymph nodes by light and electron microscope at different time points. Based on the existing clinical grading standards of acute radiation disease, we classified the symptoms of mini pigs in the different doses of radiation corresponds to a different classification of human acute radiation sickness model, and determine the successful establishment of the
     Tibet mini pigs of acute radiation disease model.
     The data of peripheral blood lymphocyte count, lymph node and lymphocyte apoptosis were analyzed by repeated measure variance analysis. When interaction effects of factors such as dose, time and the main effect of p-value were less than0.05, variance such as time factors, dose factors or the simple effect of both single-factor should be fixed to analysis.According to multiple comparisons of the homogeneity of variance results within the groups,the minimum difference method (LSD) or Games-Howell method was used for further analysis. K-INDEPENDENT the samples of non-parametric test was applied in intestinal pathological findings. All the data have to deal with are using the Statistical the Product and Service Solutions13.0(SPSS13.0) software.
     ChapterⅡ The exploration of diagnosis value of PET/CT in acute radiation disease in Tibet mini pig model
     Experimental animal group and the irradiation conditions were the same as the chapter one mentioned. PET/CT scanning methods as follows:After anesthesia, PET/CT begin scanning one hour after intravenous contrast agent to mini pigs. Images and data obtained from scanning further processed through Xeleris work station system. Quantitative FDG uptake mainly through:1, Deline the regions of interest (regions of interest, ROIs), this chapter is mainly for the small intestine.2, Xeleris workstation system can automatically calculates the ratio (%ID) of the injected dose between regions of interest.Standardization and correction of data was automatically performed by computer and output in the form of SUV values..In order to make the image more vividly present the gap between different SUV values,we set up rainbow pseudo-color mode and transferred the PET/CT image into color reference according to the color pictures bar. To ensure the objectiveness and authenticity of results, following measures had been done:1) the amount of FDG injected into Tibet mini pig is0.11-0.13millicurie/kg/pig,2) In order to control blood sugar levels all experimental pigs at least faste eight hours before the PET/CT scan,3) We recorded maximum SUV value of three adjacent scanning levels for further statistical analysis.4) All mini pigs are scanned one hour after the injection of FDG. Statistical methods are as follows:The data are presented as mean±standard deviation. SUV value were analyzed by repeated measure variance analysis. When interaction effects of factors such as dose, time and the main effect of p-value were less than0.05, variance such as time factors, dose factors or the simple effect of both single-factor should be fixed to analysis.
     According to multiple comparisons of the homogeneity of variance results within the groups,the minimum difference method (LSD) or Games-Howell method was used for further analysis. P values less than0.05was considered statistically significant (two-tailed). The small intestine SUV and pathological damage degree of correlation analysis using Spearman method.
     Chapter III Injury mechanisms of energy metabolism in acute radiation sickness
     18adult male Tibet mini pigs used in this experiment came from the72hours subgroup in groups of2,5,8,11,14Gy and control group which were used in chapter one. The experimental group were3pigs while the control one is the same.72hours after radiation pigs were sacrificed, we determine the related energy metabolism indicators. The energy metabolism indicators includes the observations of mitochondrial ultrastructural, the mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme complex activity,mitochondrial respiratory function,adenylate content of the small intestine by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method,the copies of protein-coding genes.
     Chapter I:The establishment of Tibet mini pig model
     24hours and72hours after radiation, the data of diarrhea, vomiting and fecal occult blood score Tibet mini pig were not statistically different (P>0.05). At all time points in peripheral blood lymphocyte counts were reduced with increasing radiation dose. Compared with the control group, the differences between each dose group is most obvious in the72h group. Overall, in all experimental groups with increasing dose, lymph nodes became smaller in size, bleeding was more severe, the lymphocyte count decreased significantly. The number of lymphocytes ineach lymphoid nodule area in the Tibet mini pig6h after radiation has no significant difference. At24h and72h, the number of
     lymphocytes in lymph nodes decreased significantly with the increasing dose, and showed a dose-response. Lymphocytes apoptosis rate in lymph node and the control group at each time point has significant difference (P<0.05), with the increase in radiation dose between the2Gy-11Gy, the apoptosis rate increase signicicantly. At72h, the apoptosis rate has no significant different between the range of8Gy-14Gy. Except for11Gy, the same dose at6h,24h and72h, the apoptosis rate has no statistical significance. At each time point, the apoptosis rate of11Gy group is the highest,6hours,24hours and72hours after radiation, three Tibet mini pigs from different dose groups were sacrificed respectively, there is no significantly difference in different time point of the same dose in visual observation of the intestinal tissue.
     visual observation to the intestinal tissue changes of the different dose groups at each time point has no significant difference., We can observe small intestinal tissue injury as early as6hours after irradiation, however, on the whole, lesions in72hours was more obvious and direct. Intestinal tissue of2Gy group and control group was not significantly different. We found that the small intestine mucosa surface was basically smooth in5Gy group,but we can also found the villi became sparse and short, the small vascular expanded and there was dot like bleeding.8Gy and11Gy bleeding became more severe and found blood blot extensively. In14Gy group, all animal showed extensive bleeding, blood blot and diffuse hemorrhage in the mucosal surface of intestine, chorioepithelium appeared extensive necrosis, hardly no villi can be saw and intestinal villi hardly gone. The semi-quantity score of pathology showed an increase trend with dose increase, and the dose effect was more obvious than time effect. The ultrastructure of intestine and lymph note showed typical apoptosis cell state before dose of11Gy, we can see the typical apoptosis cell indicators such as concentrated and edging of chromatin at early phase, Crescent and ring chromatin at the media phase and apoptotic bodies at the late phase. While at14Gy the ultrastructure showed typical necrosis in the both organs.
     ChapterⅡ The exploration of diagnosis value of PET/CT in acute radiation disease in Tibet mini pig model
     Factors such as radiation dose and observation time both have significant influence on FDG uptake of intestine. The main-effects of time and radiation dose, and their cross-over effect were less than0.05. To the simple effect of radiation dose, at6h post-TBI, small-intestinal FDG uptake in2and5Gy showed no difference from control group, while those in8,11and14Gy were higher than control group. At24h post-TBI, small-intestinal FDG uptake showed no difference between2Gy-group and control group. Those in5,8and11Gy-group were higher than control group, while those in14Gy-group was lower than control group. It should be noted that on the time-points of6and24h post-TBI, FDG uptake in2,5and8Gy increased with the increase of radiation doses, while the reverse trend were shown in the following doses. At72h post-TBI, small-intestinal FDG uptake showed a radiation dose-dependent increase in the dose range of2to8Gy, while the rapid and marked decreases were shown in11and14Gy-group. To the simple effect of time-points, small-intestinal FDG uptake increased with the time prolonging in2,5and8Gy-group, while the reversed trend was shown in11and14Gy-group.
     Chapter III Injury mechanisms of energy metabolism in acute radiation sickness
     The main morphology of intestine under TEM was the abnormal of nuclear.(the condensed nucleus, the edging of heterochromatin, increased or reduced heterochromatin),the expand and vacuolization of mitochondria. The results of enzyme complexes activities showed, enzyme complex Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and IV at72h after radiation almost the same trend. The complex I in all experiment group has significant difference with the control group.(P<0.05), its activity decreased sharply at2-9Gy and there are significant differences between dose group2-8Gy, while from8-14Gy there was no significant different among them. Complex II has no significant difference between2Gy group and control group, however, there were significant difference in the range of2-8Gy,the later dose group show the same trend with complex I.The P value of complex III in2Gy and control is less than0.05,while the other group was0.01. The change of complex IV was almost the same as complex II, which didn't change until5Gy, then there is a sudden drop from5Gy.
     Compared with control group, the value of R3,P/O, and RCR is decreasing with increase dose, which means the dysfunction of mitochondrial respiratory chain and relaxation of oxidative Phosphorylation.8Gy is the key point, that prior to 8Gy the following change is evident, while no significant changes in respiratory function when the dose is more than8Gy.72hours after X-ray radiation, the ATP, the ADP, AMP, and TAN content (nmol/gwet weight) of different doses of radiation in small intestine are significantly changing and has its own change characteristics respectively.(P-value is less than0.01). We found that ATP, ADP, and TAN content decreases with increasing radiation dose in2Gy to8Gy, showing a dose effect, but after8Gy, no statistical difference between the group of adenylate content. The ratio of mitochondrial energy substances and DNA in small intestine and energy substances trends, indicating that energy metabolism is one of the mechanisms of cell injury. Compared with the energy of the unit wet weight of the small intestine material content, the relationship of unit DNA-energy matter content with pathological integral unit wet weight of energy material changes and pathological changes was more closely. Of all energy materials, the changes of TAN content has the closest relationship with pathological changes. RT-PCR results showed that the trend of the13genes associated with mitochondria encoding protein in the72hours after irradiation were almost the same. Significant differences existed in expression levels for each experimental group and control group less than8Gy, there are significant differences between each dose group, the amount of gene expression is obviously reduced, showing a dose effect. The expression of8Gy group only about20%of the normal group, but higher than8Gy, there is no significant difference among the experimental group.
     Chapter I:The establishment of Tibet mini pig model
     1、We successfully established different stages of acute radiation sickness in Tibet mini pig model at range of2Gy-14Gy radiation
     2、Based on pathology and ultrastructure observation, there is different injury mechanism in Tibet mini pig at different stages of acute radiation sickness, we need to further explore.
     Chapter Ⅱ:The exploration of diagnosis value of PET/CT in acute radiation disease in Tibet mini pig model
     1、At different time points, we use PET/CT to detect the different dose groups in Tibet mini pigs with acute radiation sickness model, the same trend of SUV values were first increased and then decreased. Inflection point location is about5Gy to8Gy. It proves that PET/CTdoes not apply to the determination of the radiation dose acute radiation sickness.
     2、We speculated that in the case of the presence of inflammation, the reason that the SUV value even decrease may be the possibility of reduced glucose metabolism due to obstacle in organism energy metabolism is much greater than the increased glucose metabolism trigered by inflammation.
     Chapter Ⅲ Injury mechanisms of energy metabolism in acute radiation sickness
     Radiation-induced intestinal mitochondrial energy generation obstacle is the result of multi-link, multi-component. If the radiation dose is not lethal, energy metabolism can still maintain a certain level, but not completely off balance, cell function may recover. When the energy of the material drop to a certain extent, the chance of recovery is greatly reduced. The decrease of respiratory chain complex activity, the strengthen uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation,the reduction of respiratory function and mtDNA damage as well as the energy changes of substance, all play a role in mitochondrial energy production, which to improve to be an effective intervention target.
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