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随着纳米技术的发展和表面等离子体光子学的兴起,光与金属微纳米结构相互作用时呈现出的新颖光学效应及其应用已成为一个研究热点,而周期为波长量级的金属光栅则是人们在研究光与周期性金属结构相互作用时常采用的一种结构模型。本论文采用严格耦合波分析法(Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis, RC WA),对基于纳米金属光栅结构的表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance, SPR)效应及其传感应用进行了深入的研究。
     (1)运用数值模拟的方法研究了光栅耦合激发表面等离子体波的结构模型中光栅周期、光栅深度、入射介质折射率以及不同的金属材料对表面等离子体共振特性的影响,并通过理论分析给出了相应的物理解释;在分别研究了基于金和铝两种金属材料的光栅耦合表面等离子体传感器传感特性的基础上,提出了一种Al-Au双金属层结构的光栅耦合表面等离子体共振传感模型。数值分析表明,该传感器具有良好的传感特性,其角度灵敏度可达到187.2°/折射率单位,共振吸收峰的半峰值全宽(Full Width at Half Maximum, FWHM)仅为0.93°,且共振角与待测分析物的折射率具有良好的线性关系,线性相关系数达到0.99828。
With the development of nanotechnology and the rise of plasmonics, the study of the interaction between light and metal micro/nano structure has become a hot subject in recent years. The metallic gratings with the period on the same order of wavelength are a basic structure that is employed in the research of the interaction between light and periodic metallic structure. In this paper, by using rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA), the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors and polarizers based on nano metallic surface-relief gratings are analyzed.
     The main research works are as follows:
     Firstly, based on numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, the influences of the grating period, grating height, the refractive index of incident medium and different metal materials on the resonant properties are analyzed and explained in the scheme of excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) using a metallic grating; a novel grating-coupled SPR sensor with Al-Au bimetallic layer is proposed, and the refractive index sensitivity of the SPR sensor is predicted to be 187.2 degree per refractive index units (°/RIU), the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the resonant absorption peaks is 0.93°. In addition, the shift of resonance angle as the refractive index of the medium surrounding the metal surface varied is completely linear, and the correlation coefficient is 0.99828 according to linear regression analyses.
     Secondly, based on the scheme of excitation of SPPs using a prism coupler and the attenuated total refection method, the principle of resonant coupling surface plasmon wave to radiation modes by use of gratings is investigated, the influences of the grating height, grating period and the thickness of metal layer on coupled efficiency are analyzed. A peak coupling efficiency of 74.57% is obtained by use of a dielectric grating with optimized structural parameters, the configuration allows TM-polarized light to be transmitted and TE-polarized light to be reflected, the extinction ratio for radiation modes and reflection modes are 30dB and 42.2dB respectively. The configuration can be used as a transmission-type SPR sensor because the resonance condition is highly sensitive to the variations of the medium surrounding the metal surface, and the properties of the sensor with the dielectric gratings and metallic gratings are investigated respectively. In addition, a method to enhance the sensitivity of the transmission-type SPR sensor by use of low refractive index prism is proposed.
     Thirdly, we propose a SPPs excitation scheme based on continuous film metallic gratings, in which the prism coupling method and grating coupling method are combined. The properties of surface plasmon resonance are analyzed in condition of small period grating and large period grating respectively, and the physical interpretation related to the results is provided according to theoretical analysis. The sensitivity enhancement of SPR sensor with continuous film metallic gratings is investigated. When the period of gratings is comparatively large, the method of double dips is adopted in order to enhance the sensitivity of SPR sensor. It is found that the refractive index sensitivity of the SPR sensor is predicted to be 153.23°/RIU, and the shift of resonance angle as the refractive index of the medium surrounding the metal surface varied is completely linear, and the correlation coefficient is 0.99997 according to linear regression analyses.
     Finally, based on the effect of form-birefringence of subwavelength metallic gratings, an Aluminum wire-grid polarizer for visible wavelengths is proposed, and the theoretical research shows that aluminum wire-grid polarizer has high transmission coefficient and extinction ratio over the visible spectrum, as well as uniform performance with wide variations in the angle of incidence. In addition, the influences of the fabrication error of gratings and the oxide layers coated on the wire on the polarization properties are analyzed. It is shown that the small fabrication errors do not have a significant effect on the polarization properties of wire-grid polarizer, and the polarizer with oxide layers coating on the wires still provides high performance.
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