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In the big science era, as the knowledge needed is becoming more and morecomplex, and the scientific research scale is increasingly expanding, the scientificresearch activity is not still disperse and dependent on the individuals’ behaviors.The forms of knowledge innovation have varied fundamentally, and graduallyevolved into the team forms to carry out knowledge innovation activities. To adaptto the development requirements of science and technology and to respond to theChina’s encouragement to establish the scientific research teams, the universities inChina their own scientific research teams one after another. The scientific researchteams in China have achieved many glorious accomplishments in basic research andbasic research for applications. However, compared with scientific research teamsat abroad, there are still some gaps between scientific research teams at home andabroad. Many university scientific research teams are temporarily formd to set upscientific research projects, thus it is difficult to build knowledge collaborationrelationships among team members, so that the knowledge resources in team’sinterior are still situated in the integration state at low levels, which will havenegative effects on the achievements to advanced knowledge innovation outputs. Inorder to achieve high level knowledge innovation output, it should be certain thatteam members can establish valid knowledge integration relationship, to improvethe team’s internal knowledge resources integration state.
     On the basis of the relative research outputs at home and abroad, the relativetheory foundations of the university scientific research team’s internal knowledgeintegration towards knowledge innovation, the knowledge integration process, theestablishment and analysis of knowledge integration network, the relationshipbetween team’s internal internal knowledge integration and team’s knowledgeinnovation performance, and the incentive mechanism of knowledge integration arestudied in this dissertation, which contributes to the understanding of the relativeproblems of the university scientific research team’s internal knowledge integrationtowards knowledge innovation, the enrichment and improvement to the theories andmethods of the university scientific research team’s internal knowledge integrationtowards knowledge innovation, and provides the decision making basis to the goingwell of university scientific research team’s knowledge integration.
     First of all, the connotation of the university scientific research teams’ knowledgeintegration towards knowledge innovation is analyzed and the players’ roles in theteam’s internal knowledge integration activities are clearly defined, on the basis ofwhich, the teams’ internal knowledge integration models are analyzed deeply to construct the teams’ internal knowledge integration networks.
     Information fusion theory model based on behavioral knowledge is used to studythe process of the university scientific research teams’ internal knowledgeintegration at the whole and detailed analysis. It is presented that the knowledgeintegration process is comprised of stages of setting knowledge integration goal,acquiring knowledge resources, recognizing knowledge resources, filteringknowledge resources, allocating knowledge resources, knowledge reconstitution,etc. Then the tasks in each stage are discussed in detail.
     The social network analysis method is used to analyze the team members’knowledge integration relationships on the basis of the team’s internal knowledgeinnovation outputs, and to structure the knowledge integration relationship networkfrom those five aspects of relationships of knowledge cross-citation, knowledgeinteraction, knowledge citation coupling, knowledge features coupling andknowledge co-citation, which will lay a theoretic foundation for the empirical studyon the correlations between knowledge integration and knowledge innovationperformance.
     In the emprical study, the PLS(Partial Least Squares) method is used to examinethe correlations between teams’ internal knowledge integration and teams’knowledge innovation performance. The measurement model and the structuralmodel are tested and verified respectively. According to the test indices, the relevanthypotheses are determined to test the five knowledge integration models’ affectingextents and directions. According to the empirical study results, it is concluded thatthe team’s internal knowledge integration relationships’ duration is the key toimprove the team’s knowledge innovation performance, and it needs to setreasonable and effective incentive mechanisms in the teams’ internal knowledgeintegration activities to maintain the knowledge integration networks’ sustainability.
     The incentive mechanisms in the university scientific research teams’ internalknowledge integration are studied from the aspects of both the individual membersand the whole team. The incentive mechanism about the individual members isexamined from the viewpoints of the principal-agent theory in the informationeconomics, and the individual members’ participating incentives in the teams’knowledge innovation are studied, which becomes the basis of implementing theteam’s internal knowledge integrating innovation.
     The socical network analysis method is used to study the whole team’s internalknowledge integration incentives. According to the players’ roles, an example isused to analyze the benefit distribution mechanism in the university scientificresearch team’s internal knowledge integration, which is viewed as the incentivemechanism on the whole team.
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