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The Industry-University-Research(IUR)cooperation is the natural form of technical innovation activities, and an important activity units of national and regional innovation system , The IUR cooperation can effectively promote the commercialization, so the IUR cooperation is technological innovation organization that the world promote, is a hot issue of the academic research.
     Current domestic scholars on the Industry-University-Research cooperative innovation in the organization of the majority is limited to models, dynamic mechanism, and cooperation mechanisms, such as impediments to cooperation, the approach used in research methodology and theory, game theory research methods. Although some scholars have begun to study the IUR cooperation by knowledge management cooperation and innovation theory, in the absence of a domestic hot and consensus on the sharing of knowledge flows and the lack of research mechanisms. The thesis applies synecology to study the IUR cooperative innovation, the basic assumption is to take the IUR cooperative innovation phenomenon in some region as an innovation community. And from the perspective of econogical spaces, ecological factors and realationship of species, the IUR cooperative innovation community is studied. And the evolution mechanisms of IUR cooperative innovation community are studied-from the evolutionary view.
     First, the concept of IUR cooperative innovation is defined, the dynamics of cooperative innovation is analyzed. And points out that IUR cooperative innovation is the core of the national and regional innovation system. And then analyzed the actual condition of industry-University-Research cooperative innovation, pointing out that some of the major issues, including the study of ecological spaces mismatches, enterprise Mistaken ecological spaces, the distribution of benefits coordination and innovation poor ecological environment.
     Secondly, introduces the theory of the origin and development of innovative communities, and builds the research framework of IUR cooperative innovation community, and industry clusters through comparison, analyzes the distinction between them and revealed the nature of IUR cooperative innovation communities. Then analyzes innovative communities, ecological spaces of enterprises, ecological spaces of universities and research institutions, the ecological spaces, analyzes the ecological factors of IUR cooperative innovation community, such as eco-cultural factors, a highly commercialized innovative services ecological factors, VC ecological factors, and legal environment factors, equality, open society culture ecological factors, social capital and trust ecological factors, then analyzed the spicies relationship,such as mutual symbiotic relationship, although relations, parasitic relationship.
     Again, the evolution stages of IUR cooperative innovation is analyzed, including shaping-development-maturity-decline and renewal phase. Then, explore communities learning mechanisms of IUR cooperative innovation, including acts of communities and the interpretation, the path dependence of learning, and communities "access barriers" ~ of the study, within learning communities, learning communities and communities outside of the collective learning process. Finally, the sharing of knowledge and trust mechanisms that promote the industry-University-Researcher cooperation innovation community evolution are analyzed.
     The IUR cooperation different communities differences in their cooperation and innovation system innovation differences. And the communities of innovation system depends primarily on the interaction between various innovative stocks and the associated level of the exchange and sharing of knowledge and collective learning degrees, it is precisely because of the unpredictability of these indicators, this does not directly evaluate the system innovation, but through a path of combining evaluation of the input-output efficiency of cooperation and innovation communities to the system that a communities ability to innovate. The design of the community input-output indexes, and then evaluate the input-output model of DEA efficiency, and thus more systematic innovation differences.
     Finally, promoting a the IUR cooperation innovative form of cooperation with the evolutionary approach, such as IUR cooperative innovation the appropriate ecological spaces, nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation for the social and cultural ecological factors, a highly commercialized innovative services ecological factors, risk investment ecological factors, the promotion of cooperation and innovation path of combining knowledge-sharing communities, the promotion of social capital and communities of trust forming.
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