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    制方法,并利用此方法在Motoman UP6机器人上进行了机器人装配
    0;自霎霎ZI 0十9什个了
    t:自自自//J”人 上 丁B---x卜乙 八
    \‘。”、-八1u乃RS 了HESIS
The uppermost represent of automatization is intelligentize. The study
     of robot intelligentize has become one main aspect of technology
     development. As for intelligentize robot, there are 2 cores: the one is the
     percipience to environment of the system in those actions; the second is
     the robot real time action after the percipience. The highly unification of
     these two aspects is necessity requirement. Therefore, the study in force
     sense and force control is important component on comprehensive
     research in sensibility and action of robot. It is belong to the foundation
     of robot study.
     Force control is the core of force sense research. Force sense and force
     control interpenetrate the whole process of the robot performance. The
     typical feature of force control is force/position strongly coupling, which
     are very complex hybrid control and the main research direction of robot
     In the last twenty years, robot assembly is the key link of the auto-
     flexibility manufacture. It requires high-precision position information
     and the precise geometric feature of the assembling work piece. It is very
     important of the research of robot assembly to enlarge its application rang.
     In the robot assembly, because of the uncertainty of assembly, such as
     product common difference, controlling uncertainty and sensor error etc.),
     simply position control can抰 implement the assembly task with touch
     constraint. Since the little position error will possibly cause large touch
     force between work piece and environment, which can be damaged to
     robot or assembly body. It is not complete solution that how to quickly
     and precisely assembly.
     In the practice, because there are some uncertainties of assembly body,
     location, sensor error and robot motion, the assembly process might occur
     accident. Many researchers have done many good jobs. Since robot
     assembly is the historical development process of serial of touch states,
     the control strategy of assembly must adjust with the different states,
     which might have quick and effective control.
     In this thesis, the latest robot compliant control methods are introduced.
     And the detailed analysis and research of these methods are presented.
     The key problem of robot compliant control and the solution are pointed
     out. The research directions are also pointed out
     On the bases, one method based on fuzzy control robot compliant
     control is presented. And the assembly experimentation is preformed
     using this method on Motoman UP6 robots. This experimentation shows
     the method is correct and effective. At the same time, one algorithm based
     on feedforward iteration robot compliant is presented. And the simulation
     result may be a reference to others.
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