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     方法:病例来源为自2007年3月1日~2008年5月30日菏泽市立医院神经内科病房收住的患者及门诊病人。共分为①治疗组:急性颈内动脉系统脑梗死患者共132例,年龄35-80岁,平均56.7±11.6岁。均符合第四届全国脑血管病会议修订的诊断标准,发病在48小时以内;神经系统症状和体征符合颈内动脉供血区脑梗死;头颅CT平扫排除脑出血。所有入组患者在48小时内首次给予阿司匹林300mg口服,后随机分为两组,分别给与两种不同剂量(75mg,150mg)阿司匹林口服。②对照组:另外同期选取正常健康查体者30例作为对照组,年龄在42-70岁,平均52.1±13.4岁。均采取空腹静脉血4 ml,对照组即刻抽血,治疗组分别于服药前、服药后7天、2周、4周采取。血标本放入离心机以3500转/分的速度离心10分钟后,吸取血浆1ml,作LPA浓度测定。并对治疗组患者应用欧洲卒中量表(ESS)进行功能转归评分。实验数据采用SPSS11.0统计软件进行统计分析。两组间均数比较采用t检验,多个样本均数比较采用单因素方差分析。
Objective:To observe the influence of different dose of aspirin to the LPA level in patients with acute internal carotid circulation infarction.And to provide the basis for the preservation and intervention of the ischemic cerebrovascular disease.
     Methods:The patients resource was the patients with acute internal carotid circulation infarction in Heze Municipal Hospital neurological medicine department and the medical outpatients from 2007.3.1-2008.5.30.Then divided into two group①therapia group:132 patients with acute internal carotid circulation infarction,age 35-80 years old,average age 56.7±11.6s.All coincidence with the castigatory diagnostic criteria in the fourth nationwide congress,onset in 48 hours,verified by CT,the nervous system symptoms and signs were fit internal carotid circulation cerbral infarction.All Patients were randomly classified into two groups,within 48 hours,of which 66 were receiving 75mg/d(low-dose) aspirin tablet,and other 66 were receiving 150mg/d(high-dose) aspirin tablet.②30 cases normal healthy human adopted as control group,age 42-70 years old,average age 52.1±13.4s.They were not accompanied with important organ diseases such as heart、liver,especially ovary cancer.Took venous blood 4ml in specific days on an empty stomach,control group taken instantly,therapia group taken blood before taking aspirin and after taking 7days、2weeks、4weeks.The bloods were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3500r/min.Took suction 1ml blood plasma to make LPA concentration measurement.Used ESS scoring the function turnover to the therapia group patients.All datas were analysed statistically by SPSS 11.0 statiatical software.One-way analysis of variance was adopted to compare multiple sample mean.The mean of the two sample were compared with t test.
     Results:1.Plasma LPA level in the patients with acute internal carotid circulation infarction before taking aspirin rose significantly,which were (4.06±1.23μmol/L)versus the control(1.77±1.03μmol/L)(P<0.05)
     2.Except 2 cases stoping the study for the adverse reaction of aspirin,Patients with acute internal carotid circulation infarction took apirin 75mg/qd group or took aspirin 150mg/qd,group in 7days,the PLA levels were all reduced significantly,which was(2.70±1.42μmol/L )or(2.31±1.03μmol/L) versus the control (1.77±1.03μmol/L)(P<0.05),among the total,the high-dose reduced significantly, which was(2.31±1.03μmol/L) versus the low-dose(2.70±1.42μmol/L)(P<0.05).The LPA levels of the patients who took different doses of aspirin in 4weeks have no statistics significance(P>0.05)。
     3.Score the function to the two therapia groups patients use ESS.The score in 2weeks versus before overdose improve significantly,and 150mg/d group improve more obviously;the score in 4weeks have little difference.
     conclusion:The results of this study showed that the LPA level rose obviously in patients with acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease,taking aspirin tablet could reduce the content of plasma LPA.Proved LPA increased in close contact with platelet activation,aspirin may be ways to inhibit COX-inhibiting platelet activation,and thus inhibit the platelet-activating to have a process of LPA generating.After cerbral infarction two weeks,low-dose aspirin could control the stability of the LPA content,which may be provide the base to looking for the optimal dose of cerebral infarction for the secondary prevention.
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