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     第二部分我们主要研究了g=osp(1|2n)的表示.我们首先证明了此时的包络代数的中心是整闭的,再结合第一部分的结论,得到了Z(g)恰好由P-中心以及中心中Gev-不变部分生成.在这个证明过程中,我们还得到了代数Z(g)Gev与u(η)W间的同构,这也推广了李代数情形的Harish-Chandra定理.接着我们利用范畴等价的方法以及反中心的性质,具体给出了当p-特征函数x∈g*是正则半单和正则幂零时的Ux(g)的偶模范畴的块分解.特别地,我们得到了X正则幂零时,Ux(g)的不可约模的同构类的分类;并且利用投射维数的性质,证明了此时的baby Verma模都不是投射模,这个结论推广了王伟强-赵磊在osp(1|2)情形的结果.接着,我们给出了Z(U(osp(1|2)))的极大谱的光滑点和ospp(1|2)的不可约模之间的关系.这个结果和典型李代数的情形不一样,因为此时存在一个不是最大维数的不可约模,它的中心零化子却是光滑点.最后,我们完全给出了osp(1|2)的所有偶模范畴的块分解.
     第三部分我们研究了李代数的幂零锥和它的不变多项式环A.A.Premet在1990年猜想:所有有限维限制李代数的幂零锥都是不可约的.对于典型李代数,该猜想所陈述的是已广为认知的结论.对于Jacoboson-Witt代数,Premet本人在文献[63]中给予了证明,并且在同一文献中他还证明了该代数的包络代数在Jacobson-Witt代数自同构群作用下的不变量环可由类似于经典情形Chevalley限制定理的结果刻画.本文的研究对象是S型的Cartan型李代数.我们通过构造幂零锥的一个稠密子集证明了这个猜想对S型也是成立的.同时,我们证明了特殊代数Sn的幂零锥是个完全交.对于它的不变多项式环,我们在[9]的基础上证明了下面的结论:k[Sn]Aut(sn)(?)k[T'nZ]Weyl Group,其中Tn′是Sn的广义环面.这个结论改进了[9]的相关结果也是典型李代数的Chevally限制定理的推广.作为推论,我们得到了Sn有无穷多个幂零轨道,这也部分证明了姚裕丰和舒斌的一个猜想.
This thesis is mainly on the study of basic classical Lie superalgebra and Cartan type Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p>2and their representations. The main results are listed below:
     The first main result is on the center of the universal enveloping algebra of a basic classical Lie superalgebra. Let g=g0+g1be such a Lie superalgebra over k. There is an algebraic supergroup G satisfying Lie(G)=g, with the purely even subgroup Gev which is a connected reductive group. The center Z(g) of the universal enveloping algebra U(g) turns out to be commutative. Then we prove in two different ways that the center Z(g) is an integral domain, and furthermore prove that U(g)(?)z(g) Frac(Z(g)) is a simple superalgebra over Frac(Z(g)). This enables us to prove the conjecture proposed by Bin Shu and Lisun Zheng about the structure of the center of enveloping algebra. That is, the quotient field of Z(g) coincides with that of the subalgebra generated by the Gev-invariant ring Z(g)Gev of Z(g) and the p-center Zo of U(g0).
     The second main result is on the representations of Lie superalgebra g=osp(1|2n). As an application of the first main result to this special case, we first show that Z(U(g)) is just generated by Z(g)Gev and Z0. We can also get an algebraic isomorphism between Z(g)Gev and U(η))w, which generalizes the Harish-Chandra theorem in the case of complex semi-simple Lie algebras. Then we investigate the blocks of the underlying even category of Ux(g) for χ∈g*. By equivalence of categories and the property of the anti-center of U(g), we de-scribe precisely the blocks when χ is regular semisimple and regular nilpotent. In particular, when χ is regular nilpotent, we classify the isomorphism classes of irreducible modules; moreover, we show that in this case there is no projective baby Verma module by computing dimensions, generalizing the result of Wang-Zhao for osp(1|2). Next, we give the precise relation between the smooth points of the maximal spectrum Maxspec (Z(g)) and the corresponding irreducible mod- ules for osp(1|2). This result is different from the case of classical Lie algebra. Finally, we count all blocks in the case for osp(1|2).
     The third result is on the irreducibility of the variety of nilpotent elements in a Lie algebra and the ring of invariant polynomial functions on the Lie algebra. A.A.Premet conjectured that this variety is irreducible for any finite dimensional restricted Lie algebra. It is well known that this variety is irreducible for any classical Lie algebra. And then, Premet in [63] confirmed this conjecture for Jacoboson-Witt algebra. In the same paper, he described the ring of invariant polynomial functions on the Jacoboson-Witt algebra by a Chevalley restricted theorem similar to the classical Lie algebras. In the present thesis, we study the the Lie algebra Sn of Cartan type of S type. The conjecture for type S is showed to be true by constructing a dense subset. Moreover, It can be shown that the variety of nilpotent elements in the algebra Sn is a complete intersection. Motivated by the proof of the irreducibility, we show that k[Sn]Aut(Sn)(?)k[T'n]WeylGroup, where T'n is a generic torus in Sn. This result also generalizes the Chevalley restrict theorem of classical Lie algebras. As a byproduct, we also prove that there are infinitely many nilpotent orbits in Sn, which give a positive answer to a conjecture of Yufeng Yao and Bin Shu.
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