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二维共形场论((Conformal Field Theory)是理论物理和统计物理研究的重要内容.在研究二维共形场的额外对称(Additional Symmetry)的过程中,A. B.Zamolodchikov [Z]在198_5年引入了W代数.W代数又被称为扩展的共形代数(Extended Conformal Algebra),主要用来描述共形场的对称性.它不仅在二维量子场论中有着广应用[[BPZ],而且为研究可积系统提供了有力工具[[BG].此外,W代数具有丰富的代数结构,与李理论的很多领域密切相关,比如Kac-Moody代数[[BFe],顶点代数[ZD],李超代数[[FRP]等.因此,研究与W代数相关联的无限维李代数的结构与表示对理论物理以及李理论都具有一定的意义.
     第三章主要研究了形变Schr(o|¨)dinger-Virasoro代数的中间序列的不可分解模.基于第二章的研究以及文献[[LSZ]的结果,这类代数的结构问题已经得到了较全面的研究.但是,此类代数的表示问题,尤其是Harish-Chandra模的分类,至今还没有完整的结果.本文的第三章,利用文献[[Su]所引入的方法,对此类代数的中间序列的不可分解模进行了讨论.这样,结合第三章以及文献[[FLL]和[[LS 1]的结果,这类代数的中间序列的不可分解模得到了完全的分类.
Conformal field theory is an important part in theoretical physics and statisticalphysics. During the process of investigating the additional symmetry in two-dimensionalconformal field theory, Zamolodchikov [Z] introduced W-algebras in 1985. They werealso called extended conformal algebra, and mainly used to describe the symmetriesof the conformal fields. They not only have many applications in two-dimensionalquantum field theories [BPZ], but also serve as a useful tool in the investigation ofrational conformal field theories [BG]. Besides, W-algebras have very rich mathemat-ical structures, which are very closely related to various aspects of Lie theory, suchas kac-Moody algebra [BFe], vertex algebra [ZD], Lie superalgebra [FRP]. Thereforeit is of great importance to study the structures and representations of some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras related to the W-algebras in Lie theory and theoretical physics.
     In this thesis, we mainly study the structures and representations of some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, including the generalized Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro algebras, thetwisted deformative Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro algebras and a class of infinite Lie algebracalled extended W-algebra. These Lie algebras contain some special W-algebras astheir subalgebra.
     In Chapter 2, we study the central extensions and derivation algebra of the gen-eralized Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro algebras, and the derivation algebra and automorphismgroup of the twisted deformative Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro Lie algebras. The generalizedSchr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro algebra is the generalization of the Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro alge-bra, whose automorphism group and the irreducibility of Verma modules were com-pletely determined in [TZ]. But, the representations and structures of this Lie algebraare not completely investigated so far. In the first part of chapter 2, the central exten-sions and derivations of this Lie algebra were determined. The twisted deformativeSchr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro is the natural deformation of the Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro algebra,whose structures contain two parameters. For the special values of the parameters,the representations and structures of this Lie algebra were studied in [RU]. In the lat-ter part of chapter 2, after some more discussions on parameters, the derivation algebra and automorphism group of the twisted deformative Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro Lie algebrasare determined.
     In Chapter 3, we obtain the indecomposable modules of intermediate series overthe deformative Schr(o|¨)¨dinger-Virasoro algebra. On the basis of the results in chaptertwo and [LSZ], the structures of these Lie algebras were already characterized. But,the representation theory, especially the classification of the Harish-Chandra module,has not been studied up to the present day. In chapter 3, by using the method providedin [Su], the indecomposable modules of intermediate series over these Lie algebraswere given. Combined these with the results of [FLL] and [LS1], the indecomposablemodules of intermediate series over these Lie algebras were completely classified.
     In Chapter 4, a class of infinite dimension Lie algebra called extended W-algebrawas defined, and the second cohomology group, derivation algebra and automorphismgroup of this Lie algebra were completely determined. This Lie algebra can be viewedas the semi-direct product of a generalized Witt algebra and two of its intermediateseries modules. It contains the generalized Witt algebra and the generalized W-algebraW(a,b) as its subalgebras. One can see that there are four parameters in the structureof this Lie algebra. For the special values of these parameters, it can obtain manywell-known infinite dimension Lie algebras. Because of a considerable number of pa-rameters, it is a challenging work to determine the structures and representations of thisLie algebra. In the last chapter of this thesis, the second cohomology group, derivationalgebra and automorphism group of this Lie algebra were completely studied.
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