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With the development and prosperity of finance, more and morecountries have begun to pay attention to the construction of internationalfinancial centers (IFCs), meanwhile played a more important role.Especially after the global financial crises,“Nationalism” has againbecome a focus of the research.
     Through the comparative analysis of the State Role in theConstruction of IFCs, which based on different time period anddevelopment modes, this paper primarily focuses on the following fourissues:(1) the state role in the Construction of an IFC;(2) the similaritiesand differences of the state role in the Construction of IFCs in the differenttime period;(3) the similarities and differences of the state role in thedifferent mode’s Construction of IFCs;(4) the similarities and differencesof the state role in the Construction of an IFC in China.
     In order to make a comprehensive and in-depth discussion of theissues above, this paper adopts the theoretical method, the empiricalanalysis method, the case studies and comparative studies, regards the IFCconstruction as the analysis framework, and regarding the state role as aresearch objective.
     The paper is divided into five chapters:
     Chapter1, as an introduction, introduces the background, researchsignificance, theoretical review, research method, paper framework andmain innovation of this paper.
     Chapter2, as a foundation of the empirical analysis latter, incubatedtheoretically the state role in economic and financial development from theperspective of state autonomy. This chapter further made a comparisonabout the state role between socialist countries and capitalist countries inthe economic and financial development by comparing the Marxismeconomic theory with the western classic economic theory.
     Chapter3, as a developmental study, made a historically comparativeanalysis of the State Role in the Construction of IFCs. The IFCs evolutioncan bee divided into three historical periods base on the levels ofproductivity and financial development. In each period, the representativeand specific cases of IFCs constructions are discussed to comprehensivelyanalyze their backgrounds, processes, objectives, country policies and stateroles. Based on the analysis, this chapter compares the different countriesin different periods, concludes the fact that the state play a more importantrole in the development of the IFC, and contradicts the free market theoryby historically comparing the relationships between the country andfinancial market in the constructions of IFCs.
     Chapter4, as a cross-sectional study, divides IFCs into four groups.The IFCs can be classified into the economic-oriented financial center and the service-oriented financial center based on quote currency, and thecatch-up method financial center and the natural-growth method financialcenter based the level of economic and financial development. By thedifferent permutation and combination of these two basic pairs, the IFCscan be divided in to four primary modes. By characterizing and comparingthe nationalism, state capacity and national intervention, we can concludethe characteristics of these modes. For example, the country that constructeconomic-oriented&catch-up financial center has a close relationshipbetween the government and the bank.
     Chapter5, based on the studies above, further investigates thesituation in China, which is a socialist country, in comparative perspective.By analyzing the national objective, the level of financial development andopening, the method of financial development and the specific countrystrategies in China, this chapter concludes the fact that China’s uniquepolitical and economic mechanism provides Chinese main financialcompanies, which established and developed by country, the features ofpublicity, sociality and nationalization, which has protected thenationalism of China. Facing the challenge from opening, however, Chinais required to improve the level of financial development and statemanagement as soon as possible.
1Kindleberger, C. P.,1974, The Formation of Financial Centers: A Study in Comparative Economic History. Princeton:Princeton University Press.
    2Dufey, G. and Sohnke M. B.,1997, the Impacts of Offshore Financial Centers on International Financial Markets, theInternational Executive, vol.39(5) Sep,535-579.
    3Robert, R.,2004. A guide to London’s global financial centre. The Economist (online).
    4Jao, Y.C.,2004. Shanghai and Hong Kong as international financial centres: Historical perspective and contemporaryanalysis. Working paper.
    5Choi, S.R., Tschoegl, A.E. and Yu, C.M.,1986. Banks and the world’s major financial centers,1970–1980.Weltwirtschaftliches archiv,122(1):48-64.
    6Reed, H.C.,1981. The Preeminence of International Financial Centers. New York: Peadeger Publishers.
    7Abraham, J.P., Bervaes, N., Guinotee, A.,1994. The Competitiveness of International Financial Centers. In theChanging Face of European Banks and Securities, edited by J. Revell,229-276. New York: St Martin’s Press.
    8Liu, Y-C., Strange, R.,1997. An Empirical Ranking of International Financial Centers (in the Asia-Pacific Region).International Executive39(5),651-674.
    9Harry, G.J.,1976. Panama as a Regional Financial Center: A Preliminary Analysis of Development Contribution.Economic Development and Cultural Change,24(2),261-286.
    10Jones, G.,1992. International Financial Centres in Asia, the Middle East and Australia: A Historical Perspective‖inY. Cassis (ed.), Finance and Financiers in European History1880-1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,405-428.
    11Jao, Y.C.,2004. Shanghai and Hong Kong as international financial centres: Historical perspective and contemporaryanalysis. Working paper.
    12Dufey, G., and Ian H.G.,1978. Financial Centers and External Financial Markets, in Appendix2of The InternationalMoney Market, Englewood Cliffs, NL, Princeton-Hall,35-47.
    13McCarthy, I.,1997. Offshore Banking Centers: Benefits and Costs. Finance and Development,16(4):45-48.
    14Jao. Y.C.,1980. Hong Kong as a Regional Financial Center: Evolution and Prospects. In Leung Chi-keung, J.W.Cushman and Wang Gungwu (eds.), Hong Kong Dilemmas of Growth, Canberra: Australian National University,161-194.
    15Jao. Y.C.,1988. Hong Kong’s Banking System in Transition: Problems, Prospects, and Policies. Hong Kong, ChineseBanks Association Ltd.
    16McGahey, R., M. Malloy, K. Kazanas, and M.P. Jacobs.1990. Financial services, financial centers: Public policy andthe competition for markets, firms and jobs. Boulder CO: West view Press.
    17Choi, S.R., Tschoegl, A.E. and Yu, C.M.,1986. Banks and the world’s major financial centers,1970–1980.Weltwirtschaftliches archiv,122(1):48-64.
    18Park, Y.S.,1982, the Economics of Offshore Financial Center, Columbia Journal of World Business, Winter:31.
    19Yang, Y.H.,2001The Financial System and Financial Reform, Taiwan's Economic Success Since1980, edited by C.C. Mai and C. S. Shih, Edward Elgar,347-377.
    31Samuel, H.,1968, Political Order and Changing Societies. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
    32Gabriel, A.,1965, A Developmental Approach to Political Systems, World Politics16.
    57Greenwald, B., and Stiglitz, J.E.,1986. Externalities in economics with imperfect information and incompletemarkets, Quartey Journal of Economics101:229-264.
    58Stiglitz, J.E.,1988. Economics of the public Sector.2red, Norton, New York.
    70Dufey, G., and Ian H.G.,1978. Financial Centers and External Financial Markets, in Appendix2of The InternationalMoney Market, Englewood Cliffs, NL, Princeton-Hall,35-47.
    71Jones, G.,1992. International Financial Centres in Asia, the Middle East and Australia: A Historical Perspective‖inY. Cassis (ed.), Finance and Financiers in European History1880-1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,405-428.
    72McGahey, R., M. Malloy, K. Kazanas, and M.P. Jacobs.,1990. Financial services, financial centers: Public policyand the competition for markets, firms and jobs. Boulder CO: Westview Press.
    73Sassen, S.1991. Elements in a Global Hierarchy, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, Chapter7, Princeton:Princeton University Press,168-191.
    74Witt, U.1986. Evolution and stability of cooperation without enforceable contracts. Kyklos,39(2):245–266.
    75North, D.C.,1990. Institutional Change and Economic Performance, London: Cambridge University Press.
    76North, D.C.,1994. Economic Performance Through Time, American Economic Review,84(3):359-368.
    77North, D.C.,1997. The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics to an Understanding of the TransitionProblem. WIDER Annual Lecture.
    78Arthur, W.B.,1989. Competing technologies, increasing returns and lock-in by historical events. Economic Journal99,116-131.
    79Campbell, J., Hollingsworth, J. and Lindberg, L.,1991. Governance of the American Economy (eds.), London:Cambridge University Press.
    80Stark D.,1992, Path Dependence and Privatization Strategies in East Central Europe. East European Politics andSocieties6(1),17-54.
    81Hausner, J., Jessop, B. and Nielsen, K.,1995, Strategic Choice and Path-Dependency in Post-Socialism, InstitutionalDynamics in the Transformation Process (eds), Elgar, Aldershot.
    82Sandholm, W.H.,1998, History Independent Prediction in Evolutionary Game Theory, Rationality and Society,10:83303-326.
    84Schmidt, R.H., Spindler, G.,2000, Path Dependence, Corporate Governance and Complementarity, working paper.Vincensini, C.,2001, Is Path Dependence a Useful Concept to Analyse the Evolution of Ownership Structure inCentral Europe? A Theoretical and Empirical Discussion, working paper.
    85Nelson, R.R., Winter, S.G.,1982, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, London: Cambridge UniversityPress,73-136.
    86Lambooy, J.G., Boschma, R.A.,1998, Evolutionary Economics and Regional Policy, paper to be presented at the38thCongress of the European Regional Science Association,28th Lars Magnusson,1994, Mercantilist Economics (eds.),Boston: Kluwer Academic Puublishers.
    88Guillermo O’Donnell, Tensions in the Bureaucratic-Authoritarian State and the Question of Democracy. The NewAuthoritarianism, ed. Collier, P290.
    91Guillermo, O., Tension in the Bureaucratic-Authoritarian State and the Question of Democracy, The NewAuthoritarianism, ed. Collier:290-292.
    92Theda, S.,1979, States and Social Revolutions, Cambridge: Dambridge University Press.
    93Pierre, B.,1980, State, Ideologies and Collective Action in Western Europe, International Social Science Journal32:671-686.
    94Dietrich, R.,1977, Structural Differrentiation, Efficiency and Power, American Journal of Sociology83(1):1-25.
    95Ira, K., and Kenneth, P.,1980, Limits of Choic, Capitalism and State, ed. Fagen,31-33.
    96David, V.,1978, Why Businessmen Distrust Their State: The Political Consciousness of American CorporateExecutives, British Journal of Political Science8:45-78.
    97Spittler, G.,1983, Administration in a Peasant State, Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of the European Society for RuralSociology23:130-144.
    98Alexander, G.,1962, Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective, Cambridge: Harward University Press.
    99Karl, P.,1944, The Great Transformation, New York: Rinehart.
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    104Theda, S.,1980, Political Response to Capitalist Crisis: Neo-Marxist Theories of the State and the Case of the NewDeal, Politics and Society10:155-201.
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    142Mayhew, N.J.,1995, Populations, Money Supply, and the Velocity of Circulation in England,1300-1700, EconomicHistory Review (48):238-257.
    145Eleanora, M., Carus-Wilson., and Olive, C.,1963, England’s Export Trade,1275-1547. Oxford:89-119.
    146Clark, G., and Jacks D.S.,2007, Coal and the Indsutrial Revoution,1700–1869. European Review of EconomicHistory (11):39-72.
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