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The secondary vocational school is the main channel which raises the production serves, the technology and workers for the enterprise and the society, and cultivate the primary special talented person, Its specializes establishment basis is the professional post to talented person’s need, the explicit occupation direction had decided the school to have cultivate students’professional spirit, while raises the student professional technology ,Which helps realize the employment for the student to provide the safeguard, and lays the foundation for students further development after employment.
     "People's Republic of China Professional Educational law", "Secondary vocational school Moral education Program", "Some ideas about furtherly reinforcing Vocational education Work " and so on. The document mentiones the qualities such as: "Positive, enterprising, honest, effer,contribution", these conducts actually all are the professional spiritual apparent behavior requests. The professional spirit is the sum total of a person to the occupation values, the manner and the behavior standards. It is the student’s necessary quality when he/she enters the duty field.The professional spirit is manifesting a person's professional responsibility and the professional mission. At present secondary vocational school has emphasized the skill training, but paid little attention to the professional spiritual cultivation .This phenomenon has led to the student professional spirit flaw and affected the vocational education development. Therefore strengthening the secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation is of practical significance. Under the full investigation and study, and on the basis of the excavation existence information. This article complies with the time request, draws lessons rationally,absorbs related theory achievements, and carries on the preliminary discussion to the question on the secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation.
     The paper is divided into four parts.
     The first part limites the professional spiritual concept, and the professional mental that the secondary vocational school student should have .
     The second part expounds the main content of the student professional spirit which the secondary vocational school cultivates from the theory and the practice angle, mainly including the professional manner, the professional responsibility, the professional discipline, the professional attitude and so on. The second part also elaborates the key link of cultivating the student professional spirit. Training students to conform to the professional spiritual behavior certainly has to unify with the student practical life.Students should understand the truth , be clear about requests study the self-examination, practise repeatedly , and repeatedly after tempering and influences subtly, finally become the behavior the custom, Then realizes transformation which restrains by the other people moves towards oneself requests. This process gradually comes into being,according to enhancing professional spiritual the cognition, influencing the professional mental emotion, disciplining the professional spiritual will, the raising professional mental faith, fostering conforms to the professional spiritual request behavior five parts. The cognition is the premise, the emotion and the will raise cultivation is the necessary condition, the faith cultivation is the core, and the behavior habit is the final goal.
     The third part puts forward eleven ways and six main methods cultivating the student professional spirit. As follows Improving the vocational education social status, the utilization of classroom instruction, teacher’s personal example, depends on the occupation instruction of the class collective, the group organizes, the mass organization, the campus cultural reconstruction , unifing students’daily behavior education, the school, family and society's joint effort, opening education practice base and so on. The cultivation methods mainly have: The reasoning method, the moving method, the practice method, the lamination education method, the psychological consultation method, the appraisal method.
     The fourth part analyzes the question’s origin where secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation exists in our country, the question mainly concentrates on the aspects of the school, the student, the social.These factors interfere with effectively carrying on students professional spirit cultivation work .The school aspect question is shown that the personnel is biased, the education idea does not arrive, the moral education’s actual effect is not ideal, the teacher team’s quality waits for the enhancement, the school and enterprise's distance, the career guidance works no systemalically and so on. The student aspect question mainly is that The ideological recognition has the erroneous zone, the behavior has the flaw, the professional spiritual behavior lacks practice.The social aspect mainly is that the negative influence of exists pursuing of the market benefit, and the occupation spirit takes lack serionsly ,the society lacks drive mechanism of propagating professional spiritual the and environment’s multiplication. The auther put forward several proposals to the secondary vocational school student professional spirit cultivation work, Unifying the overseas experience several countries in the professional spiritual cultivation aspect.
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