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With the development of science and technology, the need of micro system is more and more urgent in many technical fields, such as various operation of cell and polymerized substances, micro surgery, scanning probe microscope(SPM), butting optical fiber, fine manufacturing etc. With the development of microtechnology, micro machine which has the character of micro size or micro motion is new high technology from microcosmic point of view understanding and reconstructing the world. Micro machine technology is important means for researching nanotechnology, so micro machine technology is the first of ten key technology at the end of century and is regarded importantly by developed countries. The ratio of successful operating is often low due to small size of micro tool, operated objects and working room. It is very difficult that the micro operation technology becomes widespread under the circumstances. In order to improve micro operation efficiency and precision with machine vision, this paper is researching
    dual CCD micro stereo vision technology. The main work and innovative ideas includes:
    The paper researches light route of the micro stereo vision system. The single CCD vision system is changed to the two CCD micro stereo vision system. The paper researches the math model of the dual CCD micro stereo vision system.
    The image pretreatment is researched widely which includes graying, smoothing, the choice of threshold value, edge detecting, erosion, dilation, outline detecting, outline tracing, image segment, moment invariants, hough transform etc. The aim of the image pretreatment obtains the image which computers easily identify and understand and establishes the base of stereo match. This paper adopts auto-threshold value technology which can select better threshold value. This paper puts forward rotating projection moment invariants which optimizes moment invariants and identifies conglutinate letters.
    The paper processes gray match with the image gray and on the basis of correlative function. The paper processes feature stereo match with zero crossing. This stereo match method is not sensitive to the change of contrast and illumination. At the same time, the paper applies restriction such as epipolar restriction and sequential restriction which can improve the velocity of the stereo match.
    The paper does many tests which test the system is reasonable. The image pretreatment
    not only offers the image which computers easily identify and understand but also count quantity decreases and the velocity of count improves which contents the image realtime processing. The gray match is tested which tests the method is accurate. The feature match in this paper is stable and applies restriction which improves the velocity of the match. In a word, this paper researches the image pretreatment and stereo match deeply which acquire some fruit.
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