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     相对论量子化学方法包括四分量全相对论和二分量准相对论两大类,长期以来,人们关于这两类方法孰优孰劣一直存在很大分歧。四分量方法形式简单,计算精度高,所以有人说:“四分量好,二分量差!”;但四分量方法计算量很大,只能用于小分子计算,而二分量方法计算量较小,且对价电子有较高的计算精度,因而也有人说:“二分量好,四分量差!”。之所以有如此争议,是因为人们希望好的方法应该简单、精度好、效率高,而这三者往往不可兼得。在充分考察相对论效应局域性的基础上,我们提出了“用原子(或分子片)合成分子”的思想,来大大简化分子的相对论计算,使得四分量完全相对论和二分量准相对论方法在简洁性、计算精度和计算效率诸方面达到完全一致,从而可以说:“四分量、二分量同样好!”。尤其是,我们提出的新一代二分量准相对论XQR(exact matrix quasi-relativistic theory)方法不仅准确,而且比原有的近似方法还要简单,该方法可以对重、轻原子分别进行二分量相对论与标量相对论(非相对论)处理,从而成为联系相对论狄拉克方程与非相对论薛定谔方程的“无缝桥梁”。这是概念上的一大突破。我们完全有理由说,化学(和普通物理)中的相对论问题已得到解决!
     上述工作都在BDF(Beijing Density Functional)程序上完成。
The dissertation is composed of three major parts, viz. relativistic electronic structuretheory, time-dependent relativistic density functional theory, and group symmetries. Goodprogresses have been made along each of the directions.
     (1) New generation relativistic quantum chemical methods
     While the importance of relativistic e?ects for the chemistry and physics of heavy ele-ments has widely been recognized, there is little consensus on how to account for such e?ectsin the actual calculations. That is, which of the two sets of methods, four-component andtwo-component, is superior has long been controversial, and one often hears statements like“four-component good, two-component bad!”or“two-component good, four-component bad!”.In the present dissertation we will show that four- and two-component methods can actuallybe made fully equivalent in all aspects of simplicity, accuracy, and e?ciency, which then allowsus to speak of“four- and two-component equally good!”. Note that this has been achievedbased solely on physical arguments but not on mathematical tricks. One of the essential ideasis“from atoms to molecule”employing the spatial locality of relativistic e?ects and the knowl-edge about the atoms. The other is to formulate two-component theories at matrix level ratherthan at operator level, by one-step block-diagonalization of the matrix representation of theDirac operator in a restricted kinetically balanced basis. The resulting matrix two-componenttheories are far simpler than the operator counterparts and exact in that they can reproduce theelectronic (and positronic) eigenstates of the original Dirac matrix. The SESC (symmetrizedelimination of the small component) variant is particularly attractive because it requires onlynonrelativistic-type molecular ERI integrals and outperforms all previous quasirelativistic the-ories, whether finite- or infinite-order. In addition, SESC furnishes a seamless bridge betweenthe Dirac and Schro¨dinger equations allowing for hybrid treatments of heavy and light elements in the system. This is indeed a conceptual breakthrough. These findings allow us to claim thatrelativity in chemistry (and ordinary physics) has been solved!
     (2)Further development of time-dependent relativistic density functional theory for excitedstates
     Since relativistic density functional theory is so far the only first principles method fordescribing large and complex systems containing heavy elements, it is of great value to extendit to the time-dependent domain in order to describe excited states and dynamical propertiesof heavy elements. This is actually done for the first time by Prof. W. Liu’s group. Inthe present work we have further extended the theory by using a noncollinear form for theexchange-correlation kernel. We have thus obtained a general matrix formalism and a highlyaccurate simplified formulation, by which four-, two-, and one-component relativistic as wellas nonrelativistic time-dependent density functional methods can be expressed with the sameequations.
     (3)A novel method and routines for generating double group and time-reversal symmetriesBy analyzing the characteristics of the Boson and Fermion irreducible representations ofmolecular point groups we have developed a novel method and corresponding routines forgenerating arbitrary single and double point group symmetries as well as time-reversal sym-metry. Full use of such symmetries greatly enhances the e?ciency of density functional andtime-dependent density functional calculations.
     All the works have been accomplished on top of the BDF (Beijing Density Functional)package.
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