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     中 文摘要
    提示在对o 和GABA作用的影响上,氰戊菊酯与辛硫磷之间无协同作用,
    但Q 和 GABA递质功能变化紊乱在拟除虫菊酯神经毒性中可能具有重要
    组和对照组钠通道峰电流失活时间常数分别为 8.10rt.41、
    11.78边76b<001)、876土1.94O<005)和641 士1.32ms,尾电流失活时间常
    数分别 为 6.llto.52卜0.05)、7.82切、82卜0.05)、7、23ti.09卜0.05)和
    感型(TTXK)钠通道的作用大于敏感型门TX七〕 但未见辛:氰混剂对
    735mg/K*、氰戊菊酉 30刀mg/Kg及其混齐、《剂量(l/180LDs。)染毒组辛
    硫磷 8.Zing/Kg、氰戊菊酯 3.3Wb及其混剂和一个对照组。SD大鼠每日
     中 文摘耍
1. Mixed insecticides, with the significant effect on enhancing insecticidal effect,
     postponing resistance development, decreasing mammalian toxicity and
     increasing economy benefit, have been an important formulation and broken
     into the pesticide market. It becomes a main stream in the pesticide industry in
     this country. There are four kinds of the mixed insecticides, of which the most
     common is the binary mixture derived from pyrethroid and organophosphorus
     insecticides. As the mixed pesticides are widely produced and used, the cases
     of acute poisoning have been increasing which has become an important
     occupational hazard to peasants and a problem of public health in this country,
     so scientists in the medical and environmental sciences are of great concern to
     the grand project. According to the research progress at home and abroad, this
     project was studied deeply and systematically in the joint action,
     toxicokinetics and poisoning mechanism of the organophosphorus and
     pyrethroid pesticides so as to provide scientific data for the control of the
     mixed pesticide-poisoning.
     2. The common toxicity coefficients(C.T.C) on the mixtures of phoxim and
     fenvalerate,phoxim and cyhalothrin,cypermethrin and profenofos to the Larva
     with instars of cotton bollworm were 340,797 and 172,respectively,which
     exhibited significant insecticidal effects. The jointactions of the mixtures were
     assessed using Comparative Method of Expected and Experimental LD50 (E/O
     value) and Logistic Regression Method The increased insecticidal effects or
     synergistic effects were testified according to the fact that the E/O values were
     2.67,1.71 and 1.91, l3values>0, and CTC of the mixtures to SD rat were
     285,165 and 180, respectively
     3. The toxicokinetics of fenvalerate and the mixture derived from fenvalerate
     and phoxim with gas chromatography showed that 1. concentration-time
     profiles were fitted to one-compartment open model with first order
     absorption, the main toxicokinetic parameters were respectively Ka=0.47h?
     Ke=0.19 W1, t1,(Ka)1.60h, t112(Ke)3.74h and Ke=0.04 h? t1(Ke)=21.70h
     (no lag time); 2. the elimination rate of fenvalerate was decreased, the
     metabolizability and exclusion of fenvalerate in rat body was retarded. So the
     acute toxicity of fenvalerate to mammal is increased after expoure to the
     mixture. The toxicokinetics of phoxim and the mixture of phoxim and
     fenvalerate with HIPLC showed that 1. concentration-time profiles were also
     fitted to one-compartment open model with first order absorption, the main
     toxicokinetic parameters were separately Ka1 .87h? Ke=0.47 h?
     t1~(Ka)=0.37h, t1~(Ke)=l 47h and Ka=4.33 h? Ke=0.07 h? t112(Ka)=0.lSh,
     t1,2(Ke)10.63h (with lag time); 2. as compared with expoure to single
     phoxim, the toxicokinetic findings after exposure to the mixture exhibited that
     absorption rate of phoxiin was significantly increased and half-life time of
     elimination phase was delayed and metabolic degeneration of phoxim was
     slowed because of fenvalerate involvement. These results could be used to
     explain a part of the jointaction mechanism of the increased insecticidal
     effects and toxicities resulted from the mixture.
     4. By immunohistochemical method, the changes in glutamate(Glu) and gama-
     aminobutyric acid(GABA) immunoreactive cells were observed in the central
     nervous system of rats which were orally treated with fenvalerate(2omglkg),
     phoxim( 1 60mg/kg), and fenvalerate(2Omg/kg) plu
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