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可调谐滤波器是波分复用系统WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)中不可缺少的分光元件。集成光学声光可调谐滤波器(AOTF)的调谐范围大,调谐方便,它的滤出带宽和插入损耗能很好地满足WDM系统的需要。特别是,它具有多态WDM开关的功能,这是其他类型的滤波器无法实现、无可替代的。因此,集成光学声光可调谐的波长滤波器已成为波分复用系统中波长选择滤波器的最佳选择。但实际商用的器件要求AOTF的工作不依赖于偏振,要求AOTF的滤出波形的侧瓣小(减小串音),而且对AOTF滤出带宽的要求也极为严格。虽然已制成的单级依赖于偏振的共线型器件在各项指标上都达到了国际先进水平,但还不足以用,所以开展了进一步的研究来改善AOTF的性能。本文的主要内容就是这些研究的主要成果。
    论文的第一章介绍了指向耦合器型模分离器(TE-TM Mode Splitter)的基本原理,制作了实际的器件,从而解决了AOTF对入射光的偏振依赖性问题;在第二章中,我们用准共线型声光耦合的作用方式代替了原来的共线型声光作用方式,从而有效地压制了侧瓣,这部分的工作也已经顺利完成;我们在第三章中介绍了反射镜技术,以及如何利用反射镜将单级的AOTF连接起来,这有效的解决了传统的多级串联带来的几何尺寸过大的问题。在论文的最后一章,利用了声光可调谐滤波器的性能稳定性对外界环境温度变化特别敏感这一特点,制成了基于集成光学声光可调谐滤波器的温度传感器和近红外光谱仪。
Tunable Wavelength Filter is a required component in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) System. Integrated Acousto-optic tunable filter has the characteristics of easily tuning and wide tunable range, besides, its filtering bandwidth and insert wastage can meet the needs of system very well. What’s more, integrated optical filter has the function of Multi-state WDM Switch that was not occupied by other filters. So, Integrated Acousto-optic Tunable Filter has become the most appropriate wavelength filter in WDM system. But factually used AOTF in business requires that the apparatus is not polarization relied, and has low sidelobes. Besides, it must have a very narrow filtering bandwidth rigidly. Although the developed apparatus has reached a relatively high level in some index even in the world, it can’t be used in business. So further researches must be carried out. What the thesis contents is the result of these researches.
    In the first chapter of the thesis, we researched on the TE/TM mode splitter, introduced the basic principle of the directional coupler typed mode splitter, and made factual apparatus which help us solve the problem of AOTF’s relying on polarization of incident light; In the second chapter, we substituted quasi-collinear type of acousto-optic interaction for the forgoing collinear one and then suppress sidelobes effectively. The work has been done successfully; In the following chapter, we introduced reflector technology and method to connect single-grade AOTF. The achievement effectively help us solve the problem of too big geometry brought by traditional connective technology; At last, we made use of the high sensitivity of AOTF’s characteristic stability due to the change of outer temperature, and successfully developed Acousto-optic Tunable Filter based temperature sensor and Acousto-optic Tunable Filter based spectrometer.
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