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With the development of Internet technology, people begin to
    attempt to apply data mining technology, which has been applied in traditional database successfully, into the case of using other types of database. The data mining technology based on Web, which is called Web mining simply, occurs in this case.
    We introduces the development and application of data mining, Web mining and OALP technologies and focuses on the research of Web mining application using classification algorithm of data mining for individual information service. This paper consists of the following parts:
    1. introduction of development of data mining, mining procedure and application on classification algorithm.
    2. detailed discussion of Web mining technology, including the history and the characteristic of Web mining and methods of determining user access session, etc.
    3. detailed introduction of an online classification algorithm based on conceptual induction.
    4. the core of the paper is the improvement of the decision tree algorithm, which is applied in the Web data mining for the purpose of individual information service.
    5. finally the tool model for the online individual information service is offered, so do the next work and prospect the future of web data mining technology.
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