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With the development of network and Electronic Commerce, network
    security is becoming increasingly noticeable, While Modern Enterprises,
    based on network flatfOrm and widely applying InfOrmation Technology, are
    benefited from the facility of network and Electronic Commerce, lots of
    problems fOllowing, especialIy network security, shouId be paid attention
    Network security of Mod ern Enterprise dea] s with enterpri ses, network
    technologies, personnel psychology, the society and so on, most of which
    are difficult to quantize. The model, ignoring simply or quantizing
    approximateIy some factors to adapt to some quantitative methods, will not
    show their exact roles in practice. TherefOre, the modeling methods, taking
    quantitative parameters and qualitative factors into account, should be
    ad o pted
    The definition of Modern Enterprise and its digitaI economic character
    are presented Its security is analyzed comprehensively, and then the risk
    and attack of network are studied Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is
    firstly applied to the fields of network and its security Modeling based on
    the new method presents a reasonable solution, which is more scientific,
    accurate and convenient, to network security and prevention, most of which
    were decided by experience previously.
    Meanwhile, a systematic, advanced and scientific suit of solution to
    network security is presented according with the properties and security
    demands of Modern Enterprise network, incIuding security soIutions to
    LAN, WAN and Internet, and those to Operation System, appl ication
    program, anti-virus and anti-hacker
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