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The goal of Semantic Web is to make Web data machine-processable. Semantic NAtive XML database system (SNAX) aims to build a platform for research on various theories, techniques and methods of Semantic Web. Ontology mapping is a crucial part of SNAX, which serves for ontology query and integration. This thesis focuses on this issue.
     Firstly, the purpose of researching and developing SNAX is briefly introduced, as well as research background of Semantic Web. Then the architecture of SNAX system and the module structure of ontology mapping sub-system SNAXMapping2 are described.
     Secondly, an ontology mapping amendment algorithm based on reasoning is proposed and implemented, aiming to solve the problem that current ontology mapping systems can not provide results with precision and recall high enough for practical application, due to their insufficient utilization of semantic information in ontologies. The algorithm is implemented and then integrated into the ontology mapping sub-system SNAXMapping2, and "benchmarks", a standard test dataset for ontology mapping provided by OAEI, is used to test the system. The precision and recall of mapping results are statistically analyzed. The results show our algorithm can improve the precision of mapping result.
     Finally, a framework for computing purely semantic precision and recall of ontology mapping is proposed, aiming to solve the problem that current ontology mapping measures are not purely semantic, which makes evaluation of ontology mappings not precise. Then it is proved that any precision and recall functions instantiated under this framework must be purely semantic, and a group of application-oriented functions are proposed, to instantiate purely semantic precision and recall of ontology mapping under this framework.
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