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Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis by Qianglifengshi recipe and its possible mechanism.
     Methods:Dividing the 60 AS patients of cold-dampness type randomly and evenly into two groups.Besides taking NASIDs(Meloxicam).Therapy group was treated by Qianglifengshi recipe and control group by sulfasalazine (SSZ) respectively for 12 weeks.The records included symptoms、signs、BASDAI、BASFI、erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR),C-reaction protein (CRP)、PLT、side effects after 4、8、12 weeks and the duration of NASIDs administration,followed by calculating the total effective percentages of the two groups.The experimental study was chose to be done on 30 AS patients with Qianglifengshi recipe by setting the comparison of healthy volunteers and separating the peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) as a routine.RT-PCR semi-quantitative method was employed to detect the changes in mRNA expression of TNF-a、IFN-γ、IL-6 after the treatment.
     Results:The systemic pain and spinal pain were relieved,and the duration of morning stiffness were shortened,and BASDAI、BASFI、ESR、CRP and PLT were significantly reduced after 12 weeks treatment(P<0.05).More notable improvements in the therapy group were revealed:the therapy group has sooner taking of effect and shorter administration of NASIDs.The effective percentages of therapy group were 86.7%and control group were 73.3%. Comparing of the two group,p<0.05,indicates the difference was stati stically significant.The incidence rates of gastrointestinal side effect of treatment group were lower than those of control group.In the experimental study,the expression level of PBMCs TNF-a、IL-6,IFN-γmRNA in AS patient group was higher prominently than that of control group (P<0.05).Qianglifengshi recipe can decrease the expression of TNF-a、INF-γ.IL-6mRNA.
     Conclusion:Qianglifengshi recipe can effectively relive the symptoms of AS,decrease the inflammation index without obvious side-effects.The initially high expression level of TNF-a、IL-6,IFN-γmRNA of AS patients can be reduced by Qianlifengshi recipe.Possibly,the mechanism of Qianglifengshi recipe for treating AS can be interprated by decreasing the expressing of TNF-a、INF-γ、IL-6mRNA.
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