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胸腺是T淋巴细胞发育的重要场所,为T细胞发育提供了一个特定的微环境。胸腺T细胞发育、分化和功能成熟的研究是当今免疫学研究的重要领域之一。骨髓来源的Pro-T细胞通过血液循环迁入胸腺。Pro-T细胞表型为CD4~-CD8~-(double negative,DN)。Pro-T细胞在胸腺微环境包括胸腺基质细胞、细胞外基质和细胞因子等多种因素的精确调控下,发育成为CD4~+CD8~+双阳性(double positive,DP)细胞;DP细胞再经阳性选择(positive selection)和阴性选择(negative selection)发育成具有自身耐受性、自身MHC限制性和抗原特异性的成熟的CD4~+或CD8~+单阳性(single positive,SP)细胞,输出到外周执行免疫应答功能。T细胞发育、胸腺选择过程的调节机制仍未完全阐明。目前认为,DP细胞上TCR与胸腺上皮细胞上自身MHC/自身肽复合物的相互作用对T细胞发育的命运起决定性作用,而其它受体—配体分子也对TCR的信号转导和胸腺选择产生影响。近年来的研究发现DP细胞和胸腺上皮细胞的相互作用过程中形成了与外周成熟T细胞相似的免疫突触,并且干预参与免疫突触的相关分子可以通过影响其突触形成而最终影响其分化发育的结果。肌萎缩蛋白(Dystroglycan,DG)是DGC(dystrophin glycoprotein complex)的重要组成部分,是连接细胞外基质和细胞骨架蛋白的重要分子。DG由α和β两个亚基组成,α-DG为胞膜外部分,是组成DGC复合物的中心蛋白成分,可以和多种胞外基质蛋白结合,如agrin,perlecan,laminin,merosin,neurexin,biglycan等;β-DG为跨膜及细胞内部分,通过其胞内段的SH3功能结合域与细胞内的dystrophin或utrophin结合或直接与actin结合,使细胞外基质蛋白与细胞骨架蛋白相联结。DG被证实参与了神经肌接头突触的形成。Campbell等人的研究发现Dystroglycan的缺失导致早期胚胎由于缺乏Reichert氏膜而死亡,这一结果提示Dystroglycan在胚胎的早期存活中具有极其重要作用。除了肌肉组织以外,DG还广泛表达在许多非肌肉组织如脑、肾脏、肝脏、消化道和气管等中。作为基质蛋白laminin和agrin等的受体,DG在非肌肉组织中参与一些生理和病理过程,比如上皮的发生和肿瘤的生成等,其作用特点是与基质蛋白相互作用从而参与细胞的发育、增殖等。在胸腺发育方面,DG的一个配体laminin-2和其integrin receptor VLA-6的相互作用为胸腺细胞的发育提供生存信号和分化信号。laminin-2 Knock Out小鼠胸腺大小较正常小鼠小,胸腺细胞数目较正常小鼠少,胸腺的结构也发生了变化。laminin-5是DG的另一个配体,胸腺基质细胞上laminin-5与胸腺细胞的相互作用是胸腺细胞生存和分化所必需的。DG的另一个配体merosin也在胸腺中有表达并且为胸腺细胞的增殖提供共刺激信号。细胞外基质蛋白与其受体的相互作用相当复杂,DG的众多配体在胸腺中都有表达且对胸腺细胞发育起到一定的作用,那么DG在胸腺细胞中是否有表达,其在胸腺细胞发育中是否起到一定的作用呢?我们前期的研究已经发现α-DG广泛表达在各种免疫细胞中,并参与了外周成熟T细胞的活化,且具有共刺激分子样作用,提示我们α-DG也可能在胸腺细胞中表达并起到一定的作用。据此本研究对α-Dystroglycan在胸腺细胞中的分布和表达、在胸腺细胞发育中的作用、以及其作用机制进行了研究。
     为研究α-Dystroglycan是否在胸腺中有表达,首先用RT-PCR检测发现在孕15天~孕19天胎鼠的胸腺中均有α-Dystroglycan的表达;从半定量的结果来看,α-Dystroglycan mRNA在孕15天~孕16天胎鼠的胸腺中的表达呈现一个上升趋势,在孕16天达到高峰,之后在孕16天~孕19天逐渐呈现一个下降趋势。这部分结果表明α-Dystroglycan动态性地表达于不同日龄胎鼠胸腺中,为之后的研究提供了基础。
     CD95/CD95L途径被证实在胸腺细胞的凋亡中起到一定的作用。而Bcl-2的上调表达与胸腺细胞的阳性选择紧密相关。为探讨在这一模型中α-Dystroglycan影响胸腺细胞凋亡的可能途径,我们用FACS检测了胸腺细胞CD95和CD95L的表达,结果发现:与对照组相比,抗体干预组的双阳性细胞CD95的表达明显增加,由53.37%上升到83.05%,同时单阳性细胞CD95的表达也有一定程度增加,而双阴性细胞则无显著变化;相似的,抗体干预组的双阳性细胞CD95L的表达明显增加,同时单阳性细胞CD95L的表达也有一定程度增加,而双阴性细胞则无显著变化;而同型对照组和未处理对照组CD95和CD95L的表达差异均不显著。另外,用Real-time PCR检测胸腺细胞Bcl-2/Bax的表达结果发现:与对照组相比,抗体干预组的Bcl-2的表达显著下降,而Bax的表达则无明显变化。此结果提示α-Dystroglycan可能通过CD95/CD95L和Bcl-2两条途径影响胸腺细胞特别是双阳性细胞的凋亡。
The task of generating a T lymphocyte population that responds to foreignpeptides presented by MHC, but not to self peptides, is undertaken in thethymus. Thymocytes comprising the newly formed TCR repertoire are selectedfor their ability to recognize peptide in the context of MHC molecules. Positiveselection tests the ability of TCR to signal in response to self-peptide/MHC.Thymocytes that do not receive a TCR signal of sufficient strength die throughneglect. Negative selection eliminates thymocytes expressing TCRs thattransmit a strong signal in response to self-peptide/MHC. Current modelsemphasize the role of overall signal strength, reflecting the input fromcostimulatory and accessory molecules as well as TCR, in determining thedevelopmental outcome of TCR signaling. In mature T cells, TCR signaling isassociated with the formation of immunological synapse, at the T cell/APCinterface. Recent studies have begun to analyze immunological synapseformation during thymic selection using lipid bilayers containing peptide/MHCcomplexes, a negative selection system and a positive selection system.These studies provide direct evidence that thymocyte-epithelial cellinteractions leading to positive selection result in the redistribution of cellmembrane-associated signaling molecules to the thymocyte-epithelial cellinterface in a manner analogous to that seen in mature T cell-APC interactions.Dystroglycan consists ofαandβsubunits yielded by proteolysis cleavage of asingle precursor protein,α-Dystroglycan is a highly glycosylated extracellularprotein and non-covalently anchored to the transmembraneβ-dystroglycan.(α-Dystroglycan links to the extracellular matrix (ECM) via several ligands,whereasβ-dystroglycan linksα-dystroglycan to the actin cytoskeleton viadystrophin or utrophin. Accumulating evidence indicates that dystroglycan is involved in the formation of synapse in neural-muscle junction (NMJ) andcentral never system (CNS). Our previous studies have shown thatα-dystroglycan is expressed on lymphocytes and suggested thatα-dystroglycan might contribute to lymphocyte activation by participating insynapse formation. In this study we found thatα-dystroglycan was dynamicallyexpressed on various thymocytes especially on double positive thymocytesand showed that interruption ofα-dystroglycan led to increased apoptosis ofdouble positive thymocytes by affecting immune synapse formation, indicatingthatα-dystroglycan might be involved in thymocyte development byparticipating in synapse formation.
     1. Dynamic expression ofα-dystroglycan on fetal thymocytes in vivo andin fetal thymus organ culture (FTOC)
     (1) Dynamic expression ofα-dystroglycan in fetal thymuses fromdifferent gestation days mice: To investigate the possible roles ofα-dystroglycan in thymocyte development, the expression ofα-dystroglycan inthymus was first examined at mRNA level. The coding gene for dystroglycancould be specifically amplified from total RNA of thymocytes from 15-19gestation days (gd) fetal mice. And an expression peak appeared at 16 gd.The results suggested thatα-dystroglycan was dynamically expressed in fetalthymuses from different gd mice.
     (2) Dynamic expression ofα-dystroglycan on four subpopulation ofthymocytes in vivo: To examine which subpoplations of thymocytes expressα-dystroglycan in vivo, thymocytes from 15-19 gd fetal mice were stained withantibodies againstα-dystroglycan followed by FITC-labeled rabbit anti-mouseIgG along with anti-CD4-PerCP and anti-CD8-PE and analyzed by FACS. Theresults showed thatα-dystroglycan was dynamically expressed on foursubpopulation of thymocytes from different gd fetal mice, especially highlyexpressed on double positive (DP) cells and CD4+/CD8+ single positive (SP)cells. For example, the expression rates ofα-dystroglycan on total population,DN, DP, CD4+SP CD8+SP cells from 19 gd fetal mice were 92.66%, 8.30%,99.98%, 90.42% and 95.41% respectively; the expression rates of α-dystroglycan on DP cells from 15-19 gd fetal mice were 97.62%, 99.57%,99.59% and 99.98% respectively; the expression rates ofα-dystroglycan onCD4+SP cells from 15-19 gd fetal mice were 54.55%, 80.22%, 76.60% and90.42% respectively; the expression rates ofα-dystroglycan on CD8+SP cellsfrom 15-19 gd fetal mice were 52.34%, 50.35%, 62.71%, and 95.41%respectively. These results probably suggested a role ofα-dystroglycan inthymocyte development.
     (3) Dynamic expression ofα-dystroglycan on four subpopulation ofthymocytes in FTOC: To examine which subpoplations of thymocytesexpressα-dystroglycan in FTOC, thymocytes recovered from FTOC culturedfor 2-6 days were stained with antibodies againstα-dystroglycan followed byFITC-labeled rabbit anti-mouse IgG along with anti-CD4-PerCP andanti-CD8-PE and analyzed by FAGS. The results showed thatα-dystroglycanwas dynamically expressed on four subpopulation of thymocytes recoveredfrom FTOC cultured for 2-6 days, especially highly expressed on DP and SPcells. For example, the expression rates ofα-dystroglycan on total population,DN, DP, CD4+SP CD8+SP cells recovered from FTOC cultured for 6 dayswere 85.35%, 73.07%, 87.06%, 98.09% and 93.47% respectively and theexpression rates ofα-dystroglycan on the same subpopulation recovered fromFTOC cultured for 2-6 days also varied dynamically. These results probablysuggested a role ofα-dystroglycan in thymocyte development.
     2. Role ofα-dystroglycan in thymocyte development
     (1) Role ofα-dystroglycan in development of double negativethymocytes
     The above results showed us that the expression ofα-dystroglycan on DPand SP cells was relatively higher, and the expression ofα-dystroglycan onDN cells was relatively lower, partly suggesting thatα-dystroglycan might playa role in development of DP and SP cells, while the possibility thatα-dystroglycan might play a role in development of DN cells was much lower.To explore whetherα-dystroglycan plays a role in development of DN cells, wetreated FTOC with anti-α-dystroglycan blocking antibody IIH6C4 and found that blockage ofα-dystroglycan had no effect on the proportion and number ofDN cells compared with non-treated or isotype antibody-treated FTOC. Theresults indicated thatα-dystroglycan might not play a role in development ofDN cells.
     To further confirm the above results from Ab blocking experiment, weestablished reaggregate thymus organ culture (RTOC) with virus-producingcells (VPCs) which produced viruses carrying anti-sense cDNA ofα-dystroglycan and found that viruses carrying anti-sense cDNA ofα-dystroglycan had no effect on the proportion and number of DN cellscompared with no viruses and control viruses. The results further indicated thatα-dystroglycan might not play a role in development of DN cells.
     (2) Role ofα-dystroglycan in development of double positive thymocytes
     The results thatα-dystroglycan was highly expressed on DP partlysuggested thatα-dystroglycan might play a role in development of DP cells. Toexplore whetherα-dystroglycan plays a role in development of DP cells, wetreated FTOC with anti-α-dystroglycan blocking antibody IIH6C4 and foundthat blockage ofα-dystroglycan decreased the proportion and number of DPcells compared with non-treated or isotype antibody-treated FTOC. The resultsindicated thatα-dystroglycan might play a role in development of DP cells.
     To further confirm the above results from Ab blocking experiment, weestablished reaggregate thymus organ culture (RTOC) with virus-producingcells (VPCs) which produced viruses carrying anti-sense cDNA ofα-dystroglycan and found that downregulation ofα-dystroglycan decreasedthe proportion and number of DP cells compared with no viruses and controlVPCs. The results further indicated thatα-dystroglycan might play a role indevelopment of DP cells.
     (3) Role ofα-dystroglycan in development of single positive thymocytes
     The results thatα-dystroglycan was moderately expressed on SP partlysuggested thatα-dystroglycan might play a role in development of SP cells. Toexplore whetherα-dystroglycan plays a role in development of SP cells, wetreated FTOC with anti-α-dystroglycan blocking antibody IIH6C4 and foundthat blockage ofα-dystroglycan decreased the proportion and number of SP cells to a less extent than that of DP cells compared with non-treated orisotype antibody-treated FTOC.
     To further confirm the above results from Ab blocking experiment, weestablished reaggregate thymus organ culture (RTOC) with virus-producingcells (VPCs) which produced viruses carrying anti-sense cDNA ofα-dystroglycan and found that downregulation ofα-dystroglycan decreasedthe proportion and number of SP cells to a less extent than that of DP cellscompared with no viruses and control VPCs. These results were similar withthe results from Ab blocking experiments. Interruption ofα-dystroglycaninhibited development of both DP cells and SP cells, indicating thatα-dystroglycan might play a role in development of both DP cells and SP cellsor that the effects ofα-dystroglycan on development of SP cells were thefollowing outcome of the effects ofα-dystroglycan on development of DP cells.
     3. Mechanisms for the role ofα-dystroglycan in thymocyte development
     (1) The effect ofα-dystroglycan on apoptosis of thymocytes: Toinvestigate whether apoptosis was the reason that caused the numberdecrease of thymocytes, we examined the apoptosis status of thymocytes inIIH6C4-treated lobes. Enhanced apoptosis was observed in DP cells and to aless extent in SP cells in IIH6C4-treated lobes. The results suggested thatα-dystroglycan might be related with anti-apoptosis and/or survival signals ofthymocytes especially that of DP cells.
     (2) The role ofα-dystroglycan in synapse formation between thymocytesand thymic epithelial cells: To explore the mechanisms for the role ofα-dystroglycan in development of DP cells, we then investigated whetherα-dystroglycan played a role in synapse formation between DP cells andthymic epithelial cells. Using a thymocyte-epithelial cell conjugate model wefound thatα-dystroglycan blockage reduced conjugate formation and actinrearrangement between DP cells and thymic epithelial cells. These resultsindicated thatα-dystroglycan was involved in synapse formation between DPcells and thymic epithelial cells.
     (3) The pathways involved in the effect ofα-dystroglycan on apoptosis ofthymocytes: Then we examined the possible pathways that might be involvedin the effect ofα-dystroglycan on apoptosis of thymotyes. FAGS analysisdemonstrated that in IIH6C4-treated lobes, the expression of CD95 andCD95L was preferentially increased in DP cells and to a less extent in SP cellsbut not in DN cells compared to that of non-treated or isotype antibody-treatedlobes. Real-time RT-PCR showed that in IIH6C4-treated lobes, the expressionof Bcl-2 was decreased compared to that of non-treated or isotypeantibody-treated lobes. The results indicated that both CD95/CD95L and Bcl-2pathways were probably involved in the increased apoptosis of thymocytesespecially that of DP cells induced byα-dystroglycan blockage. FAGS analysisalso showed that blockage ofα-Dystroglycan downregulated ERKphosphorylation in DP cells, indicating that ERK pathway might be related toα-Dystroglycan signaling.
     In summary, our results suggested that interruption ofα-dystroglycan led toincreased apoptosis of DP thymocytes by affecting immunological synapseformation, indicating thatα-dystroglycan might be involved in thymocytedevelopment by participating in synapse formation.
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