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Based on the incomplete-contract theory, this paper reconstructs a framework of contract-enforcement by extending‘self-enforcing scope’and re-explaining‘vertical integration’theories. The integration relations among accounting law, accounting technology norms and accountants’sincerity are discussed on the basis of dual values of accounting institutions as public contracts. Then contract-enforcement theory of accounting is raised. Furthermore, the author applies the contract-enforcement theory into accounting to discuss the nature of earnings management(EM), why earnings management exists and its essence. The following arguments are then developed. Firstly, the accounting information after EM is still true. Secondly, the reason why earning management exists is that self-enforcing scope of individual transactor is smaller than expected on the market, i.e. the lack of trust performing of individual transactor in case there exist some public domains of accounting technology norms as public contract. Thirdly, earnings management is actually a kind of rent-seeking game among managers, CPA firms and controlling shareholders et al.. Then, this paper provides some empirical evidences of EM based on rent-seeking argument from perspectives of client importance and audit tenure. Finally, this paper puts forward some proposals to restraining earnings management.
     The main innovations of this paper are presented as follows. Firstly, by extending‘self-enforcing scope’and re-explaining‘vertical integration’, this paper sets up a framework of contract-enforcement and applies it into accounting. Secondly, the author regards accounting system as a dual-value system which aims at both social justness and individual firm’s operation efficiency. Thirdly, by decomposing accounting standards and accounting events, this paper innovatively develops an allocation pattern of accounting standards for accounting events and analyzes the nature and causes of EM. Forth, based on the contract-enforcement theory and game theory, the author analyzes the rent-seeking essence for EM. Finally, in the empirical section, the author discovers an interesting phenomenon that auditors can constraint earnings-decreasing EM, but cannot constraint earnings-increasing EM, which is different from previous findings.
① 引自阿马蒂亚?森著的《伦理学与经济学》,P9。
    ② 引自韦森著的《文化与秩序》,P154.
     ① 引自冯契、徐孝通主编的《外国哲学大辞典》,上海辞书出版社,2000 年。
     ① 转引自 Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui 著《会计理论》(第四版),上海财经大学出版社,2004 年,p275。
    ① 引自(美)迈克尔?查特菲尔德著的《会计思想史》,P195。
    ② 引自(美)迈克尔?查特菲尔德著的《会计思想史》,P41。
    ① 到 1893 年,在美国六千二百万的人口中,就有 125 万人是股东。Gray John Previts and Barbara Dubis Merino,《A Histroy of Accounting in America》,P44。
    ② 就证券管理法律的规范形式而言,尽管没有两个州的“蓝天法”完全相同,但总体看,它们普遍建立在
    三种法律机制之上:第一是反欺诈条款,即授权行政管理人员发布公众警告,调查那些可疑的作弊行为,采取防范禁令及最后的制裁措施;第二是要求欲公开的发行证券的公司进行注册。强行登记注册的规定是要求任何人在从事证券经营,或者在发行某一证券之前,应该按照法律的规定主动履行一定手续,以此防止诈骗者浑水摸鱼,同时保持对经营者的监督。“蓝天法”中以堪萨斯州的立法最为典型,对各州后继立法及至证券法理论的影响也最大。按照堪萨斯州当时的立法说明,证券法有着双重目标,即不仅要保护公民免于欺诈行为的侵害,而且走得更远的是,要使投资者免于“不明智”的投资行为的侵害。历史资料显示,各州的证券法律实践并不尽如人意。这一方面导源于立法技术上的疏漏(比如存在过多的豁免条款)和执法上的马虎敷衍。但最根本的问题是源于各州分别立法所存在的致命缺陷:管辖上的消极冲突为当事人造就了逃避的机会。简言之,证券交易往往因为跨越州界而难由各州独自规范。根据盛学军著《证券公开规制 研 究 》 Pp41-45 , 及 “ history of state securities law ” , “ civl and criminal liability” (http://www.peck-shaffer.com/pa_securities_state_liability.asp)等整理而成。
    ③ 举例说,在 1899 年,在发起人的授意下,共发行 33.95 亿美元的普通股,然而其中的三分之二或者 22.54
    亿美元都是“水份”。Gray John Previts and Barbara Dubis Merino《,A Histroy of Accounting in America》,P170。
    ④ 引自(美)埃尔登?亨德里克森著、王澹如和陈今池编译的《会计理论》, P40。
     ① “一家有两亿五千万美元资产的公司如要在十年后保持原来的位置,得拥有三亿七千五百万美元的资产。二十世纪六十年代,年销售额达十亿美元的公司并不是罕见的。1968 年,销售额超过十亿美元的工业公司在一百家以上;几乎有五十家银行的存款超过十亿美元;资产超过十亿美元的保险公司有三十家;销售额超过十亿美元的商业公司有二十家……..。”引自[美]本?巴鲁克?.塞利格曼著,复旦大学资本主义国家经济研究所译的《美国企业史》,PP481-482.
    ② “花旗银行曾发表过一张名单,五十六家公司每家的股票持有者在五万以上,有二十七家公司每家超过十万人。” 引自[美]本?巴鲁克?.塞利格曼著,复旦大学资本主义国家经济研究所译的《美国企业史》,P503.
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