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In the modern society, the importance of reputation, public interest and freedom of speech which is often undermined by defamation is self-evident. China is now in the process of building a democratic country under the rule of law. Defamation law is an inevitable part of the legal construction of rule by law. While judicial practice of defamation lawsuit is exploring an increasing number of issues, libel law construction is one of the vital link. The UK as the country where defamation law was formed much more earlier than in China is similar to China in sticking to traditions. Moreover, the British libellaw research has been profound and meticulous. Therefore, this study attempts to research on English libel law by elaborating on its exquisite regulation modes and by analyzing the theory behind the existing legal regulations and its solutions to issues involving defamation.Then it relates the present libel laws system in England to the present situations so as to offer suggestions for defamation law construction in the Chinese legal system.
     Firstly, paper deals mainly with the libel cases in the past decade or so in England to clarify definitions, meanings and connotations in relation to defamation lawsuit. It extracts from many defamation cases various principles regarding the abstract rational recognition of accused speech meanings doubted as slander, libel and defamation. The purpose is to provide reference for three issues Firstly, under what context can speech be considered as a legal significance of libel. Secondly, for the meaning of a diversity of expressions, under what circumstances can the hidden meaning of the accused speech of defamation can be interpreted as defamation. Thirdly, for publications accused of defamation, how can the interpretation about the accused speech of defamation is considered reasonable.
     Secondly, the thesis mainly analyzes the theories behind English Laws on defamation in terms of tolerance and restrictions with different values. In the law of libel tolerance levels, in addition to the value of freedom of speech, the balance between social power and state power should be taken into consideration when law is resorted to punish defamation,. This is because the supervision of citizens by public opinion and by news media is not only a political right, but also an important social power due to its powerful influence. On the other hand, human rights to freedom of speech stipulates a deadline, and libel as a violation of the line threatens the right of reputation and law of defamation is a guarantee of reputation. Thus, freedom of speech and the right of reputation embodies the value of libel regulations.
     Thirdly, the thesis focuses on the legal regulations of specific system. First, an analysis of libel law texts is made about the British libel regulation effect including UK's "bill of rights" and "law of defamation" in recent trends, and an analysis is also made about the conflict between the UK "bill of rights" and EU Charter of human rights" It points out that in this framework on the freedom of speech, restrictions on freedom of speech should have a legitimate line; at the same time, it clarifies and analyzes the "defamation law" under the new background. Secondly, regarding the action for defamation defenses, the balance between the British libel law and free speech with respect to the honorary legal technology are introduced and explained. Finally, libel special imputation principles under the network era is introduced in detail.
     Fourthly, thesis explores what is called as "libel tourism" phenomenon related to the British libel suit and the special jurisdiction which has a global influence. It points out that in the contemporary with global network growing, a country's libel regulation may cause the effects of globalization. The tilt protection of reputation and open principles of jurisdiction in the UK in libel proceedings presents their own characteristics.
     In the last, the thesis and points out that our country in the defamation law regulation should adopt and the system innovations which should be adopted too with the British libel law enlightenment.
    1 Veeder, V. Vechten. "The History and Theory of the Law of Defamation". Columbia Law Review3(1903),P.546-573.载http://www.jstor.org/stable/1109121,访问日期:2011年5月2日。
    2载www.rsssearchhub. com/preview/london-review-of-books-rss-rdDpr.,访问日期:2011年5月11日
    3 Stephen Sedley, "Towards a Right to Privacy", London Review of Books Vol.28,(2006)
    1 Kavin Williams, "Re-Regulating Free Speech:Privilege, Public Interest and Privacy",,WebJCLI,1,1999,访问日期:2011年3月19日。
    2 David Lewis, "Whistleblowers and the Law of Defamation:Time for Statutory Privilege", WebJCLI3,2005,访问日期:2011年3月19日。
    3 Vanessa Bettinson, "Section 4A Public Order Act 1986:accommodating freedom of expression, Dehal v Crown Prosecution Service [2005] EWHC 2154", WebJCLI,5,2006,访问日期:2011年3月21日。
    1 Kasey Lowe, "Book Review on Defining Civil and Political Rights:the Jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee,2nd Edition", WebJCLI,1,2010,访问日期:2011年3月21日。
    2 Kathy Bowrey, Law & Internet Cultures, Cambridge University Press,2005.
    3 David Rolph, Reputation, Celebrity and Defamation, Ashgate Publishing Ltd,2008.
    4 Lilian Edwards & Charlotte Waelde, Law and the Internet (3rd edition), Hart Publishing,2009.
    5 Alex Conte & Richard Burchill, "Defining Civil and Political Rights:the Jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee", WebJCLI,1,2010访问日期:2011年3月21日。
    6 Richard Susskind, The Future of Law:Facing the Challenges of Information Technology, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1996.
    Lilian Edwards & Charlotte Waelde, Law & the Internet - Regulating Cyberspace, Oxford Press, 1997.
    1 Thomas. Gibbons, "Defamation Reconsidered", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 4, (1996) p.587;U. N. Raifeartaigh, "Reconciling Bail Law with the Presumption of Innocence", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue I, (1997), p.1; Anne De Moor, "Nothing Else to Think-On Meaning, Truth, and Objectivity in Law". Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 2, (1998) p.345;Paul. Mitchell, "Duties, Interests, and Motives:Privileged Occasions in Defamation", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 3, (1998). p.381访问日期:2011年3月1日。
    2 James Boasberg, "Seditious libel v Incitement to Munity:Britain teaches Hand and Holmes a Lesson", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 1, (1990), P.106; Michael Lobban, "From Seditious Libel to Unlawful Assembly:Peterloo and the changing face of political crime 1770-1820" Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 3 1990. p.307访问日期:2011年3月1日。
    1 G. Rutherglen, "Theories of free speech", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 1(1987), p115; D. Barnum, el. "Constitutional and Cultural Underpinnings of Political Freedom in Britain and the United States", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 3. (1992), P.36; Joseph Raz, "Free Expression and Personal Identification", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 3, (1991) p.303; Ewan Paton, "Respecting Freedom of Speech" Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Issue 4, (1995) p.597.
    1 Thomas Gibbons, "Defamation Reconsidered", Oxford J Legal Studies Vol.16. Issue.4 (1996), p.587-615.
    1 Mathews Collins, The Law of Defamation and the Internet, Amazon,2011.
    2 Simon Davies, "Review on James Michael's Privacy and Human Rights", Web Journal of Current Legal Issues in association with Blackstone Press Ltd (1994).
    1参见维基百科全书(the encyclopedia Wikipedia),载http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/defamation.访问日期:2010年11月2日。
    2参见英国诽谤案选编卷宗101卷(Select cases of defamation vol.101 by Selden Society),载http://books.google.com/books?id=Pnu1Lh9xYcEC&pg=PA71&lpg=PA71&dq=Select+Cases+on+Defamatio n+to+1600.+Vol.+101,+Selden+Society.访问日期:2010年11月10日。
    3参见英国《2009年验尸司法法案》(The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 UK).
    4参见英国《权贵诽谤法》(The Statutes de Scandalis Magnatum UK).
    5 Thomas Coventry,& S. Hughes, An Analytical Digested Index to the Common Law Reports.载 http://books.google.com/books?id=Ai8wAAAAIAAJ
    6 Matthew Bacon, Joseph Sayer & Owen Ruff head, A New Abridgment of the Law, Nabu Press, (2010).
    1 Philip Hamburger, "Seditious Libel and the Control of the Press", STAN. Law Reriew. Vol.37 (1985) in Michael T. Gibson, "The Supreme Court and Freedom of Expression from 1791 to 1917", Fordham Law Review Volume 55 Issue 3 (1986)
    3 Philip Hamburger, The Development of the Law of Seditious Libel and the Control of the Press. Cambridge Production (1985).
    4 Philip Hamburger, "Seditious Libel and the Control of the Press", STAN. Law Reriew. Vol.37 (1985) in Michael T. Gibson, "The Supreme Court and Freedom of Expression from 1791 to 1917", Fordham Law Review Volume 55 Issue 3 (1986)
    1 Wayne Overbeck & Harcourt Brace, Major Principles of Media Law, Ovanorich College Publishers, (1992)
    2 The Fox Libel Act 1792.
    3参见英国《1843年诽谤法案》(The Defamation Act 1843 UK).
    1 Philip Hamburger, "Seditious Libel and the Control of the Press", STAN. Law Reriew. Vol.37 (1985)in Michael T. Gibson, "The Supreme Court and Freedom of Expression from 1791 to 1917", Fordham Law Review Volume 55 Issue 3 (1986); J. Stephen, A History of the Criminal Law of. England, Macmillan and Co.1883.
    2关于玛丽 伯珙诉《同性恋消息》诽谤案(Whitehouse v. Gay New Ltd and Lemon):《同性恋消息》是1972年在英国创刊的双周刊报纸。1976年玛丽.伯珙以诽谤为由起诉该报纸及编辑丹尼斯,指控其在1976年第3期刊登杰姆斯柯卡普诗“爱,敢于说出它的名字”并配以“与基督的身体进行鸡奸和口交的细节行为”画图,由此构成淫秽诽谤神教罪。丹尼斯被判有罪,处以9个月的监禁和罚款1000英镑。此案引起了媒体大量报道。
    3参见英国《1995年司法报告》The Right Honourable the Lord Woolf, Access to Justice, Interim Report of June 1995,载http://www.dca.gov.uk/civil/interim/chap3.htm,访问日期:2011年11月
    1 [1937] EWCA Civ 17; [1937] EMLR 221;
    2参见英国《2009年审判和验尸法案》(Coroners and Justice Act 2009)
    2 Series A no.226-A, p.25, para.75
    1 TOLSTOY MILOSLAVSKY v. THE UNITED KINGDOM Judgment, A316-B, para.37在此案中,控告者因为诽谤一学校官员、指控他过去犯有战争罪行而被英国有关当局指令支付实体损害,欧洲人权法院判决此案违反了第10条第二款。
    1 Thomas Gibbons, "Defamation Reconsidered". Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol.16, No. 4 (Winter,1996), p.587-615
    1参见麦当劳诉斯堤尔案(McDonald's Corporation v Steel & Morris [1997] EWHC QB 366)
    2参见英国《1995年司法报告》The Right Honourable the Lord Woolf, Access to Justice, Interim Report of June 1995,载http://www.dca.gov.uk/civil/interim/chap3.htm.访问日期:2011年11月
    1牛津大学新闻法与政策对比项目组研究报告(Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy Centre for Socio-Legal Studies University of Oxford):A Comparative Study in Defamation Proceedings Across Europe.载http://www.legalcentre.co.uk/personal-injury/guide/what-are-conditional-fee-agreements/访问日期:2011年8月9日
    2参见英国司法部官方网站Ministry of Justice website:www.justice.gov.uk访问日期2011年10月3日
    3牛津大学新闻法与政策对比项目组研究报告(Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy Centre for Socio-Legal Studies University of Oxford):A Comparative Study in Defamation Proceedings Across Europe.载http://www.legalcentre.co.uk/personal-injury/guide/what-are-conditional-fee-agreements/访问日期:2011年8月9日
    1 Loutchansky v. Times Newspapers Ltd. [2002] 1 All ER 652
    1 Robertson, Geoffrey. Freedom, the Individual and the Law. London, Penguin,1993, p37.
    2参见英国《1952年诽谤法案》(The Defamation Act 1952 UK)
    3参见英国《1996年诽谤法案案》(The Defamation Act 1996 UK)
    4 R.H. Helmholz, Select Cases of Defamation to 1600, Amazon Publishing House, (1985),p.3-4.案宗记录写道“Lady Joan Gray sued Master Richard of St. Frideswide, Archdeacon of Buckingham, for defamation sometime about 1290."
    5 Rolph, David, Reputation, Celebrity and Defamation Law, Ashgate Publishing Ltd,2008.
    1 Philip Hamburger, "The Development of the Law of Seditious Libel and the Control of the Press", Stanford Law Review,37 (1984-85), p.661-765..
    2参见英国-1843年诽谤法案》(The Defamation Act 1843 UK),
    3参见英国《1952年诽谤法》(The Defamation Act 1952 UK);参见英国《1996年诽谤法案》(The Defamation Act 1996 UK).
    4参见英国《1952年诽谤法》(The Defamation Act 1952 UK)
    1 Thomas Gibbons, Defamation Reconsidered Oxford J Legal Studies (1996) 16(4):p.134-137.
    1 Hepple, Case & Matierials, Butterworths,2000, P106-108.
    2 [1933] 175 LT JO 393.
    1 Micheal A. Jones, Textbook on Torts, Oxford University,2002, P525-554.
    1 R v. Burns [1886] 16 cox cc 355.
    2参见Stephen, A History of the Criminal Law og England, Burt Franklin,1883.
    1 R v. Burns [1886] 16 cox cc 355.
    2 R v. Burns [1886] 16 cox cc 355.
    1 D. Rolph, Reputation, Celebrity and Defamation Law, by Ashgate Publishing Ltd. (2008).
    2参见英国《1792年诽谤法案》(Libel Act 1792 UK),
    2参见Atkin法官在Sim v Stretch诽谤案里的讲话(Lord Atkin's, in Sim v Stretch [1936]2 All ER 1237 (HL)).
    3参见英国官方法律咨询网关于诽谤与恶意虚假的界定(Defamation and Malicious Falsehood) P.207-222,载Catalogue. pearsoned. co.uk/assets/hip/gb/,访问日期:2012年3月25日。
    4参见英国议会事务信息网:文化、体育、传媒委员会关于报刊标准、隐私与诽谤的第二次报告(Culture, Media and Sport Committee:Press standards, privacy and libel),载http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmcumeds/362/36206.htm,访问日期:2012年3月25日。
    5参见英国议会事务信息网:文化、体育、传媒委员会关于报刊标准、隐私与诽谤的第二次报告(Culture, Media and Sport Committee:Press standards, privacy and libel),载http:/www.publications,parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmcumeds/362/36206.htm,访问日期:2012年3月25日。
    6参见英国法律专业案情卷宗(5RB cases):Lewis-v-Daily Telegraph Ltd [1964] AC 235, [1963] 1 QB 340,载http://www.5rb.com/case/
    2参见英国法律专业案情卷宗(5RB:cases):Slim v. Daily Telegraph and others [1968] 2 Q. B.157,载http://www.5rb.com/case/访问日期:2011年11月2日。
    3参见英国法律专业案情卷宗(5RB:cases)::Lance Armstrong v Times Newspapers Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 519, [2006] 1 WLR 2462,载http://www.5rb.com/case/Armstrong-v-Times-Newspapers-Ltd--Others-(No.2)-(CA),访问日期:2011年3月5日。
    1参见英国议会事务信息网:文化、体育、传媒委员会关于报刊标准、隐私与诽谤的第二次报告(Culture, Media and Sport Committee:Press standards, privacy and libel),载http://ww.publications,parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmcumeds/362/36206.htm,访问日期:2012年3月25日。
    2例如英国整脊疗法协会诉辛格案2(The British Chiropractic Association v. Simon Singh)和高顿与伯克夫妇诉皇家鸟类保护协会案(Gordon and Christine Bowker v. the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
    1 Theodore Kupferman,. Privacy and Publicity, Meckler Corporation,1990
    2 Kyu Ho Youm, Harry W. Stonecipher, The legal bounds of confidentiality promises:promissory estoppel and the First Amendment,1992, http://heinonline. org/HOL/LandingPage?collection=journals&handle=hein. journals/fedcom45&div =8&id=&page=
    3 Co. Rep.12b.76 Eng. Rep 877 1578 (1581).
    1 4 Co. Rep.15a,76 Eng. Rep.891 (1585).
    2 4111, App.364
    3 Inc.78 Ⅲ. App.3d 67,397 N. E.2d 41 1979
    1 Kyu Ho Youm, Harry W. Stonecipher, The legal bounds of confidentiality promises:promissory estoppel and the First Amendment,1992, http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?collection=journals&handle=hein.journals/fedcom45&div =8&id=&page=
    2 http://il.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/fac.19750417_0000517.IL.htm/qx
    4 16.92 Ill.2d 344,442 N. E.2d 195 (1982).
    1 92 Ⅲ.2d,351,442,N. E.2d at 198,22 Oct 1982... SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS., OPINION FILED OCTOBER 22,1982., JUSTICE UNDERWOOD DELIVERED THE OPINION OF THE COURt findacase. com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/
    1 Kyu Ho Youm, Harry W. Stonecipher, The legal bounds of confidentiality promises:promissory estoppel and the First Amendment,1992,
    1参见英国法律专业案情卷宗(5RB:cases):Slim v. Daily Telegraph Ltd [1968] 2 QB 157; [1968] 1 All ER 497,载http://www.5rb.com/case,访问日期:2011年11月2日。
    3参见英国法律专业案情卷宗(5RB:cases):Slim v. Daily Telegraph Ltd [1968] 2 QB 157; [1968] 1 All ER 497,载http://www.5rb.com/case,访问日期:2011年11月2日。
    2 5RB cases:Slim v. Daily Telegraph and others [1968] 2 Q. B.157,载http://www.5rb.com/case访问日期:2011年11月5日。
    3参见英国官方法律咨询网关于诽谤与恶意虚假的界定(Defamation and Malicious Falsehood) P.207-222,载Catalogue, pearsoned.co.uk/assets/hip/gb/,访问日期:2012年3月25日。
    2 5RB cases:Lisa Jeynes v. Love it L2008J EWCA Civ 130,载http://www.5rb.com/case,访问日期:2011年12月2日。
    1 5RB:cases:Lance Armstrong v Times Newspapers Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 519; [2006] 1 WLR 2462
    1 Loutchansky v. Times Newspapers Ltd. [2002] 1 All ER 652
    2 [1997]QB 123.
    3 Per Viscount Finally in Sutherland v. Stopes (1924), [1925]A. C.47, pp.62-63 (H. L.).
    Law Commission:Defamation and the Internet.A Preliminary Investigatio, December 2002
    2 ① Boivin, Denis W. Accommodating Freedom of Expression and Reputation in the Common Law of Defamation. Queen's Law Journal, Vol.22, Issue 2 (Spring 1997), pp.229-296②Jones, Thomas David. Human Rights, Freedom of Expression and Group Defamation under British, Canadian, Indian, Nigerian and United States Law - A Comparative Analysis. Suffolk Transnational Law Review, Vol. 18, Issue 2 (Summer 1995), pp.427-588③Vick, Douglas W.; Macpherson, Linda; Cooper, Sarah. Universities, Defamation and the Internet. Modern Law Review, Vol.62, Issue 1 (January 1999), pp.58-78④McLean, Deckle.Internet Defamation. Communications and the Law, Vol.24, Issue 4 (December 2002), pp.21-42⑤Boivin, Denis W. Accommodating Freedom of Expression and Reputation in the Common Law of Defamation. Queen's Law Journal, Vol.22, Issue 2 (Spring 1997), pp.229-296.
    3 Betsy Baker, The Role of Transnational Judicial Dialogue in Shaping Transnational Speech: International Jurisdictional Conflicts in Hate Speech and Defamation Law, in Russel Miller's Progress in International Law, p.451-469, Amazon,2008.
    11997年,爱丁堡大学举办的题为“法律与网络——规范网络空间(Law & the Internet - Regulating Cyberspace)”学术会议论文集’(同年由牛津大学出版社出版)重点涉及到知识产权、电子商务、网络内容责任(Liability for Content on the Internet)和电子证据和程序等议题,其中“网络内容责任”一章所刊登的Lillian Edwards的论文“诽谤与网络——网络空间骂人(Defamation and the Internet:Name Calling in Cyberspace)",阐释了诽谤责任可能发生的时间和方式,对法律维度内的各种冲突以及网络服务供给商的地位也作了清晰的分析。
    1同Lilian Edwards and Charlotte Waelde (eds), Law & the Internet - Regulating Cyberspace, Hart Publishing, Oxford 1997,284pp.
    2 EWHC QB 240; [1999] 4 All ER 342
    1英国:Defamation Act 1996
    2 Law Commission:Defamation and the Internet.A Preliminary Investigatio, December 2002
    1 [2006] EWHC 407 (QB); [2007] 1 WLR 1243; [2006] 3 All ER 336; [2006] EMLR 523
    2英国:The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002
    1英国:The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 http://ww.legislation,gov.uk/uksi/2002/2013/regulation/19/made
    1 The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, p7
    1 The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, p7
    2 The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, p8.
    1参见Vivienne Harpwood, Principle of Tort Law, Cavendish Publishing Limited,2000.
    1 [1998] EWCA Civ 1179
    2 Neutral Citation Number:[2004] EWHC 2928 (QB)
    Bennett v news group newspapers [2002] EMLR 860.
    1 Bennett v news group newspapers [2002] EMLR 860.
    2参见Civil Court News, May 2004, Issue 1 Lexis Nexis Publisher EWCACiv 1772;Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corpn v The Wall Street Journal Europe SPRL [2003] EWHC 1358; Stern v Piper [1997] QB 123, CA; Shah v Standard Charter Bank [1999] QB 241, CA; Bennett v News Group Newspapers [2002] EMLR 860, CA; and Chase v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2002]
    1 [1961] AC 1090.
    2参见《英国1952年诽谤法》(Defamation Act 1952, UK)
    1 Rehabilitation of Offendents Act 1974.
    2 Cf Vivienne Harpward, Principles of Tort Law, Cavendish Publishing Limitied,2000, p378-381.
    1 Reynolds v Times Newspaper Limited [2001] 2 AC 127
    1 Reynolds v Times Newspaper Limited [2001] 2 AC 127
    2参见英国1981年((藐视法庭法))(Contempts of Court Act 1981, UK)
    1 [1930] 1 KB 130.
    1Jameel and others(Respondents).v.Wall Street Journal Europe Sprl(Appellants).HOUSE OF LORDS SESSlON 2005-06 [2006] UKHL 44.
    2CPR PD53 www.justice.gov.uk/civil/procrules_fin/…/pd_part53.htm,访问日期2010年9月3日。
    3CPR PD53 www.justice.gov.uk/civil/procrules_fin/…/pd_part53.htm,访问日期2010年9月3日。
    4CPR PD53 www.justice.gov.uk/civil/procrules_fin/…/pd_part53.htm,访问日期2010年9月3日。
    5(Case No:A2/2000/3681)A1-Fagih-v-HHSaudi Research & Marketing (UK) Ltd, CA, Appeal from,, [2001]EWCA Civ 1634, [2001]2 EMLR 215, [2002] EMLR 13, [2001]All ER(D)48
    1(Case No:A2/2000/3681) Al-Fagih-v-HHSaudi Research& Marketing (UK) Ltd, CA, Appeal from,, [2001] EWCA Civ 1634, [2001] 2 EMLR 215, [2002] EMLR 13, [2001] All ER (D) 48
    2参见英国诽谤卷宗号:Francome v. Mirror Group Newspapers (1984) 1 WLR 892,898A-B,该案被告是一位身份不明的个体,他用非法手段录制了一队夫妻之间的对话,并把录音投给了《镜报》,而《镜报》则公开了不利于原告的非法录音内容,原告指控其违反保密法并构成诽谤,被告败诉。
    3参见英国诽谤案卷宗号:British Steel v. Granada Television (1981) AC 1096,1168):案情如下:英国钢铁公司指控Granada电视台,1980年2月播出的关于钢铁公司工人要求增加工资而举行罢工的电视节目扭曲了被采访者的真实说法,把公司经营困难的责任归咎于管理者和政府的干预,并且在报道中对公司的“秘密文件”断章取义乱加评论。被告以有条件特权抗辩,被驳回。
    1参见英国诽谤卷宗号:Loutchansky v. Times Newspapers (2002) QB 783, [36],该案案情如下:《时报》于1999年9月和19月分别刊登了两篇文章,并于2000年2月在网站再次刊登了两篇文章,称原告(一位具有俄罗斯和以色列双重国籍的商人为黑社会大佬,干过洗钱、走私核武器等许多非法勾当,与因为洗钱正在接受调查的另一位商人关系密切。原告由于商务关系定期往返于英国,而他认为,两篇文章的发表直接影响到他在英国的声誉并影响到他的生意。被告以有条件特权作为抗辩,被驳回。
    2 Loutchansky v. Times Newspapers (2002) QB 783
    1 Loutchansky v. Times Newspapers (2002) QB 783, [36]
    2 New York Times Co. v. Sullivan,376 U.S.254 (1964).
    1 Case Reference [1997] EMLR 415
    2参见<(卫报))1995年4月11日版“简单的真实之剑”('The simple sword of truth'". guardian. co. uk (London:Guardian News and Media).11 April 1995). http://www.guardian.co.uk/aitken/Story/0,2763,208516,00.html. Retrieved 25 May 2010访问日期:2012年2月5日
    2 Hugo De Burgh:Investigative Journalism, Rout ledge,2004, p.325
    4 Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd. Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd and Others [1993] AC 534
    5 Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd and Others [1993] AC 534, [1993]
    1 Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd. Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd and Others [1993] AC 534
    2 Defamation Act,1952,15 & 16 Geo.6 & 1 Eliz.2, ch.66, 5 (Eng.) (hereinafter Defamation Act of 1952). Amended by Defamation Act of 1996.
    3 Marlene Arnold Nicholson, McLibel:A Case Study in Defamation Law, Wisconsin International Law Journal,2000, vol.18, p.39.
    1 Micheal A. Jones, Textbook on Torts, Oxford University,2002, p221.
    Telnikoff v Matusevitch [1991] 3 WLR 952
    1 Silken v. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 516.
    2 Silken v. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 516.
    1 Silken v. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 516.
    2 Silken v. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 516.
    3 Silken v. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd [1958] 2 All ER 516.
    1 Annotated version at [1950] 1 All ER 449
    2 Spiller & Anor v Joseph & Ors ([2010] UKSC 53
    1 Spiller & Anor v Joseph & Ors [2010] UKSC 53
    2 Micheal A. Jones, Textbook on Torts, Oxford University,2002, P231.
    1 Law Commission: Defamation and The Internet, A Preliminary Investigation, Scoping Study No 2 December 2002, Crown copyright 2002,31 January 2002.
    1 Law Commission: Defamation and The Internet, A Preliminary Investigation, Scoping Study No 2 December 2002, Crown copyright 2002,31 January 2002.
    2 www.ccpcc.com/jjxj/fx/990352.htm 2006-8-31国际互联网服务提供者侵权责任研究.2001
    3 John 0'Brien, Raymond Smith, Conflict of laws
    4 House of Lords,Session 1999-2000 Publications on the Internet Judgments,2001.
    1 House of Lords.Session 1999-2000 Publications on the Internet Judgments,2001.
    2 House of Lords.Session 1999-2000 Publications on the Internet Judgments,2001.
    3 Spiliada Maritime Corp v Cansulex Ltd [1986] 3 WLR 972,3 All ER 843, [1987]
    1 C UK House of Lords,1999-2000 Session. Judgements-Berezovsky v. Michaels and Others, Glouchkov v. Michaels and Others (Consolidated Appeals). Page on Defamation and Libel Cases
    2 Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berezovsky_v_Michaels
    3 Neutral Citation no. (2002) NIQB 6.
    4 1937)1 All ER 725 Kroch v. Rossell et Cie.
    1 [1937] 1 AER 725
    2 Schapira v. Ahronson [1999] E. M. L. R.735.
    1 Schapira v. Ahronson [1999] E. M. L. R.735.
    2 Schapira v. Ahronson [1999] E.M. L. R.735.
    1 Chris Connolly, Jurisdiction on the Internet (January 2002), Galexia, http://www.galexia.com/public/research/articles/research_articles-artl8.html
    2 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libel_tourism.
    3 Thomas, Jon Ungoed & Gillard, Michael, Libel tourists flock to'easy' UK courts, The Sunday Times, November 1,2009.
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    2 Samuel A. Abady and Harvey Silverglate, Libel tourism and the War on Terror, http://ww.boston.com/ae/media/articles/2006/11/07/libel_tourism_and_the_war_on_terror/.
    3 Wheatcroft, Geoffrey, The worst case scenario, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/feb/28/pressandpublishing.law.
    1 The Speech Act 2010 US.
    1 R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Simme [2000]2 AC 115 at 126. HL, Per Lord STeyn.
    2参见E Barendt, Freedom of Speech,2ed. Oxford University Press,2005, p6-7
    1 R. Pound, "Interests of Personality" (1915) 28 Harvard Law Reciew, p 349.
    2 A. Mullis & A. Scott, Something Rotten in the State of English Libel Law. A Rejoinder to the Clamour for Reform of Defamation, Communications Law (2009) 14,133.
    3 A.Mullis & A. Scott, Something Rotten in the State of English Libel Law. A Rejoinder to the Clamour for Reform of Defamation, Communications Law (2009) 14,173-183.
    1 R. Post, " The Constitutional concept of Public Discourse:Outrageous Opinion, Democratic Deliberation, and Hustler Magazine v. Falwell (1990) 103 Harward LR 601 622"
    2 Arnold Bennett, "The price of justice is eternal publicity." http://ww.faceintel.com/defamation.htm
    1 http://www.addleshawgoddard.com/index.asp
    2 Thomas Gibbons, Defamation Reconsidered Oxford J Legal Studies (1996) 16(4):p.587-615
    2 David M. Burke, The'presumption of constitutionality'doctrine and the Rehnquist Court: a lethal combination for individual liberty, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Fa1194, Vol.18 Issue 1.
    4 BVerfGE 7,198, (1958)
    1 A. Mullis & A. Scott, Something Rotten in the State of English Libel Law? A Rejoinder to the Clamour for Reform of Defamation, Communications Law (2009) 14,173-183.
    2 A.Mullis & A. Scott, Something Rotten in the State of English Libel Law? A Rejoinder to the Clamour for Reform of Defamation, Communications Law (2009) 14,193.
    3 Helen Fenwick, Civil Liberties and Human Rights (4th edition, Routledge-Cavendish 2007),951.
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