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目的:分析乳腺癌患者术后不同转移部位间生物学特征的差异,从而筛选可能对转移部位有影响的相关因素。方法:将我院2002年1月~2007年12月间收治并有完整病例资料的121例乳腺癌术后转移患者按照不同转移部位分为骨转移组及脏器转移组(肺转移、肝转移、脑转移),分别采用单因素及多因素分析的方法对两组患者的临床及病理特征进行比较。结果:单因素分析结果显示:原发肿瘤大小、腋窝淋巴结转移状况、雌、孕激素受体及C-erbB-2基因的表达在两组间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),提示:上述四种因素可能对乳腺癌术后不同转移部位有影响。进一步运用Logistic回归模型行多因素分析结果显示:C-erbB-2基因的表达在骨转移组及脏器转移组之间的差异有统计学意义( P=0.001)。结论:乳腺癌术后骨转移患者和脏器转移患者的临床及生物学特征存在一定的差异,C-erbB-2基因可能是乳腺癌术后转移部位的影响因素之一。
Objective: To analyze the difference between different metastasis sites of breast cancer patients , and to have knowledge of the regular pattern of metastatic breast cancer . Methods: In January, 2002 ~ in December, 2007 admits to my hospital and has made follow-up visit the material 121 cases with different metastasis sites of breast cancer . We retrospectively analyzed the clinical and the pathology characteristic between the patients with organ metastases(lung,liver,brain) and bone metastases with the single factor and the multi-factor analysis method. Results: The single factor analysis result showed the tumor size, axillary lymph nodes status,ER,PR status and expression of C-erbB-2,have a statistical difference between the two groups(P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis result indicated only the expression of C-erbB-2 affects the metastasis sites of breast cancer patients( P=0.001) Conclusion: There maybe a regular between different part of metastasis breast cancer patients with different clinical and biological characteristics. The expression of C-erbB-2 maybe the factor that influent the metastasis sites of breast cancer patients.
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