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     通过文献查阅,参考前人的研究结果,本实验首先选取用于对突变基因进行初步定位的39个微卫星标记,这些标记基本平均分布于小鼠基因组,在B6及D2小鼠之间呈多态性且差异至少在4bp以上。同时,大量繁殖F2代小鼠并且优先从第2、8号染色体开始对样本进行PCR扩增,在对扩增结果逐一连锁分析后,将突变基因定位于第2号染色体上。然后,我们在靠近突变基因的附近选取新的微卫星标记,通过这些微卫星标记将突变基因所在区域进一步减小到D2Mit307和D2Mit310之间约2.7 cM的范围内,在确定小鼠基因数据库中已没有合适的微卫星位点可供使用之后,我们开始选择SNP标记,这些标记必须在B6小鼠及D2小鼠间有碱基多态性,这种多态性能够通过对PCR产物的测序进行区分。在本实验中我们共使用了11个微卫星标记和3个SNP标记,最终通过对196只F2小鼠的连锁分析,将腹侧黄色被毛小鼠的突变基因定位于第2号染色体距着丝粒149804749bp到155060764bp内大约5.3Mb之内,为进一步克隆鉴定突变基因奠定了基础。
The venter-yellow pigmentation mouse arose spontaneously in the C57BL/6J inbred strain mouse which was found by the staff of Shanghai Laboratory Animal Center, Chinese Academy of Science. It presented a special phenotype with yellow coat on the ventral surface of head, neck and trunk (from the lower jaw to the anus) and a clear boundary between ventral side and dorsal side. This thesis about the mutant mouse includes the following two parts:Investigating the biocharacteristics and mapping mutant gene of the venter-yellow pigmentation mouse.
     1. The biocharacteristics of the venter-yellow pigmentation mouse
     The mutation of venter-yellow pigmentation mouse was spontaneous and the mutant allele was inherited as single-gene dominant inheritance confirmed by genetic experiment. Compared with B6 through histopathologic and histochemical study, the mutant mouse was found that the number of melanocytes in epidermis and melanin in hair follicle of the abdominal skin were less than that of its background strain while there was no significant difference between the dorsal skin of the two strains; observed directly under microscopy, the ventral hair color of mutant mouse was lighter than that of wild type mouse while its structure was normal. There was no big difference in the color and structure of dorsal hair. The venter-yellow pigmentation mice had bigger kidney than B6 and statistical analysis showed this difference was highly significant (P<0.01). The serum glucose level of the mutant mouse in the male and the female were 7.64±0.820mmol/L and 7.46±0.992mmol/L while in the male and the female of B6 were 2.14±0.532mmol/L and 2.59±0.896mmol/L respectively, and the difference was also with high statistical significance (P<0.01). There were no significant differences between venter-yellow pigmentation mouse and B6 in other biological parameters such as weight, pathological sections of major organs and blood physiology. Although we have not understood the potential relationships of these changes, the high serum glucose level implies that the venter-yellow pigmentation mouse might be used as a new diabetes animal model. Also, before the human homologous disease corresponding to the venter-yellow pigmentation mouse is confirmed, these biological data of the venter-yellow pigmentation mouse will offer very useful clues to subsequent identification of mutant gene.
     2. Mapping the mutant gene of venter-yellow pigmentation mouse
     On the basis of many materials and former achievements referenced, 39 microsatellites, which distributed equally on 19 euchromosomes of mouse with at least 4bp differences of polymorphism between B6 and DBA (D2), was prepared for genome-wide scan. Meanwhile, [B6D2F1×D2] F2 mice for mapping mutant gene were bred and 48 genomic DNA samples were preferentially scanned with microsatellites on chromosome 2 and 8. After each of the samples was amplified by primers of these microsatellites, we evaluated amplification results using linkage-analysis method, and the mutant gene was located on chromosome 2 near by D2Mit229. Consequently, the scope of mutant gene was narrowed step by step by selected microsatellite marks approaching the mutant gene. After the mutant gene was narrowed dawn to about 2.7 cM between D2Mit307 and D2Mit310, there was no suitable microsatellite to choose in Mouse Genomic Informatics ( MGI ) database , a new type maker named single-nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) was used which should show the difference of single base polymorphism between B6 and D2 by sequencing the PCR products. In this research, 11 microsatellite marks and 3 SNP marks were used to amplify 196 F2 mice and the mutant gene was narrowed down to 5.3Mb region between rs13476833 and rs27310903 on chromosome 2. Preliminary results of phenotype analysis and gene location provide a solid basis for further identification of mutant gene.
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