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    酯(Clindamycin Phosphate,以下简称 CLP)树脂解吸液(乙醇水溶液)作为研
    量均小于纯水通量。然后通过实验,筛选出适合 CLP 乙醇水溶液浓缩分离的纳
    滤膜:DL 和 DK 膜,两种膜对 CLP 的表观截留率均在 99%以上,且可保持较高
    的通量。采用 DL 膜,系统地考察了压力、温度、切向流速和进料浓度等对 CLP
     对本实验体系,适宜的操作压力为 1.2~1.6MPa,温度为 40~50?C。切向流速
     纳滤浓缩实验将 CLP 乙醇水溶液由 40g/L 浓缩至 90g/L,随浓缩过程的进行,
    通量呈逐渐下降趋势,透过液浓度小于 0.5g/L,截留率保持在 99%以上。在此基
    础上,采用 DL2540 膜元件,在生产现场进行了实际料液的浓缩实验,截留率达
    到 99%以上。
     膜样品在 65?C 的乙醇水溶液中浸泡 420 小时后,对 CLP 的截留率仍可达到
    行板间错流过滤模型—改进的 WZY 模型,实验结果表明,在进料浓度为 60g/L
    以下时,本文模型与实验值符合较好,而当进料浓度高于 60g/L 时,实验值比预
    测值略低。利用该模型对 CLP 乙醇水溶液的纳滤分离过程进行了较全面的预测,
    较低的浓差极化程度。建立了描述膜内传递的 ESHPS 模型,并用来估算纳滤膜
    的结构参数,估算的 DL 纳滤膜的平均孔半径约为 0.6nm。对膜中传递速率的分
     XPS 测试结果显示,在较低的进料浓度下膜面有微量的 CLP 存在,进一步
    分析表明膜与 CLP 的相互作用为较弱的物理吸附。SEM 观察结果表明,在较高
    的进料浓度(大于 60g/L)下,CLP 在膜面上易形成结晶。考虑到处理的是药物
    建立了 CLP 纳滤浓缩的工业试验装置并成功运行,膜元件为 DL8040。为期
    半年的运行结果表明,纳滤膜的性能稳定,对 CLP 的截留率可达到 98%。进行
    了 CLP 树脂解吸液纳滤浓缩工程项目的经济分析,结果表明该项目具有很好的
Pharmaceuticals are indispensable for human being. However, large amounts of
    organic solvents are used for the production of pharmaceuticals, some of them may be
    rejected into air and water, causing severely environmental pollution. Meanwhile, the
    energy consumption of vacuum evaporation utlized to concentrate the dilute
    pharmaceutical solution is high. Furthermore, owing to the heat sensitivity, the
    pharmaceuticals may be damaged to some extent by vacuum evaporation, thus
    resulting in a low product purity and the destruction of antibacterial activity.
    Therefore it is urgent to develop a new separation and concentration technology.
     Most pharmaceutical molecular weights are smaller than 1000 Dalton, which lie
    in the nanofiltration molecular weight cut-off range. It is promising to utilize
    nanofiltration for pharmaceutical organic solution or aqueous organic solution
    separation and concentration. However, the application in organic solution or aqueous
    organic solution is relatively scarce.
     Based on the above background, the feasibility of NF concentration of the
    pharmaceutical aqueous organic solution was carried out using clindamycin phosphate
    (CLP) ethanol aqueous solution as model solution. The most suitable membrane was
    screened out and the effects of various factors on the performance of NF membrane
    were investigated, the characteristics of mass transfer and the mechanism and cure of
    membrane fouling were also studied.
     The difference between the permeate flux of ethanol-water mixture and the pure
    water was experimentally studied, the result shows that the former is quite small than
    the latter. And then DL and DK membrane, which are screened out experimentally,
    have high rejection of more than 99% while remaining a high permeate flux, the
    permeate flux of DL is even higher than DK. Using DL membrane, the effects of
    pressure, temperature, bulk velocity in the channel, and the concentration of the feed
    solution on the separtion process were experimentally investigated. The suitable
    operating pressure range is in the range of 1.2 to 1.6MPa, the suitable temperature
    range is 40~50?C. Bulk velocity has much effect on the performance of the membrane.
    Higher Bulk velocity is preferred in the nanofiltration process. Feed concentration
    also has great effect on the performance of DL membrane. At higher feed
    concentration, CLP may form surface crystallization, resulting in the decrease of the
    permeate flux.
    The anti-solvent property of DL membrane was investigated. DL can withstand
    ethanol-water mixture at temperature higher than 65?C, while remaining a rejection of
    96%. The nanofiltration concentration of CLP aqueous ethanol solution by DL
    membrane was investigated, the solution was concentrated from 40g/L up to 90 g/L.
    With the increase of the concentration of the pharmaceutical, the permeate flux
    decreases gradually. However, the rejection is higher than 99%. the permeate
    concentration remains lower than 0.5g/L, which was suitable for serving as desorpting
    solvent. Pilot scale experiment was performed in the pharmaceutical factory with DL
    2540 membrane to concentrate CLP resin desorption solution, the rejection of CLP
    was higher than 99%.
     The mass transfer phenomena outside and inside the membrane were
    investigated. A parallel plate crossflow filtration model -modified WZY model, was
    established. The permeate flux predicted by the modified WZY model agrees with the
    experimental value quite well at concentration lower than 60g/L. However, it
    overestimated the permeate flux at concentration higher than 60g/L which is due to
    the surface crystalization. The nanofiltration separation process of CLP aqueous
    ethanol solution was predicted using the modified WZY model, and the effects of
    pressure, temperature, bulk velocity, and length and width of the channel on the
    process were predicted. Higher feed flow rate and feed concentration of CLP,
    narrower membrane cell channel and shorter channel length, will cause
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