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随着硬件、网络与通信技术的飞速发展和现实应用需求的持续推动,数据流(Data Stream)作为一种新的数据类型,在诸如金融分析、网络数据管理、移动对象跟踪、通信网监控和传感器网络数据处理等众多领域有着广泛的应用。传统的数据库查询处理技术通常只适合处理存储在磁盘或内存等介质中的静态数据,难以直接应用到无限、连续、快速、“单遍扫描”的数据流中,因而,数据流应用对数据管理与分析提出了更高的要求。如何从海量流数据中快速提取有价值的信息已成为数据库及相关研究领域面临的一个重大挑战。
     1.在分布式数据流离群点检测方面。在比较和分析现有离群点度量的基础上,结合核密度估计技术扩展了基于距离和基于密度的离群点定义。针对分布式数据流离群点检测中面临如何提高全局离群点检测率和降低网络通信开销的两大问题,以常见的星型网络拓扑模型为基础,提出了一种高检测率、低通信开销的分布式数据流离群点检测算法—DisOutlierStreams。采用非参数核密度估计技术快速计算出当前滑动窗口内流数据的概率密度函数,结合指数衰减策略处理数据流的动态演化性,通过散度技术(Divergence Technology)在检测率可控的前提下较大地减少了协调结点与其子结点之间的通信开销。在算法的具体实现上,充分发挥了Matlab软件强大的符号和数值计算功能。理论分析和实验结果表明,与已有同类数据流离群点检测算法相比,该方法的网络传输量与滑动窗口大小无关,更有效地降低了网络通信开销,具有良好的性能和可扩展性。
     3.在数据流子序列匹配方面。子序列匹配问题在时间序列数据库中早有研究,但数据流子序列匹配还处于发展初期。本文在总结并分析现有序列匹配度量差异的基础上,选用抗噪音和形变效果良好的动态时间弯曲距离(Dynamic Time WarpingDistance)作为序列匹配的衡量标准,将数据流子序列匹配归纳为“最佳匹配”、“区域匹配”、“最优区域匹配”和“Top-K最优区域匹配”四个子问题。针对已有数据流子序列匹配算法中时间弯曲矩阵计算开销过大的问题,提出了一种低时空复杂度、近实时的数据流子序列匹配算法—FSM,它充分利用相似性阈值和上下界剪枝技术尽量减少时间弯曲矩阵中的冗余计算。理论分析和实验结果表明,与已有数据流子序列匹配算法相比,算法准确率并未有任何降低,在合理设置相似性阈值和查询序列的情况下,仅需增加几个字节的空间开销,计算速度提高明显,特别是在高维流数据和长查询序列下性能提升更为显著。
With the fast development of hardware, network and communication technology, and the ac-celeration of comprehensive real world applications, there occurs a new kind of data type, namelydata stream, which exits in many fields, such as finance analysis, network data management, trac-ing moving objects, communication network monitoring, sensor network management, and etc.The traditional database query processing technology generally manage the static data, which arestored in the medium such as disk or memory, and is hardly suit for the unlimited, continuous,rapid and“one scan”data stream applications. So, the data stream applications provide higherrequirements for the data management and analysis. It is a major challenge in database researchfield that how to quickly find the valuable information over massive data streams.
     The research of data stream has been widely concerned by the academy and industrial field,and can be divided into two parts, data stream management and data stream analysis. Basedon the fruit and deficiency of existing works, this dissertation conducts an in-depth study whichfocuses on the four important issues of data stream analysis, outlier detection, skyline computing,subsequence matching and index structure. The main contents of this dissertation are as follows:
     1. Outlier detection on distributed data streams. Based on the comparison and analysis ofexisting outlier metrics, this dissertation extends the distance-based and density-based outlier def-initions which combine the kernel density estimation technique. It will face with two problems inoutlier detection over distributed data streams, how to improve the detection ratio of global outliersand reduce the network communication. On the base of the common star network structure, Dis-OutlierStreams algorithm is provided which has high efficiency and lower communication. Thenon-parameter kernel estimation technique can obtain the probability density function in sliding-window quickly. An exponential fading strategy is used to catch the evolution of data stream.Divergence Technology can reduce the overhead of network communication with the guaranteeof detection precision. In the implementation this algorithm takes full advantage of the powerfulsymbol and numerical computation in Matlab. theoretical analysis and experiments show that thisalgorithm can effectively reduce the communication overhead which has no relation with the sizeof sliding window, and has high performance and scalability.
     2. Sparse skyline computing over data stream. The average number of skyline set increasesexponentially with the number of objects and the dimensions. On the other hand, skyline set isseriously affected by the data distribution. The quick increase of skyline set decreases the qualityfor the online service and decision making applications. Based on summarization of the relatedwork for skyline computing, we propose a novel concept, called sparse skyline, which uses a skyline object to represent its nearby skyline neighbors within the acceptable difference (δ). Then,two algorithms are provided, the basic sparse skyline BSS algorithm and the extend ESS algorithm.BSS algorithm builds on the original skyline algorithm, and adopts an effective pruning techniqueto reduce the computation. ESS algorithm constructs a sparse skyline feature tree to organize thepoints in sliding window directly, which can adjust adaptively and progressively the quality ofthe sparse skyline set according to the correlations of data distribution. Comparing with the BSSalgorithm, The ESS algorithm has stronger manageability and higher efficiency.
     3. Subsequence matching on data stream. Subsequence matching on time series database hasbeen researched for many years, however, subsequence matching on data stream is still in earlystages of development. On the basis of analysis the existing matching metrics, we select the DTW(dynamic time warping) distance which can tolerate the noise and skew. It can been consideredfrom four sub-problems: best matching, range matching, optimal range matching, top-k optimalrange matching. Aiming to the high computation in time warping matrix, this dissertation providesa new FSM algorithm, which has lower space complexity and can process the stream data in realtime. It makes the best of similarity threshold to prune the redundant computation as early aspossible. Theoretical analysis and experiments with synthetic and real data show that this methodis faster than the existing algorithms, especially to the high dimensions and long query sequences,it only increases several bytes on the memory cost without the loss of precision.
     4. Index structure for data stream. Index technique is one of key techniques to improvethe performance of data stream query and analysis. This dissertation analyzes the prior R-Treevariants to support frequent updates on data stream, and designs an improved QDM-Tree whichconsiders how to improve the update performance and decrease the storage overhead all together.It also provides the corresponding algorithms for the insert, delete and query operations. Usingthe hash method replaces the high time-consuming operation– tree traversing. It also supports thelazy group deletion. It quantizes the tree nodes and updates the data in a“bottom-to-top”approach.The experimental results show that, comparing with the existing index tree variants, QDM-Treehas almost the same storage overhead and higher performance for updating and querying.
     In summary, this dissertation addresses the four key issues in data stream analysis, andpresents several high efficient solutions which analysis the overhead of computation, storage andcommunication in a comprehensive way. It is a promotion of stream data processing on boththeoretical study and practical applications.
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