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As a new generation of technology based on the Internet,the grid is widely paid attention to within academia and industry circles both domestically and internationally. Distinguished from conventional distributed computing,the grid combines networking, communication, computation and information to provide a virtual platform for users with an integrated information and application services.
     Based on the researches on domestic and international grid technology in recent years, the concept, architecture, and the application of the grid are discussed in current paper. Combined with existing network technology, several grid communicating issues, such as the grid protocols, grid bandwidth management, analysis of high-speed network performance in grid environment and policy-based gird management are analyzed and summarized. Finally, some in-depth studies on theories are done based on the characteristics of grid QoS,the guarantee mechanism of grid QoS,QoS-based grid architecture and grid parameters, and the simulation experiments are designed to analyze and compare the two kinds of grid QoS supporting system, GARA and G-QoSM .
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