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糖皮质激素(glucocorticoid)通过糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid receptor, GR)调节机体各方面生理代谢过程。中国地方猪种二花脸猪与外来猪种大白猪相比,血液皮质醇水平和肝脏GR mRNA和蛋白水平存在明显的品种差异。我们实验室以往的研究对中国地方猪种和外来猪种皮质醇合成通路进行了探讨,但是不同品种间肝脏GRmRNA差异表达的机理却不清楚,加上猪GR基因启动子序列一直没有确认,使得对猪GR基因转录调控的研究更加困难。本研究克隆了猪GR基因的近端启动子序列,鉴定了GR基因外显子Ⅰ的七个可变剪切变体,并对每个变体5’和3’在基因组上进行了定位。比较了新生大白猪和二花脸猪肝脏GR mRNA及其外显子Ⅰ可变剪切变体的表达,发现变体1-4和1-5在大白猪表达显著高于二花脸猪。对肝脏GR启动子甲基化分析表明GR启动子甲基化程度在大白猪和二花脸猪上并没有差异,转录因子CREB (cAMP responsive element-binding protein)和GR参与了新生时GR变体1-4和1-5的转录调控,导致大白猪总GR mRNA表达高于二花脸猪。断奶前仔猪GRmRNA出现相反的趋势,大白猪GR外显子Ⅰ变体1-9,10和总GR mRNA表达低于二花脸猪,Sp1(specificity protein1)和p53参与了变体1-9,10的转录调控。体外实验用HepG2细胞加上p53通路的激活剂药物Doxorubicin (Dox)处理后,GR mRNA(?)即发生相应的改变,进一步证明p53通过Sp1调控了GR mRNA的转录。
     通过比对已经发表的人GR(AY436590X大鼠GR(AJ271870)、小鼠GR(X66367)基因启动子序列,选取高度同源区域和已知的猪GR cDNA (AY779185.1)序列作为探针,筛选到猪基因细菌人工染色体(BAC)阳性克隆,序号为CH242-105G5,此克隆委托Sanger公司测序得到猪GR基因完整序列,NCBI登记号为CU928713。对猪GR基因近端启动子序列和人、大鼠和小鼠GR外显子Ⅰ可变剪切变体进行同源比对,分别在外显子Ⅰ不同变体的同源保守区和外显子2上设计上游和下游引物。PCR扩增后产物经过电泳、切胶、纯化后导入pMDH18-T Vector载体克隆测序,确定猪GR近端外显子Ⅰ存在7个变体,即变体1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7,1-8,1-9,10,1-11,并且对这7个变体碱基序列进行了鉴定。由于七个外显子末端都是连接在相同剪切位点即外显子2上,因此可对不同变体3’边界进行定位,另外根据猪GR外显子Ⅰ和人、大鼠GR外显子同源性比对结果,确定了外显子Ⅰ不同变体5’边界。将猪GR外显子Ⅰ变体与人、大鼠、小鼠对应的变体进行序列同源性分析表明,与人GR外显子Ⅰ变体序列相比,猪GR序列同源性比大鼠、小鼠的同源性要高。猪GR启动子及其变体序列确定的为下一步对猪GR基因在不同组织表达及其组织特异性调控提供了基础。
     2猪肝脏GR mRNA变体表达的品种差异与GR启动-γ-甲基化分析
     选取6头初生的雄性大白猪和二花脸猪,屠宰取肝脏样品提取总RNA并反转成cDNA。用Real time PCR方法对GR外显子Ⅰ近端7个变体即1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7,1-8,1-9,10,1-11mRNA表达丰度进行了品种间比较。结果显示新生大白猪肝脏总GR mRNA和变体1-4,1-5mRNA表达均显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05)。由于猪GR近端启动子富含CpG位点,且被包含在一个大的CpG岛内,我们推测变体1-4和1-5转录差异是否由启动子甲基化水平不同而引起的。因此将肝脏DNA采用亚硫酸盐处理,并结合Sequenom's Massarray Array方法对GR启动子甲基化水平进行了分析。结果表明,GR启动子总的甲基化水平没有差异,同时转录有差异的1-4和1-5变体对应的启动子甲基化也不存在差异。整个GR启动子内某几个位点甲基化水平有差异,生物信息学分析这些甲基化位点位于某些转录因子位点结合处,但是甲基化的差异并没有影响到相应变体的表达,提示不同品种猪肝脏GR mRNA差异表达可能主要由转录因子调控引起的。
     新生时GR启动子甲基化可能没有参与品种间GR mRNA的转录调控,于是我们从转录因子方面对新生时期大白猪和二花脸猪GR基因的转录调控进行了研究。生物信息学分析显示GR1-5启动子上含有CREB, Spl. GR等反式因子结合位点,1-4启动子上除了以上转录因子外还有两个YY1(Ying Yang1)结合位点。Western blot分析显示新生时肝脏核蛋白Spl,p-CREB, GR均是大白猪显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05),YY1在肝脏核蛋白表达量以及结合在启动子1-4上都没有差异,结合在GR启动子1-4上的p-CREB在大白猪大于二花脸猪,相反大白猪猪结合在启动子1-4,1-5上GR明显低于二花脸猪,同时结合在启动子1-4和1-5上乙酰化的组蛋白大白猪也比二花脸猪高(P<0.05,或P<0.01)。以上结果提示, p-CREB参与了GR转录正向调控,而GR对自身转录形成负调控。新生时大白猪和二花脸猪品种间GR mRNA差异化的转录是由结合在启动子上的不同的p-CREB和GR以及乙酰化组蛋白而造成的。
     我们对断奶前大白猪和二花脸肝脏GR mRNA及其外显子Ⅰ变体进行研究,发现大白猪总GR mRNA表达显著低于二花脸猪,对GR基因外显子Ⅰ近端的7个变体进行分析,只有变体1-9,10mRNA的表达在两品种间有差异,其他变体没有差异。变体1-9,10在7个GR外显子Ⅰ的变体中所占比例最大,表明GR变体1-9,10的差异是导致总GR差异的主要原因。研究发现肝脏核蛋白中Sp1的水平在大白猪显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05),但是结合在GR启动子1-9,10上Sp1水平却是大白猪低于二花脸猪(P<0.05),同时大白猪结合在GR启动子1-9,10上乙酰化组蛋白比二花脸猪要少。用免疫共沉淀方法发现肝脏核蛋白中转录因子Sp1可以结合p53,反之亦然。另外我们发现肝脏p53mRNA与GR mRNA呈显著正相关(P=0.001),为了进一步探讨p53参与GR转录调控可能的机制,我们体外培养了HepG2细胞,用p53通路的激活剂Doxorubicin (DOX)对细胞进行了处理。实验表明HepG2细胞培养液中加入100nmol/L Dox显著提高了细胞p53和GR蛋白表达(P<0.05,或P<0.01),同时GR变体1-9,10表达也显著提高。将猪GR基因1-9,10启动子序列(-3149~-2724bp)构建的荧光素酶报告系统瞬时转染导入HepG2细胞,分别用10nmol/L和100nmol/LDox处理细胞,100nmol/L浓度的Dox处理导致荧光素酶报告体系活性明显升高(P<0.01)。综合以上体内和体外结果提示,Sp1直接参与了肝脏总GR mRNA以及GR变体1-9,10mRNA的转录调控,p53通过Sp1以蛋白-蛋白相互作用方式间接调控了GR转录。
Glucocorticoids regulate an array of physiological functions by binding to the ubiquitously expressed glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Chinese indigenous pig, Erhualian(EHL), showed more cortisol in blood and expressed higher GR mRNA in liver compared with Large White pig(LW). Previous study in our laboratory have studied cortisol synthesis pathway in LW and EHL piglets, however different GR mRNA expression in liver and investigation into the breed-dependent GR transcriptional regulation is hampered by lacking porcine GR promoter information. In this study, we cloned and sequenced proximal promoter of pig GR gene and detected seven alternative first exons of GR gene.5'and3' boundary of alternative first eoxns were determined on genomic position. We studied GR mRNA and GR alternative first exons in liver of newborn piglets, and found exon1-4and1-5were significantly higher in LW than that in EHL piglets, methylation of GR promoter had no difference between two breeds of piglets. Trans-acting factors, p-CREB and GR took part in transcriptional regulation of exon1-4and exon1-5and deduced different expression of total GR mRNA. However, hepatic GR mRNA and exon1-9,10in LW were significantly lower than that in EHL in preweaning piglets, Spl and p53were involved in exon1-9,10transcriptional regulation. In vitro experiment we used doxorubicin (DOX) to activate p53and found that p53protein in HepG2cells increased concominant with enhanced GR protein. In vivo and in vitro studies proved that Sp1directedly regulated GR exon1-9,10transcription, while p53regulated GR mRNA through protein-protein mechanism with Spl.
     1Sequence of proximal promoter of glucocorticoid receptor and first alternative exons
     We first compared the published GR promoter sequences of human (AY436590), rat (AJ271870) and mouse (X66367), and identified the highly conserved regions. Using these highly conserved sequences and the porcine GR cDNA sequence (AY779185.1) as probes, we screened the porcine bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC) library and hit a positive clone (CH242-105G5). The BAC clone was then priority sequenced by the Sanger Institute upon our request.Within the complete sequence (CU928713) of the clone, we verified, by sequencing the overlapping PCR products amplified from porcine genomic DNA extracted from liver, a5300bp59flanking sequence of porcine GR exon2. We designed the upstream primers according to the sequence homology of pig with human and rat,which were located in various first exons, while the downstream primers were located in coding region of exon2. Seven pairs of primers were used to amplify the alternative first exons with cDNAs, then the PCR products were detected in gel and the expected bands were cut out and cloned into the pMDH18-T Vector, after that the clones were sequenced. All the alternative first exons were spliced to the same nocleotide sequence located in exon2, thus the3'end of the first exons were determined. The5'boundaries were identified by bioinformatic prediction referring to the5'boundary sequences of the first exons in human and rat GR. Homologous analysis of GR gene of pig, human, rat and mouse, revealed that pig GR sequence shared more homologous with human than rat and mouse. Sequence of pig GR gene provided basis for further study of pig GR gene transcription and expression in different tissue and different breeds of pigs.
     2Analysis of methylaiton of promoter of GR in liver of LW and EHL pigs
     In this study, we used six newborn male LW and EHL pig and studied total GR mRNA and seven alternative5'-untranslated first exons1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7,1-8,1-9,10and1-11of GR gene. Among all these GR mRNA variants, exons1-4and1-5, as well as the total GR were expressed in a breed-dependent manner in the liver, newborn piglets of LW showing significantly (P<0.05) higher expression compared with EHL. Since promoter of GR gene are GC rich and are located in a CpG island, it was speculated that methylation of promoter will account for GR1-4and1-5mRNA different expression. Genomic DNA of liver was treated with bisulfite and methylation of promoter was analysed by the method of Mass-array ARRAY. Result showed that overall average methylaiton of GR promoter and promoter of exon1-4and1-5had no difference between two breeds of piglets, methylation of several sites of CpG island had difference, bioinformatics analysis revealed that these CpG positions were located in binding sites for transcription factors, however methylation of these positions had on effect on exon transcription, implying that mechanism of transcription regulation involved in trans-acting factors will account for different GR mRNA expression in liver.
     3Breed-dependent transcriptional regulation of5'-untranslated GR Exon I mRNA variants in the liver of newborn piglets
     Methylation of promoter of GR gene were not the reason for different GR mRNA transcription in two breeds of newborn piglets, therefore we studied GR transcription regulation in aspect of trans-acting factors. Bioimformatics anslysis revealed that CREB, Spl and GR harbored binding sites on promoter1-5of GR gene, what is more, promoter1-4harbored two YY1(Ying yang1) binding sites. Nuclear content of Spl, p-CREB and GR in the liver was significantly higher in LW piglets(P<0.05), associated with enhanced binding of p-CREB, as well as higher level of histone H3acetylation in1-4and1-5promoters^<0.05, or P<0.01). In contrast, GR binding to promoters of exons1-4and1-5was significantly diminished in LW piglets, implicating the presence of negative GREs. YY1had no difference in hepatic nuclear content and showed no binding difference to promoter1-4. These results indicated p-CREB and GR were involved in positive and negative transcriptional regulation of GR mRNA, respectively. The difference in the hepatic expression of GR transcript variants between two breeds of pigs was determined, at least partly, by the disparity in the binding of transcription factors and the enrichment of histone H3acetylation to the promoters.
     4Breed-dependent transcriptional regulation of5'-untranslated GR Exon I mRNA variants in the liver of preweaning piglets
     In this study we studied hepatic GR mRNA expression in preweaning piglets, and found that LW pig express lower GR mRNA than EHL piglets. We studied seven GR alternative first exons and found1-9,10showed breed depended difference, while other exons had no difference. Exon1-9,10was the most abundant expression in GR first exons and deduced total GR mRNA difference in two breeds of piglets. Nuclear content of Sp1in the liver was significantly (P<0.05) higher in LW piglets, however, LW piglets showed decreased binding of Spl to promoter1-9,10, as well as lower level of histone H3acetylation in1-9,10promoter. Co-Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that Sp1interacted with p53, and vice versa. Hepatic p53mRNA was significantly correlation with GR mRNA(P=0.001), in order to study the mechanism of p53regulating transcription of GR mRNA, we cultured HepG2cell. Dox was added to the culture and activated p53pathway, it significantly increased p53and GR protein (concominant with enhanced GR1-9,10mRNA expression(P<0.05). Promoter-luciferase reporter gene construct containing the sequence between-3149and-2724of pig GR gene (located in promoter1-9,10) was generated, construct was transiently transfected into HepG2cells,100nmol/L DOX significantly increased promoter luciferase activity(P<0.01). The present study showed that Sp1directedly increased transcription of GR, while p53increased GR transcription by interaction with Spl protein.
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