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     句法启动是在实时的句法编码过程中产生的,反映了语言加工背后存在的抽象句法表征,是探究句法结构如何被人类认知系统所表征的可靠工具。对句法机制的研究主要是通过句法启动实验范式来实现的,研究多集中于语言的产出,直到近几年才有研究者通过句法启动实验来研究对句法歧义的理解。本文共分四章。第一章为引言部分,主要涉及选题背景和意义、研究问题、研究范式和研究概述。第二章文献综述部分首先回顾了有关双语句法表征的实验研究,概述了句法的加工机制及认知模型,详细介绍了三个双语句法表征实验研究及加工模型,即:Loebell和Bock(2003)的跨语言句法启动实验研究、Hartsuiker et al. (2004)的双语动词句法表征模型、Bernolet(2008)的双语句法表征发展模型;然后在本章最后概述了“双元结构”理论假设,并从语言和思维的关系和认知语言学中“图形——背景理论”的角度讨论了汉英关系分句两大句法结构的异同和汉英思维差异。第三章由三个句法启动实验组成,构成了整篇论文的主体部分。句法启动实验深入研究了不同英语水平的成年汉英双语者的即时句法表征。实验一采用句子补完任务,探讨了汉语双及物结构能否引起英语中相应结构的激活。实验二和实验三利用自定义步速移窗实验范式,探讨了在理解含有暂时歧义结构的句子过程中的汉语语内和英汉跨语言句法启动效应,实验材料为汉语偏正结构(“VP+NP1+de+NP2”)和英语关系分句结构。实验二是汉语内句法启动实验,实验结果显示汉语内出现了启动效应,说明了句法启动不具有语言特异性。实验三是英汉跨语言句法启动实验,与实验二所得的启动量相比较,结果发现,对于具有较高的英语熟练程度的汉英双语者来说,虽然具有相同的句法功能的汉语偏正结构和英语关系分句次序不同,但是对英语关系从句的加工影响了后续对汉语偏正结构的加工,也就是说汉语偏正结构和英语关系从句是共同表征的。然而,在英语熟练程度较低的汉英双语者中却没有出现启动效应,表明了这两种句法结构是分别存储的。第四章为总结章节,简要回顾了本次研究,总结了研究发现,同时也提出了研究的不足之处和今后研究的方向。
The“Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Structures”Hypothesis postulates that there exist knowledge structures and cognition structures of the mother tongue and foreign language which are interacted in the process of adult learners' foreign language learning. This theory has been verified and supported by evidences from neurolinguistics, cognitive psychology and some experiments concerning listening and reading skills. The present study tries to explore the Chinese-English bilinguals’syntactic construction and representation from the production and comprehension of the syntactic processing. This empirical study further explores the rationality of the“Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Structures”Hypothesis and how these structures are presented in human’s brain by examining the priming effects in Chinese and between Chinese and English.
     Syntactic priming occurs in the process of on-line syntactic encoding, reflecting the existence of abstract syntactic representations. This paradigm is a reliable tool to explore how people’s cognitive system represents syntactic structure. Study on the mechanism of syntax is mainly carried out through the syntactic priming paradigm, focusing on the language production. It was not until the latest few years that some researchers started to work at the comprehension process of syntactic ambiguity. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 serves as a general introduction. Research background and research significance, research questions, research paradigm and organization of the study are presented. Chapter 2 introduces some of the related experimental study on bilingual syntactic representations, providing the detailed information of syntactic processing mechanism and cognitive models. Then the end of this chapter outlines the“Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Structures”Hypothesis, and a discussion on the similarities and differences between the Chinese and English syntactic structures based on the relationship between language and thinking and“Figure-Ground”Theory in cognitive linguistics. Three syntactic priming experiments in Chapter 3 investigated the on-line syntactic representation of the adult college Chinese-English bilinguals with different English proficiencies. Using sentence-completion task, Experiment 1 explored whether Chinese ditransitive constructions could priming English equivalent constructions and whether second language proficiency influences the processing of syntax. Experiment 2 and 3 utilized self-paced word-by-word moving window reading paradigms to investigate within Chinese syntactic priming effect and English-Chinese cross-linguistic priming effect during the comprehension of the syntactic contemporary ambiguity resolution. Experiment 2 showed priming effect occurred within Chinese, indicating that syntactic priming is not language specific. In Experiment 3, comparing with the data from Experiment2, it was found that for the Chinese-English bilinguals with higher English proficiencies, although the Chinese narrative-object structures and English relative clause structures serve the same function and differ in word order, the processing of the Chinese narrative-object structures was influenced by the prior experience with the English relative clause structure. The results indicate that the syntactic structures of Chinese narrative-object structures and English relative clauses share the same representation. However, priming was not occurred when the participants are the ones with lower English proficiencies, in other words, they stored the two kinds of structures separately. In chapter 4, there is a brief review of this study, the summary of the findings with inadequacy of the research and suggestions for further study.
     Overall, the thesis contributes to the enrichment of“Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Structures”hypothesis from the syntactic level. The construction and representation of syntactic structures were investigated both in language comprehension and production. The findings showed that the representation of bilinguals’knowledge structures and cognitive structures is dynamic system, and it changes as the second language proficiency improves.
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