枯草芽孢杆菌224 yplQ、ytjAa基因缺失菌株的构建及对其溶血性影响
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枯草芽孢杆菌224(Bacillus subtilis 224,BS224)是一种从人体中分离出来的非致病性芽孢杆菌,根据微生态学原理,利用微生物间的拮抗作用,由其活菌体制成的生物制品白天鹅气雾剂是一种有效治疗烧伤创面感染、促进创面愈合的烧伤外用药,但由于具有溶血性能,目前,已经停止了其在医疗方面的使用。
     本实验是在已经确定yqhB,yrkA,yugS,yhdT,yhdP 5个基因单独作用对其溶血性均无影响的基础上,对枯草芽孢杆菌224溶血样基因继续研究,利用同源重组法构建枯草芽孢杆菌224yplQ、ytjAα基因缺失株,并进行溶血性检测以确定溶血基因或引起溶血的主效基因,对枯草芽孢杆菌224溶血基因的最终确定和溶血作用的研究迈出了关键的一步。
Bacillus subtilis 224 was a non-pathogenic Bacillus that separated from human body. Accord- ing to the Microecology principle and the antagonism among the microorganism, White Swan aerosol made of live BS224 was a effective medicine for burn external using, it could treat infected burn wounds and promote wound healing. But because of hemolysis, it has been stopped using in medicine now.
     Up to now, no investigation was performed on the Bacillus subtilis 224 genome sequencing, but Bacillus subtilis 168 genome sequencing has been sure, eight genes were possibe related to hemolysis. yplQ(642bp)、ytjAα(228bp)were two of them, and expression product of ytjAαwas similar to alpha-hemolysin.
     Here, yplQ and ytjAαDNA fragments were amplified by PCR with chromosomal DNA of BS224 as the template and inserted into cloning vector pMD18-T to construct the recombinant plasmids pMD18-T-yplQ、pMD18-T-ytjAα. The primers of PCR amplification reaction were designed according to the genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis 168. The recombinant plasmids were transformed into competent cells of E.coli JM109. Positive clones were screened from the LB solid medium plates including Ampicillin. The positive recombinants were identified by restriction enzyme digest and finally sequenced. The results suggested that the homology between the nucleotide sequence of the cloned yplQ、ytjAαand the reported ones were separately 99.8%、99.4%. So it could be sure that the cloning of yplQ and ytjAαgenes is right in the genome of BS224.
     An integration plasmid pMD18-T-neo-yplQ for the yplQ gene disruption in Bacillus subtilis 224 was constructed. The plasmid contained upstream region of the yplQ gene 1.0kb and the yplQ gene downstream 0.5kb homologous fragments with insertion of the expression unit of the neom- ycin resistance gene between them. Upstream and downstream DNA fragments were synthesized by PCR from Bacillus subtilis 224 chromosomal DNA. The constructed gene targeting vector was linearized with HindⅢ, and electroporated into competent cells of BS224. Positive transformers were screened from the 50μg·ml-1 neomycin resistance plates. 36 transformers were analyzed by PCR to identify yplQ gene deletion.
     An integration plasmid pMD18-T-neo-ytjAαfor the ytjAαgene disruption in Bacillus subtilis 224 was constructed. The plasmid contained the ytjAαgene downstream 0.5kb and the ytjAαgene upstream 0.4kb homologous fragments with insertion of the expression unit of the neomycin resistance gene between them. Upstream and downstream DNA fragments were synthesized by PCR from Bacillus subtilis 224 chromosomal DNA. The constructed gene targeting vector was linearized with PstⅠ、EcoRⅠ, and electroporated into competent cells of BS224. Positive transformers were screened from the 50μg·ml-1 neomycin resistance plates. 12 transformers were analyzed by PCR to identify ytjAαgene deletion.
     Hemolysis of yplQ and ytjAαgene deleted mutants were separately identified on 5% sheep blood agar plates. The results suggested that the two genes deleted mutants could all induce hemolysis. It indicated that knockout of single gene had no influence or no main influence on hemolysis of BS224.
     Based on knockouting of single gene yqhB, yrkA, yugS, yhdT, yhdP had no influence on hemolysis of BS224, the test was futher study on Bacillus subtilis 224 other hemolytic genes. yplQ and ytjAαgenes deleted mutants were constructed by homologous recombination and their hemolysis were identified to make sure hemolytic genes or main genes inducing hemolysis, and one key step was forward taken for finally determines on Bacillus subtilis 224 hemolytic genes and studies on hemolysis.
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