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A soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) based non-point source modeling system of the Miyun Reservoir watershed was established based on investiga -tion of point and non-point source pollution and digital elevation model, land-use, soil, weather, hydrological and water quality data, and agricultural management practices. Measured timeseries stream flow and water quality data were used to calibrate and verify the mode -ling system. The hydrological and sediment simu -lations agree well with observ ations in the Miyun Reservoir watershed. The simul -ation results show that the non-point source modeling system can also be applied to simulate and predict non-point source loadings in the Miyun Reservoir.
     Because of the broad affected area and the great technical challenges of non-point pollution in the Miyun reservoir watershed, we should take measures a multidisciplinary, all-round and comprehensive management to exercise effective control. This paper proposes controlling management measures of agricultural non-point source pollution. For example, taking conservation tillage, contour farming, conservation crop rotation, and improving cover crops.
     Development pressure in the agricultural areas with great pressure, we can not restrict fertilizer, pesticide application rate, and other measures to reduce or eliminate agricultural non-point source pollution. We should adopt "prevention first, combining prevention," countermeasures. In addition, the Theoretical Study should also be strengthened.
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