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     本文借助于基于时域有限积分(FIT)方法的CST MWS软件,研究、设计和制作了一种适合于局部肿瘤热疗需求的辐射天线,并展开了部分实验研究。论文分为三部分:
Hyperthermia has been widely used in tumor cure. It is a tumor therapy which is using biological heat effect. Microwaves, radiofrequency, ultrasonic are commonly used in hyperthermia treatment. Microwave heating technology has less problems of overheat, and is more safety. Furthermore, it has little side effect and other disadvantages. Designing high effective and secure microwave hyperthermia antennas is the key issue for improving of microwave hyperthermia.
     In this paper, an antenna for a local tumor hyperthermia is designed using the CAD software CST MWS which is based on Finite Integration Technique. The thesis is composed of three parts.
     In the first part, the mechanism of microwave hyperthermia, the basic theory and design methods of microwave medical radiation antennas are introduced, which provided a theoretical foundation for the choice of antenna in microwave hyperthermia field.
     In the second part, a ridged circular waveguide is designed as an external radiator. The structure of the antenna is optimized by filling the waveguide with dielectric and loading multilayer dielectric at the radiation surface, which can reduce the reflected energy, make the electric field more concentrated and the increase effective heating depth, as the same time, the radiation efficiency will be improved too. The simulation data shows that the radiation antenna is not sensitive to its working frequency and structure parameters.
     In the third part, the process of manufacturing needed antenna is showed, the reflection coefficient of the antenna is measured, and the characteristic of temperature rising is measured by building a hyperthermia model. The results show that the measured data fit close to the simulated data, and it meets the requirement of microwave hyperthermia antenna.
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