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Shanghai, a treaty port open to foreigners after the Nanking Treaty, has been the subject for many studies not only for its abundant archives and research materials, but also because of its important role as the economic centre of China and a unique international platform where different cultures and political or social practices met and interacted.
     Due to the existence of three different jurisdictions in the city (Chinese municipality, French Concession&International Settlement) with each following an individual trajectory in terms of institutional development, social regulation, and policing, Shanghai constitutes a very interesting place to observe the processes-and tensions, negotiations or compromises therein-that sustained the confrontation between 'state' and society, between competing 'state' powers, between China and colonizing powers.
     The police in the French Concession were a police institution under the direct control of the French Consul in Shanghai. It was an important force designed to protect French interests in Shanghai and in China. It not only influenced modern Chinese politics but it also played a significant role in constructing the urban space and culture of Shanghai.
     The first chapter studies the legal bases of the police in the French Concession and the special context of Shanghai. By analyzing the relevant articles of Treaty of Nanjing, the Treaty of Whampoa, the Treaty of Tientsin, the Land Regulations and Reglement d'organisation de la Concession Francaise, the dissertation establishes that the existence of police forces in the French Concession were not planned under the basic articles that regulated the foreign settlements in China and that the police came into existence at a time when Chinese local authorities were paralyzed during the Taiping and Small Sword rebellions in the city. The police came into being as a fait accompli. Shanghai witnessed rapid urbanization and population growth along with industrialization at the beginning of the twentieth century. As Shanghai became an important metropolis in China and beyond, many problems arose, including the rise of criminality, which brought new challenges to the police. The French police in Shanghai was also placed in the context of the French imperial network, as Shanghai became the most important French asset in China. Its police personnel came to be integrated with French colonial personnel, technology and information flows.
     The second chapter concentrates on the evolution of police organization during the first three decades of the twentieth century. The French police went through several reforms under the leadership of Mallet, Fiori and Fabre, the three most important police chiefs in the French Concession. Mallet's reform laid down the basic organization of the police, its militarization and the introduction of Vietnamese soldiers into the force. His far-sighted establishment of judicial identification in the Concession helped the French to synchronize with modern police techniques. During W.W. I, as most French policemen were mobilized and went back to Europe, the police went into a period of stagnation. The lack of European policemen led to the rise of Chinese policemen within the force. Fiori inherited this situation in1919and tried to take advantage of the Chinese connections between the police and the organized crime, which led to the controversial'pact with the devil'and ultimately his forced departure in1932. However during his eleven years of service, he upgraded police organization to cope with the new challenges in Shanghai and succeeded to reorganize the police into a more professional force by1930. His successor, Fabre, cleaned up the 'bad' elements of the police and made several adjustments on the basis of the organization left by Fiori. The political functions and crime fighting abilities of the police were reinforced. At the end of this process, the police of the French Concession was fine and complex modern police force.
     The third chapter examines the policemen themselves. The police were composed of officers from several nationalities, the four most important being French, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese. Through a comparative study of recruiting conditions, training courses, salaries, welfare and job turnover, I establish that the police was a hierarchal institution based on a differentiated treatment according to race and nationality. The French policemen stood at the top of the pyramid, with the least number of heads, but the most influential powers as all the superior officers, chiefs and deputy chiefs had to be French. The French also enjoyed the best salaries and welfare conditions. The Russians were cheap white labor forces compared to the French and other foreign policemen and constituted the second highest class of the police. The Vietnamese and Chinese policemen are at the bottom of the pyramid and constituted the majority of the policemen in the Concession. The Vietnamese policemen were soldiers before becoming entering police service and their military qualities and discipline brought to the police defense abilities. They were also a double security to defend French interests in Shanghai in case Chinese nationalism spread to the Chinese policemen. The Chinese policemen were the lowest class in the police and enjoyed the lowest level of salaries and welfare. They lost their jobs very easily and their career as a policeman was quite short and unstable compared to the other nationalities.
     The fourth chapter studies the interaction of the police with the urban space of the French Concession. The police forces adjusted their strategy of spatial control to the three successive expansions of the territory of the French Concession. The police force was not limited to the formal borders and it played a driving role in the inclusion of more spheres under its control as a prelude to each expansion. The Eastern police station operated in the first police sector, but it remained stagnant compared to the other newborn police sectors created before and after territorial expansion. The Central police station changed its sphere of intervention westward as the Concession expanded and its center moved westward. The Western police station split into three separate police station to cover three sectors:Joffre, Foch and Petain stations after the third expansion and the population increase in these areas. The spatial distribution of policemen in the French Concession was also the result of the distribution of the population. Firstly, population growth led to an increase of the police force. Secondly, in the districts with high population density, the density of policemen was adjusted accordingly. The police force also adjusted the distribution of personnel and frequency of patrols according to night or daytime and the four seasons. Telephone, radios, bicycles and automobiles were used to enhance police motility. The spatial control of the police was also expressed through their control of traffic and behavior in the streets. The cleanliness of public roads was maintained by the police that strove to keep away rubbish and illegal occupations, including driving away beggars and killing stray dogs. The police also took care of the ill and injured in the streets, taking them to hospitals or hospices. Public places like coffee houses, restaurants, opium dens, and brothels were also firmly controlled by the police to prevent crimes and at the same time to increase municipal revenue. By controlling the urban space, the police not only helped develop a civilized and ordered Shanghai Frenchtown, but it also created the special cultural character of the French Concession in Shanghai.
     The fifth chapter studies the Political service. From the1920s to the1930s, three historical currents swept over China--nationalism, communism and Japanese expansionism. All these three forces met in Shanghai and led up to the creation and development of the Political Service of the French police force. In1927, after the rupture of the Chinese Communist Party and the Guomindang, the political police was formally instituted as a specific police department. It was reformed in1930and1932not only to take care of collecting information about the political, military, economic and social dynamics in China, but also to make arrests and deal in exchange of mutual interests. An agreement signed in1914with the Beiyang Government to extradite and arrest the individuals suspected of political crimes or offences helped the French Concession to obtain its last and largest territorial expansion. Suppressing the activities of the Guomindang in the French Concession at the request of local Chinese authorities in1926was a continuance of the1914agreement and a tactic for the French Concession to maintain good relationships with the local powerholders. When the Guomindang came to power, a close cooperation developed between the Chinese police and the police of two foreign settlements to hunt down at an unprecedented pace the underground communists. The Korean revolutionaries became a problem when the Japanese authorities asked the authorities of French Concession to take actions against them in1925. The problem was solved to the advantage of Japan in exchange for Japanese cooperation over the Vietnamese revolutionaries in Japan.
1 Michel Auboin, Arnaud Teyssier, Jean Tulard, Histoire et dictionnaire de la police:du Moyen age a nos jours, (Paris:Laffont,2005),3.
    2 Marcel le Clere, La Bibliographie critique de la police, (Paris:Yzer,1991, enriched by supplements in 1996, 2001 and 2002). As well as the bibliography above, there are two other books about the bibliography of the French police, see:Jean-Claude Salomon, La Bibliographic Historique des Institutions Policieres Francaises, (Toulouse:Presses de l'Institut d'etudes politiques, CERP,1986); and Jean-Marc Berliere, Marie Vogel, Police, Etat et Societe en France des annees 30 aux annees 60:essai bibliographique, (Paris:IHESI, Institut des hautes etudes de la securite interieure,1997).
    3 Dominique Monjardet, Ce que fait la police:sociologie de la force publique, (Paris:La Decouverte,1996),9.
    Vincent Milliot, "Mais que font les historiens de la police?", in Metiers de police:etre policier en Europe, ⅩⅧ-ⅩⅩe siecle, (Rennes:Presses Universitaires de Rennes,2008),11-2.
    5 Jacques Aubert et al., L'Etat el sa police en France 1789-1914, (Droz, Geneve, Paris,1979). Michel Auboin, Arnaud Teyssier and Jean Tulard, Histoire et dictionnaire de la police:du Moyen age a nos jours, (Paris: Laffont,2005). Jean-Marc Berliere, Le monde des Polices en France ⅩⅨe-ⅩⅩe siecles, (Bruxelles, Complexe, 1996).
    6 Jean-Marc Berliere, "Histoire de la police. Quelques reflexions sur I'historiographie francaise", Criminocorpus, revue hypermedia [En ligne], Histoire de la police, Presentation du dossier, mis en ligne 1 January 2008, consulte le 31 March 2012. URL:http://criminocorpus.revues.org/73
    7 For example, Jean-Marc Berliere, L'institution policiere en France sous la troisieme republique 1875-1914, (PhD. diss., Universite de Bourgogne,1991). Marie-Therese Vogel, Les polices des villes entre local et national: l'administration des polices urbaines sous la Ⅲe Republique, (PhD. diss., IEP Grenoble,1993. Patrick Bruneteaux, La violence d'Etat dans un regime democratique:les forces de maintien de l'ordre en France 1880-1980, (PhD. diss., Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne,1993). Michel Berges, Corporatisme et construction de l'Etat. Le champpolicier 1852-1940, (PhD. diss., IEP de Toulouse,1994). Annie Lauck, Les Representations de la police parisienne de la Restauration a la Monarchic de juillet (1814-1832), (PhD. diss., Paris I,1997). Helene L'Heuillet, Basse politique, haute police. Une approche philosophique de la police. (PhD. diss., Paris X-Nanterre,1999). Alain Pinel, La culture d'obeissance au service de la violence d'etat:les Groupes mobiles de reserve (GMR) 1941-1944, (PhD. diss., Paris I,2001).
    8 For exemple, Jean-Luc Laffont, Policer la ville:Toulouse capitate provinciate an siecle des Lumieres, (PhD. diss., Toulouse Ⅱ,1997). Alexandre Nugues-Bourchat, La police et les Lyonnais au ⅩⅨe siecle:controle social et sociabiltie, (Grenoble:PUG, Presses universitaires de Grenoble,2010). Simon Kitson, The Marseille Police in their contexts from Popular Front to Liberation, (PhD. diss., University of Sussex,1995). Fabien Gaveau, L'Ordre aux champs. Histoire des gardes champetres en France de la Revolution frangaise a la Ⅲe Republique. Pour une autre histoire de l'Etat, (PhD. diss., Dijon,2005).
    9 Pierre Miquel, Les Gendarmes, (Paris:Olivier Orban,1990). Jean-Noel Luc, "Essai bibliographique sur l'histoire de la Gendarmerie", in Revue de la Gendarmerie nationale, Hors serie histoire:La Gendarmerie:de la Revolution a Ventre deux-guerres,2000.135-56. Jean-Noel Luc (ed.), Histoire de la Marechaussee et de la Gendarmerie. Guide de recherche, (Paris:Maisons-Alfort, SHGN,2005). Jean-Noel Luc (ed.), Gendarmerie, etat et societe au ⅩⅨe siecle, (Paris:Publications de la Sorbonne,2002). Yann Galera, Le kepi et le crayon:les gendarmes a travers l'imaginaire collectif (1914-1968), (PhD. diss., Universite Paris IV,2006).
    10 Dominique Kalifa, Naissance de la police privee, detective et agences de recherches en France,1832-1942, (Paris:Plon,2000).
    11 Aurelien Lignereux, Gendarmes et policiers dans la France de Napoleon:le duel Moncey-Fouche, (Paris: Maisons-Alfort, SHGN,2002). Laurent Lopez, "Les relations entre policiers et gendarmes a travers leurs representations mutuelles sous la Troisieme Republique (1875-1914)", in Societes & Representations, n■ 16, Sept.2003,213-27. Laurent Lopez, "Magistrals, policiers et gendarmes en France a la Belle Epoque:enquete sur les relations entre les acteurs de l'enquete de police judiciaire", in L'enquete judiciaire en Europe an XIXe siecle, eds. Jean-Claude Farcy, Dominique Kalifa and Jean-Noel Luc, (Paris, Creaphis,2007),127-36. Laurent Lopez, "Commissaires de police et officiers de gendarmerie:regards croises (1870-1914)", Les commissaires de police au XIXe siecle, eds. P. Dominique Kalifa and Pierre Karila-Cohen, (Paris:Publications de la Sorbonne, 2008),139-54.
    12 Societe d'histoire de la Revolution de 1848 et des revolutions du XIXe siecle (ed.), Maintien de l'ordre et polices en France et en Europe au XIXe siecle, (Paris:Creaphis,1987). Jean-Marc Berliere, Denis Peschanski, Polices et pouvoirs au XXe siecle:Europe, Etats-Unis, Japon, (Bruxelles:Complexe,1997). Clive Emsley, Eric Johnson and Pieter Spierenburg, eds., Social Control in Europe 1800-2000, (Columbus:Ohio State University Press,2004).
    13 Clive Emsley, "A Typology of Nineteenth-Century Police", Crime, histoire et societes, Volume 3, N° 1,1999, 29-44.
    14 Arnaud-Dominique Houte, Le metier de gendarme national au XIXe siecle:pratiquesprofessionnelles, esprit de corps et insertion sociale de la Monarchie de Juillet a la Grande Guerre, (PhD. diss., Universite Paris-Sorbonne,2006). Jean-Marc Berliere, Catherine Denys, Dominique Kalifa and Vincent Milliot, eds., Metiers de police, Eire policier en Europe, ⅩⅧe-ⅩⅩe siecle, (Presse Universitaires de Rennes,2008).
    15 Martine Kaluszynski, Alphonse Bertillon et l'anthropometrie, Maintien de l'ordre et polices en France et en Europe au ⅩⅨe siecle, (Paris:Creaphis,1987),269-85. Laurent Mucchielli, Histoire de la criminologie francaise, (Paris:l'Harmattan,1995).
    16 Ilsen About, Vincent Denis, Histoire de I'identification des personnes, (Paris:La Decouverte,2010). Vincent Denis, Une histoire de l'identite:France,1715-1815, (Seyssel:Champ Vallon,2008).
    17 For exemple, Jean-Marc Berliere, L'institution et la societe policieres sous la Ⅲe Republique (1870-1914), (PhD diss., Universite de Dijon,1991). Jean-Marc Berliere, La Police des mceurs sous la Ille Republique, (Paris: Le seuil,1992). Jean-Marc Berliere, Les policiers en France sous l'occupation a partir des archives inedites de l'epuration, (Paris:Perrin,2001); Jean-Marc Berliere and Denis Peschanski, eds., La police francaise, 1930-1950:entre bouleversements et permanences, (Paris:La Documentation Francaise,2000). Jean-Marc Berliere, Les policiers francais sous l'Occupation, (Paris:Perrin,2001). Jean-Marc Berliere and Franck Liaigre, Le Sang des communistes Les Bataillons de la jeunesse dans la lutte armee, automne 1941, (Paris:Fayard,2004). Claude Cazals, La gendarmerie sous l'occupation, (Paris:La Musse,1994). Claude Cazals, La Garde sous Vichy, (Paris:La Musse,1997). Frederic Couderc, Les RG sous l'occupation. Quand la police francaise traquait les resistants, (Paris:Olivier Orban,1992).
    18 Emmanuel Blanchard, La police parisienne et les Algeriens (1944-1962), (Paris:Nouveau monde,2011). Jean-Paul Brunet, Police contre FLN, le drame d'octobre 1961, (Paris:Flammarion,1999). Raymond Muelle, La guerre d'Algerie en France (1954-1962), (Paris:Presses de la Cite,1994).
    19 David Anderson and David Killingray, Policing the empire:government, authority, and control, 1830-1940,(Manchester:Manchester University Press,1991). David Anderson and David Killingray, Policing and Decolonisation:Politics, Nationalism and the police,1917-65, (Manchester:Manchester University Press,1992).
    20 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire:1830-1940,2.
    21 David Arnold, Police Power and Colonial Rule: Mandras.1859-1947, (Delhi: Oxford university press, 1986). John McCracken, "Coercion and control in Nyasaland: aspects of the history of a colonial police force", Journal of African History, 27 (1986), 127^8.
    22 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire: 1830-1940, 2.
    23 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire: 1830-1940. 4.
    24 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire: 1830-1940, 5.
    25 Melvin E. Page, Penny M. Sonnenburg, Colonialism:an international, social, cultural, and political encyclopedia, (Santa Barbara, CA:ABC-CLIO,2003),476.
    26 Dino Costantini, Mission civilisatrice:le role de l'histoire coloniale dans la construction de l'identite politique francaise, (Paris:Editions La Decouverte,2008).
    27 Denise Bouche, Histoire de la colonisation francaise, Tome 2, (Paris:Fayard,1991),207-73.
    28 For example, Denise Bouche, "L'enseignement dans les territoires francais de l'Afrique occidentale de 1817 a 1920:mission civilisatrice ou formation d'une elite?" (PhD diss., Universite Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris),1974). Blaise Alfred Ngando, La France au Cameroun,1916-1939:colonialisme ou mission civilisatrice?, (Paris: L'Harmattan,2002). Laurent Fourchard and Isaac Olawale Albert, eds., Securite, crime et segregation dans les villes d'Afrique de l'ouest du 19e siecle a nos jours, (Paris:Karthala,2003).
    29 Emmanuel Blanchard, Quentin Deluermoz and Joel Glasman, "La professionnalisation policiere en situation coloniale:detour conceptuels et explorations historiographiques", Crime, Histoire & Societes, (2011, vol.15, n°2),33-53. Henri Brunschwig, Noirs et blancs dans l'afrique noire francaise:on Comment le colonise devient colonisatetur (1870-1914), (Paris:Flammarion,1983).
    33 Wang jiajian王一俭,Oingmo minchu woguo jingcha zhidu xiandaihua de licheng (1901-1928)清末民初我国警察制度现代化的历程(一九○一一九二八)(The Process of Modernization in the Chinese Police System (1901-1928)), (Taiwan:Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan,1984),5-34. Chang zhaoru常兆儒,hongguo jindai jingcha zhidu de xingcheng (The formation of the Modern Chinese Police),Zhongguo jingcha zhidu jianlun 中国警察制度简论(A Brief Study of the Chinese Police System), (Beijing:Qunzhong chubanshe,1985), 298-307.
    34 Ren shiying任士英,“Luelun jingchaxue yu qingchao jingcha xingzheng chuangli shiqi de jingcha jiaoyu "略论“警察学”与清朝警察行政创立时期的警察教育(A Brief Study of Jingchaxue and police education in late Qing), Journal of Chinese People's Public Security University,2003, N°4,145-51. Wang dawei 王大伟, "Xifangjingchaxue de yinjin yu gonganxue jichu lilun de fengfu"西方警察学的引进与公安学基础理论的丰富(The introduction of western policing and Chinese police studies), Journal of Chinese People's Public Security University,1999, N°6,9-14.
    35 See Appendix Ⅰ.
    36 Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan faxue yanjiuo fazhishi yanjiushi bianzhu中国社会科学院法学研究所法制史研究室ed., Zhongguo jingcha zhidu jianlun中国警察制度简论(On the Chinese polices), (Beijing:qunzhong chubanshe,1985). Han Yanlong, Su Yigong朝延龙,苏亦工,Z(?)hongguo jindai jingcha shi中国近代警察史(History of modern Chinese polices), (Beijing:Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe,2000).
    37 This statistic is from the master's thesis and doctoral dissertations collected by CNKI.
    38 Meng Qingchao孟庆超,"Zhongguo jingzhi jindaihua yanjiu "中国警制近代化研究(On the modernization of Chinese police institutions), (PhD diss., China University of Political Science and Law,2004). Chen Wei陈威,"Wanqing yinjin jindai jingcha zhidu shulun晚清引进近代警察制度述论(On the modern police institutions introduced in the late Qing period), (Master's thesis, The University of International Business and Economics, 2005).
    39 Fang Jing方靖,"Jindai xifang jingzheng de dongjian jiqi zai guangzhou de shijian'近代西方警政的东渐及其在广州的实践(The introduction of western police models and its practices in Guangzhou), (PhD diss., Ji'nan University,2010). Yang Xueying杨雪英"Shandong Jingzheng yanjiu 1902-1928"年山东警政研究(The development of police in Shandong Province,1902-1928), (Master's thesis, Shandong Normal University,2008). Xu Xueyi许雪溢"Qingmo zhejiang jingzheng jianshe shulun"清末浙江警政建设述论(On the development of the police in Zhejiang Province in the late Qing), (Master's thesis, Zhejiang University,2008). Zhang Lirong张利荣"Qingmo minchu gansu de jingzheng jianshe"清末民初甘肃的警政建设(On the police development in Gansu from the late Qing to early Republican period), (PhD. diss., Ji'nan University,2007). Zhang Qing (?)长庆,“Lun kangzhan shiqi xi'an jingcha xingzheng yu chengshi shehui kongzhi"论抗战时期西安
    40 Leng Guangwei冷光伟,Wanqing jingcha fubai yanjiu”晚清警察腐败研究(The police corruption in the late Qing period), (Master's thesis, Guizhou Normal University,2006).
    41 Li Hongxi李洪锡'Riben zhu zhongguo dongbei diqu lingshiguan jingcha jigou yanjiu"日本驻中国东北地区领事馆警察机构研究(The Japanese consular police in Northeast China), (PhD diss., Yanbian University, 2007). Zhang Yong张永,'Riwei shiqi baoding xianji wei jingcha jigon yanjiu yi dingxian an guo boye zhuoxian wei zhuyao canzhao日伪时期保定县级伪警察机构研究——以定县、安国、博野、涿县为主要参照(The puppet polices of Baoding county during the Japanese occupation-the cases in Dingxian, Anguo, Boye and Zhuoxian), (Master's thesis, Hebei University,2006). Li Li李理, "Riju shiqi taiwan jingcha zhidu yanjiu"日据时期台湾警察制度研究(A study of the Taiwan police institutions during the Japanese occupation), (PhD diss., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,2006).
    42 Li Zidian李自典, "Beijing jingcha qunti yanjiu".北京警察群体研究19p1-1937年(A study of the policemen in Beijing,1901-1937), (PhD diss., Beijing Normal University,2007).
    44 Kristin Eileen Stapleton, "Police Reform in a Late-Imperial Chinese City:Chengdu,1902-1911, (PhD diss., Harvard University,1993).
    45 Jean Chesneaux, Le mouvement ouvrier chinois de 1919 a 1927, (Paris:Mouton & l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes,1962). Alain Roux, Le Shanghai ouvrier des annees trente:coolies, gangsters et syndicalistes, (Paris:L'Harmattan,1993). Alain Roux, Greves et politique a Shanghai:les desillusions (1927-1932), (Paris: Revue Autrement,1998). Elizabeth Perry, Shanghai on Strike, (Stanford:Stanford University Press,1993).
    54 Han Yanlong and Su Yigong朝延龙,苏亦工Zhongguojindai jingcha shi中国近代警察史(History ofmodern Chinese police), (Beijing:Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe,2000). Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan faxue yanjiusuo fazhishi yanjiushi中国社会科学院法学研究所法制史研究室ed., Zhongguo jingcha zhidu jianhin中国警察制度简论(On the Chinese police institutions), (Beijing:qunzhong chubanshe,1985). Wang jiajian王家俭,Qingmo minchu woguo jingcha zhidu xiandaihua de licheng (1901-1928)清末民初我国警察制度现代化的历程(一九○一-一九二(?)) (The Process of Modernization in the Chinese Police System 1901-1928), (Taiwan:Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan,1984). All of these three representative books on the history of Chinese police did not make a study of police within the foreign settlements, but only mentioned their existence in China.
    55 Bickers, Empire made me, an Englishman adrift in Shanghai, (New York:Columbia University Press,2003). Robert Bickers, "Who were the Shanghai Municipal Police, and why where they there?", New Frontiers, eds., Bickers and Henriot,170-91.
    56 Similarly, a book which studied the policeman in London viewed the police as a labour force, and also talked about the recruitment, the working stability and mobility of the police. See Haia Shpayer-Makov, The Making of a Policeman, a social history of a labour force in metropolitan London,1829-1914, (Aldershot, Hants; Burlington, VT:Ashgate,2002). It also studied the socialisation, bureaucracy and everyday life of the police, their patterns of promotion, conflicts and negotiation withint the force. It created a good perspective from which I could study the police.
    57 Christine Cornet, "Systeme concessionnaire et police frangaise:un exemple original de la politique colonial de la France a Shanghai", in Banquier, savant, artiste:presences francaises en Extreme-Orient an XXe siecle, ed., Blanchon Flora, (Paris:Presses de l'Universite Paris-Sorbonne,2005),55-73. Marie-Claire Bergere, L'epuration a Shanghai (1945-1946):l'affaire Sarly et la fin de la Concession Francaise, (Vingtieme Siecle [France] 1997 (53)),25-41.
    58 Brian G. Martin, Green Gang:politics and organized crime,1919-1937, (Berkeley:University of California Press,1996).
    59 Henri Cordier, Les origines de deux etablissements francais dans l'Extreme-Orient Chang-hai-Ning-po, (Paris 1896),21. Charles B. Maybon and Jean Fredet, Histoire de la concession francaise de Changhai, (Paris: Plon,1929),3.
    60 Henri Cordier, Histoire generale de la Chine et de ses relations avec les pays etrangers depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'a la chute de la dynastie manchoue, (Paris:Librairie Paul Geuthner,1921), Volume 4,22.
    61 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,10.
    62 Lucien Reinach, Recueil des traite's conclus par la France en Extreme-Orient 1684-1902, (Paris:E. Leroux,1902),22-3.
    63 Reinach, Recueil des Traites,30-1.
    64 Reinach, Recueil des Traites,31.
    65 Reinach, Recueil des Traites,35.
    66 Jiang Tingfu蒋廷黻Zhongguo jindaishi中国近代史(History of modern China), (Shanghai:Shanghai guji chubanshe,1999),23-4.
    Reinach, Recueil des Traites,60.
    68 "Proclamation du Taotai Lin du 6 avril 1849", Archives diplomatiques, Nantes, Shanghai, serie A 106, Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise, [Translation as follows: 'Me, Superintendent, etc., with Minn (Montigny), have determined that the residence quarters of the French will be outside the north gate of the city of Shanghai and the south will have the channel that follows the city walls; north of the creek Yang-king-pang, the rivulet to the west of the Temple of Guandi to the bridge of the Zhou family, on the east banks of the River (Huang-pu) between the Cantonese temple and the eastern tip of the crack Yang-king-pang, in witness whereof we will establish marks.']
    69 "Proclamation du Taotai Lin du 6 avril 1849", Archives diplomatiques, Nantes, Shanghai, serie A 106, Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    70 Wang Tieya王铁崖(ed.),'Shanghai zudi zhangcheng".上海租地章程Zhongwaijiu yuezhang huibion中外旧约章彙编(A compendium of the old Sino-foreign treaties), vol.1,68.
    71 Wang, Shanghai zudi,68.
    72 Reinach, Recueil des Traites,32.
    73 Reinach, Recueil des Traites,33.
    74 Louis des Courtils, La Concession Francaise de Changhai, (Paris:Librairie du Recueil Sirey,1934),45.
    75 Citations d'apres Cordier, Les origines de deux etablissements francais dans l'Extreme-Orient, Paris 1896,15. Jean Escara, "Le regime des concessions etrangeres en chine", Recueil Des Cours:Volume 27 (1929/11) Par Academie de Droit International de La Haye,33.
    76 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, "Histoire des diplomates et consuls francais en Chine (1840-1912)", (Paris:Les Indes savantes,2008),165. [Translation as follows:'Consuls are all endowed with the character of judges for the amicable solution of disputes between their national, traders, sailors or others. In the Levant and in Barbary, in China, these powers are more extensive and entail jurisdiction in civil, commercial or criminal cases.'].
    77 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,327.
    78 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,330.
    84 John King Fairbank, Trade and diplomacy on the China coast:the opening of the treaty ports,1842-1854 (Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1964).
    85 Richard Feetham, Report of the Hon. Richard Feetham to the Shanghai Municipal Council, (Shanghai: North-China Daily News & Herald, ltd.,1931), Vol 1,102-3.
    86 Wang Tieya王铁崖(ed.), Shanghai huamin zhuju zujie nei tiaoli上海华民住居租界内条例,Zhongwai jiu yuezhang huibian (?)中外旧约章彙编(A compendium of the old Sino-foreign treaties),Vol.1.,82.
    87 North China Herald,27 April 1872. Wu Juin-Yih, "Concession de Shanghai:etude sociale", (PhD diss., University of Paris Ⅶ,1974),18. [Translation as follows:'Since no Chinese subject may acquire or lease land or build houses on the foreign concessions, without first obtaining a permit under the official seal of local authorities, authorisation sanctioned by the consuls of the three powers, it was decided that the following procedure must be observed by any Chinese wishing to rent land or houses within the said limits. He must get a written request made by the owner, and if the owner is a foreigner, to his consul, and directly to local
    91 [Translation as follows:The territorial settlement that is now applied, although having been approved and signed by Ministers of the three powers, has so far remained without date, in addition, in a report to its execution, you are aware, sir, that in circumstances very serious distinction was made in public documents note prejudice between the two banks of the Yang-king-pang, in respect of which protection should be given to the foreign establishment. The validity and binding force of this Regulation, in the case of France, could be legitimately questioned.]
    92 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,149.
    93 Louis des Courtils, La concession Francaise de Shanghai,1934,173.
    Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,258-60.
    Projet de reglement general pour les concessions francaises en Chine, elabore par la Commission speciale siegeant aux Affaires etrangeres a Paris, Deuxieme seance,14 Mars 1866,3. Archives diplomatiques, Paris, Correspondance politique et commerciale,1896-1918, NS 258, Concession Francaise de Changhai,1863-1867.
    101 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,166.
    102 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,166.
    103 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,167.
    104 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,168.
    105 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,168.
    106 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,251.
    107 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,252.
    108 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,262.
    109 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,263.
    110 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,263.
    111 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,268.
    112 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,275.
    113 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,276. Joseph Shieh and M. Holzman, Dans le jardin des aventuriers, (Paris:Seuil,1995),53.
    114 "Lettre du Taotai a Mauboussin le 21 Juin", Histoire de la concession, Maybon and Fredet,278. [Translation as follows:'This is the only way to meet expenses to deliver the country out of the insurgency... the taxes that we raise are fully employed to restore peace and tranquillity.']
    115 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession, Chap.6.
    116 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,276-7.
    117 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,276-9.
    Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,280.
    119 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,280.
    120 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,280.
    121 Christian Henriot, Shanghai,1927-1937:municipal power, locality, and modernization (Berkley, Calif.: University of California Press,1994).
    122 Brian G. Martin, The Shanghai Green Gang:politics and organized crime,1919-1937 (Berkeley:University of California Press,1996).
    123 Qiu Weng秋翁N°181 Da duku neimu181号“大赌窟内幕(Insider of the N°181 gambling den), in Jiu shanghai de yan du chang旧上海的烟赌娼(Opium, gambling and prostitution in old Shanghai), ed. Shanghai Wenshiguan, (Shanghai:Baijia chubanshe,1988),136.
    124 Wang Min王敏,Subao an yanjin苏报案研究(A study of the Subao case), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,2010). Xiong Yuezhi,熊月之,“'Lun Shanghai zujie yu wanqing geming"论上海租界与晚清革命,,Quarterly Journal of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences学术季刊,no.3,1985,155-66. Fang Ping方平,Wanqing shanghai de gonggong lingyu (1895-1911)晚清上海的公共领域(1895-1911) (The public space in Shanghai during the late Qing) (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,2007).
    125 Gu Yuliang顾玉良Guanyu danren dixia jiaotong gongzuo de huiyi关于担任地下交通工作的回忆(Memories as an underground communist liaison), in Dangzhi ziliao congkan党史资料丛刊,no. 2,1980,23.Liu Shuqin刘叔琴Dang zhongyang jiguan zai shanghai de huodong pianduan ji qita党中央机关在上海的活动片断及其他(My memories about activities of the central organs of CPC in Shanghai), in Dangzhi ziliao congkan党史资料丛刊,no. 2,1980,34.
    Fei Chengkang费成康Zhongguo zujie shi中国租界史(History of the foreign settlements in China), (Shanghai:Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe,1991),221-2.
    127 Frederic Wakeman, Policing Shanghai,1927-1937 (Berkeley:University of California Press,1995). See also chap.5 of this dissertation.
    128 "Jingting zuo zi fazujie yindu wudao警厅昨自法租界引渡五盗(Five bandits were extradited by the Chinese police from French Concession), Shenbao,28 December 1923.
    129 Liu Xin刘欣,‘'Linli zhijian:cong yangjingbang de zhili he jianshe kan gonggong zujie yu fa zujie zhijian de hezuo yu fenzheng'邻里之间:从洋泾浜的治理和建设看公共租界与法租界之间的合作与纷争(Between
    135 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,264.
    136 TangZhijun汤志钧(ed.), Jindai shanghai dashiji近代上海大事记(Great events of modern Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai cishu chubanshe,1989),220.
    137 "Zhengfu you yi shouhui zujie jingquan"政府又议收回租界警权(The Chinese government mentions again to take back police rights on the settlements), Shenbao,20 February 1908.
    138 Marie-Claire Bergere, "Shanghai ou Tautre Chine'",1919-1949, Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales,34e Annee, No.5 (Sep-Oct,1979),1040.
    Nicholas Rowland Clifford, Spoilt children of empire:Westerners in Shanghai and the Chinese revolution of the 1920s ([Middlebury, Vt.]; Hanover:Middlebury College Press; University Press of New England,1991). renmin chubanshe,2005). http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2247/node4605/node79826/node79839/userobjectlai101982.html
    141 Fei Chengkang费成康,Zhongguo zujie shi中国租界史(History of the foreign settlements in China), (Shanghai:Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe,1991),209.
    142 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, "Histoire des diplomates et consuls francais en Chine (1840-1912)", (Paris:Les Indes Savantes,2008),517.
    143 Frederic Wakeman, "Asserting Sovereignty through policing", Policing Shanghai,1927-1937, Chap.5,65-72. Shen Mengqing沈孟晴,“'uejie zhulu yu jindai shanghai chengshi bianqian (1862-1925)'越界筑路与近代上海城市变迁(1862-1925)(Constructions of roads outside the limits of International settlement and French Concession and the evolution of Shanghai urban spaces 1862-1925), (Master's thesis, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,2009). Xu Gongsu徐公肃and Qiu Jinzhang丘瑾璋,Shanghai gonggong zujie zhidu上海公共租
    147 Convention relative a la region des Routes Exterieures de la Concession Francaise de Chang hai".8 April 1914. Archives diplomatiques, Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipality francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    148 Liang Yuansheng, The Shanghai Taotai:Linkage Man in a Changing Society,1843-1890, (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,1990),39.
    149Luo Zhiru罗志如,Tongjibiao zhong de shanghai统计表中的上海(Shanghai statistics), Nanjing guoli zhongyang yanjiuyuan shehui kexue yanjiusuo jikan南京国立中央研究院社会科学研究所季刊,No.4,1932,63.
    150 Marie-Claire Bergere and Janet Lloyd, The Golden age of the Chinese bourgeoisie,1911-1937 (Cambridge; Paris:Cambridge University Press; Ed. de la Maison des sciences de I'homme,1989).
    151 G.E.Miller, Shanghai, the paradise of adventurers, (New York:Orsay Publishing House Inc.,1937).
    152 Zou Yiren邹依仁.Jiu shanghai renkou bianqian de yanjiu日上海人口变迁的研究(Studies on the evolution of population in Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,1980),90.
    153 Shi, Shanghai zujie zhi,117-8.
    154 Zou, Jiu shanghai,45.
    Zou, Jiu shanghai,123.
    156 Chen Yingfang陈映芳(ed.), Penghu qu:jiyi zhong de shenghuo shi棚户区:记忆中的生活史(Shanty towns:a life history in memories), (Shanghai:Shanghai guji chubanshe,2006); Christian Henriot, "Slums, squats or hutments? Constructing and deconstructing an in-between space in modern Shanghai (1926-1965)", Transcultural Studies, vol.2 (2011).
    157 Zheng zhenduo郑振铎,'Shanghai zhiju zhai wenti上海之居宅问题(The problem of housing in Shanghai), Wenxue zhoubao文学周报,no.4,1929,354.
    158 Shanghai shehui kexueyuan jingji yanjiusuo上海社会科学院经济研究所,5hanghai penghuqu de bianqian上海棚户区的变迁(Changes in the shanty areas of Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,1962), 8.
    159 SuZhiliang苏智良and Chen Lifei陈丽菲Jindai Shanghai heishehui近代上海黑社会(Mafias of Shanghai), (Beijing:shangwu yinshuguan,2004),20.
    160 Lu Hanchao, Beyond the neon lights:everyday Shanghai in the early twentieth century, (Berkeley, California; London:University of California Press,2004),66.
    161 Wu Luo无螺,“Shanghai shangye de fengjingxian”上海商业的风景线(上)(The landscape of Shanghai commerce), Shenbao,22 January 1935.
    162 "Benshi shehuiju wu ju fabiao fangzhi zisha yijian本市社会局吴局发表防止自杀意见(Shanghai's Social Bureau expresses its opinion to prevent suicides), Shenbao 9 June 1935.
    163 Hou Yanxing侯艳兴Shanghai nuxing zisha wenti yanjiu 1927-1937上海女性自杀问题研究(1927-1937)(A study on female suicides in Shanghai 1927-1937), (Shanghai:Shanghai cishu chubanshe,2008),46-9. Zi jiu兹九,"Nuzi de zisha"女子的自杀(On female suicides), Shenbao 21 April 1935.
    164 "Shi gong'anju fangzhi zisha huizhi jingti tuhua"市公安局防止自杀绘制警惕图画(Shanghai's Public Security Bureau drawn educational pictures to prevent suicide), Shenbao 26 July 1935.
    165 Xingan行安,“Lun fanzui yu huanjing"论犯罪与环境(On the relationships between crimes and the social environment), Shenbao 24 May 1935.
    166 Cartoon:"Xuerou mohu de dushi"血肉模糊的都市(Bloody city). Shenbao,16 January 1935.
    167 Th is data is sourced from Releve des jugements prononces par la cour Mixte sur poursuites ou arrestations operees par la police pour I'annee. (After 1931, Par la cour du 2eme District de la Zone Speciale de Shanghai), Rapport de la Garde Municipale, Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-37. For some years, the statistics for the abduction of women and children are calculated together, and the number for abduction of women alone is not available.
    168 Cao Guanqun曹关群"Minguo shiqi nvxing fanzui wenti yanjiu 1927-1937"民国时期上海女性犯罪问题研究(1927-1937)(A study on the female criminals in Shanghai during the Republican period 1927-1937), (Master's thesis, Shanghai Normal University,2006). Aglaia De Angeli, "Femmes et crime a Shanghai sous la Republique,1912-1949" (Phd. diss., Universite Lumiere Lyon 2,2007).
    169 This data is sourced from Releve des jugements prononces par la cour Mixte sur poursuites ou arrestations operees par la police pour I'annee. After 1931, Par la cour du 2eme District de la Zone Speciale de Shanghai, Rapport de la Garde Municipale, Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-1937.
    170 Archive de Shanghai, U38-2-2075, Concession Francaise de Changhai, Organisation des Services de police, Reglement relatif au personnel francais, Notice sur Shanghai, Notice sur Shanghai,1934,40. [Translation as follows:'The climate of Shanghai is similar to that of Paris, but with 2 2 1/2 months more for summertime that is quite hot, reminiscent of the climate of Indochina. The best times of year are the months of September, October and November, during which the weather is usually very beautiful.']
    171 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,182-5.
    172 ETAT-MAJOR DE LA GARDE MUNICIPALE, Archives diplomatiques, Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    173 Christine Cornet, "The French Police in Shanghai 1907-1937". Paper presented at the meeting held in Lyon: 'Les communautes Etrangeres en Asie', (March 1996).17-8.
    174 Le Ministre des Affaire Etrangeres au Prefet de Police,25 June 1930. Archives diplomatiques, Paris,808 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, Personnel pour la municipality,1930-1931.
    175 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, Histoire des diplomats,409.
    176 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, Histoire des diplomats,410.
    177 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, Histoire des diplomats,411.
    178 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, Histoire des diplomats,589.
    179 Nicole Bensacq-Tixier, Histoire des diplomats,591.
    180 Joseph Shieh and M. Holzman, Dans le jardin des aventuriers,51.
    181 A.S. de la Concession Frangaise de Changhai, Lettre de M. A. Wilden, Consul General de France a Changhaia Monsieur Poincare, President du Conseil, Ministre des Affaires Etrangere a Paris,18 February 1924.2. Archives diplomatiques, Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    182 Interets francais speciaux a Changhai a considerer en cas de reforme,1-2. Rapport sur I'Exterritorialite Frangaise a Shanghai,24 December1925. Archives diplomatiques, Nantes, Shanghai serie B 62.
    Interets francais speciaux a Changhai a considerer en cas de reforme,2. Rapport sur I'Exterritorialite Francaise a Shanghai,24 December 1925. Archives diplomatiques, Nantes, Shanghai serie B 62. [Translation as follows:'Without the Concession, without the status it offers to the French and the moral and material assistance that it gives to them, our interests in any category could not withstand the competition from Anglo-Americans. The disappearance of the Concession would, in my opinion, mean the quick and immediate disappearance of all French interests in Shanghai.']
    184 The French Concession of Tianjin was established in 1861 and the French Concession of Hankou was established in 1896.
    185 "Stalut de la Concession Francaise de Changhai", Letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs,1937,5. Archives diplomaticques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    186上海租界志,上海租界志>>第二篇机构>>第二章决策咨询机构>>节http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node63852/node63858/node63880/node64472/userobject1ai57973.h tml,accessed in February 2011.
    188 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,307.
    189 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,307-8.
    190 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,312-3.
    191 Maybon and Fredet, Ilistoire de la concession,313.
    192 Maybon and Fredet, Ilistoire de la concession,313-4.
    193 Maybon and Fredet, Ilisloire de la concession,314.
    194 Maybon and Fredet, Ilistoire de la concession,315.
    195 Maybon and Fredet, Ilistoire de la concession,317-8.
    196 North China Herald,14 July 1866.
    197 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,324.
    198 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,325.
    199 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,326.
    200 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,326.
    201 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,326-7.
    202 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,327.
    203 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,327. For this article, the foreign authorities were not satisfied. So, later in 1868, this reglement municipal was revised and the article read as follows:'Par suite d'un accord intervenu sur la base d'une exacte reciprocity entre le consul general de France et les representants des autres puissances, les mandats d'arrets, jugement, ordonnances de saisie, etc., emanant d'un juge on d'un tribunal etranger et destines a recevoir leur execution dans les limites de la concession francaise, devront an prealable, sauf le cas d'extreme urgence. etre presente an consul general de France ou tout au moins au chefs de la police municipale. Celui-ci pourra loujours faire accompagner par un ou plusieurs des agents places sous ses ordres le
    206 A.S. du Capitaine Mallet, Letter, French Consul in Shanghai to Jonnart, Minister of Foreign Affairs,18 February 1913. Archives diplomatiques Paris, notivelle serie. Chine,1897-1918, Vol.645 Concession franqaise de Changhai, personnel 1907-18.
    207 Mallet, Letter to Jonnart.
    208 Mallet, Letter to Jonnart.
    209 Mallet, Letter to Jonnart.
    210 Mallet, Letter to Jonnart.
    211 "Reglement d'organisation municipale de la Concession Francaise de Changhai et d'organisation des seances du Conseil municipal",188. Louis des Courtils, La Concession Francaise de Changhai, (Paris, Librairie du Recueil Sirey),1934.
    212 Letter, Directeur General des Services Municipaux to Consul General de France, President de la Commission d'Administration Municipale,31 December 1931,4-5. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    213 Police Municipale Francaise a Shanghai, (Shanghai F & C. Walsh,1865),3. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 62.
    214 Compte rendu de la geslion,1893.
    212 Organisation des Services de police, Reglement relatif au personnel francais,1934.1. SMA, U38-2-2075.
    216'The Chief and Deputy Chief of Police must have the rank of officer in the army', Organisation des Services de police, Reglement relatif au personnel francais,1934.2. SMA, U38-2-2075.
    217 Organisation des Servces de police, Reglemenr relatif au personnel francais,1934.7. SMA, U38-2-2075.
    218 Concession Francaise de Changhai (Statistiques). Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106, Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    219 "Note sur la police de Shanghai",12 July 1943, confidential. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    220 Letter, Ratard, Consul General to Bourgeois, Minister of Foreign Affairs,26 March 1906.2. Archives diplomatiques Paris, NS 272 Concession Francaise de Changhai,1906.
    221 Letter, Ratard, Consul General to Bourgeois, Minister of Foreign Affairs,26 March 1906,2-3. Archives diplomatiques Paris, NS 272 Concession Francaise de Changhai,1906.
    222 Letter, Ratard,4.
    223 "Compte rendu de la seance",24 November 1906. Archives diplomatiques Nantes Shanghai Serie B 68.
    224 Tables 2.2a and 2.2b:Reorganisation de la Police de la Concession Francaise de Shanghai,12 March 1906. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 68.
    225 Reorganisation de la Police, Serie B 68.
    226 Letter, Mallet, Chef de la Garde Municipale to L. Ratard, Consul General,27 November 1906,1-2. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 68.
    227 "Rapport sur la Reorganisation de la police de la Concession Francaise", Letter, Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to Ratard, Consul General,24 November 1906,3. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 68.
    228 Compte rendu de la gestion,1908.
    229 Letter, Captain Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to L. Ratard, Consul General,2 December 1908. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B68.
    230 Letter, Captain Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to L. Ratard, Consul General,2 December 1908,1. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B68.
    231 Letter, Captain Mallet to L. Ratard,2.
    232 "Rapport sur le personnel Europeen de la Garde Municipale",30 April 1907,5. Archives diplomatiques Nantes Shanghai Serie B 68.
    233 "Rapport sur le personnel", Serie B 68.
    234 Letter, Captain Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to Feit, Interim Consul,17 August 1908,4. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 69.
    235 Compte rendu de la gestion,1910,1911.
    236 Compte rendu de la gestion,1912.
    237 Letter, Captain Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to Dejean de la Batie, French Consul in Shanghai,6 April 1910. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B68.
    238 Compte renclu de la gestion,1911.
    239 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911.
    240 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-1913.
    241 Compte rendu de la gestion,1913.
    242 Compte rendu de la gestion, 1913-1919.
    243 Document 134-8, 12/4/1916. Archives Diplomatiques Paris, NS 280, Correspondance politique et commerciale (Noiivelle Serie), 1897-1918, C. F. de Shanghai (7/1915-7/1917).
    244 Letter, Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to L. Ratard, Consul General, 15 March 1909. Archives diplomatiques Nantes. Shanghai Serie B 68.
    245 Brian G. Martin, The Shanghai Green Gang:politics and organized crime,1919-1937 (Berkeley:University of California Press,1996),66.
    246 Shanghai fazujie gongdongjn jingwuchu youguan bufang de geren cailiao:Qian Chenglong, Xu Fuqing, Fang Fulin, and Huang Jinrong上海法租界公董局警务处有关捕房的个人材料:钱乘龙,许福卿,方福林,黄金荣.SMA,U38-2-1799.
    247 Rabier acted as Police Chief for only one year after Mallet's departure in 1913. In October 1914, he was mobilised. "Depart du Capitaine Rabier, Chef de la Garde Municipale", Letter from the French Consul in Shanghai to Delcasse, Minister of Foreign Affairs,2 October 1914. Archives diplomatiques Paris, nouvelle serie, Chine,1897-1918, Vol.645 Concessionfrancaise de Changhai, personnel 1907-1918.
    248 Petiot stayed in Shanghai as the Deputy Police Chief (Chef adjoint de la Garde) for less than one year; he came to Shanghai in April 1914 and was killed at Dixmude on 8 November. "Emplois de la Municipalite Francaise"
    249 "Emplois de la Municipalite Francaise".
    255 Compte rendu de la gestion,1916.
    256 Compte rendu de la gestion,1917.
    237 Compte rendu de la gestion,1917.
    258 Dossier 18377, "Propagande anti allemande 1918i", ANOM, GGI 18373-18435.
    239 Auguste Wilden (April 1917-24), Jacques Meyrier (November 1924-April 1926; January-December 1928, March 1932-January 1935), Paul Emile Naggiar (April 1926-January 1928), Edgar Koechlin (December 1928-March 1932). Auguste Wilden was the French Ambassador in China from 1929-33 and 1934-35. Paul Emile Naggiar was French Ambassador in China from 1936-39. See the list of Foreign Ambassadors in China中央研究院近代史研究所. 各国驻华使节表 ( 按国别区分 ).http://archwebs.mh.sinica.edu.tw/digital/data/PDF/8-1-1-7.pdf. accessed in February 2011.
    260 Personal file of Etienne Felix Fiori at the Service hisloriqiie de la Defense (Vincennes), cote: 84° 18957.
    261 Journal de Shanghai, 10 March 1932. "Personnelpour la Municipality, 1931-1933", Archives diplomatiques Paris, 809 Concession francaise de Shanghai.
    262 Compte rendu de la gestion, 1922.
    261 Compte rendu de la gestion,1922.
    264 Compte rendu de la gestion,1923.
    Compte rendu de la gestion,1926.
    266'Le Service de l'identite Judiciaire est actuellement en pleine reorganisation. Tel qu'il etait au debut de 1926, il rendait deja de tres grands services mais son action ne s'etendait pas au-dela de l'identification par la photopgraphie et les empreintes digitales. Le rendement du systeme existant a ete intendifie par l'emploi d'une techniqu nouvelle interessant la photographie et le releve des traces digitales.'Compte rendu de la gestion. 1926.
    267 Compte rendu de la gestion,1926.
    268 Compte rendu de la gestion,1926.
    269 Compte rendu de la gestion,1927.
    270 Compte rendu de la gestion,1920.
    271 Compte rendu de la gestion,1922.
    272 Compte rendu de la gestion,1923.
    273 Compte rendu de la gestion,1924.
    274 Compte rendu de la gestion,1925.
    275 Compte rendu de la gestion,1926.
    276 Compte rendu de la gestion,1927.
    277 Compte rendu de la gestion,1920-31
    278 Compte rendu de la gestion,1928.
    279 Compte rendu de la gestion,1930.
    280 Comple rendu de la geslion,1930.
    281 "Poste de Directeur des Services de Police et de Surete de la Concession Francaise" Letter, M. E. Koechlin, French Consul in Shanghai to the Minister of Foreign Affairs,16 May 1931. Archives diplomaticques Paris,808 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, Personnel pour la municipalite,1930-1931.
    282 "Reorganisation des cadres dans les services de la police", Letter, French Consul Koechlin in Shanghai to the Minister of Foreign Affairs,7 February 1930. Archives diplomatiques Paris,808.
    283 "Tribunal consulaire de France",27 February 1930. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818 Concession francnise de Shanghai. Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930.
    284 Letter, Remond and Collet to the Minister of Foreign Affairs,16 January 1930,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818. This agreement(accord) or pact (pacte) was called'a pact with the devil'by Martin, Green Gang, Chap.5.
    285 For the history of the Green Gang in Shanghai see Martin, Green Gang.
    286 "A secret society of Shanghai, Power of'Blue and Red Party' in French Concession:a Japanese disclosure." North China Daily News,24 December 1928. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818. Alain Roux, Le Shanghai ouvrier des annees trente. Coolies, gansters et syndicalistes, (Paris:L'Harmattan,1993). Alain Roux, Greve et politique a Shanghai, les desillusions (1927-1932), (Paris:Editions de l'EHESS,1995).
    287 Letter from Naggiar to the Minister of Foreign Affairs,26 February 1927. Archives diplomatiques Paris, Vol. 340.
    288 Letter from Naggiar to the Minister of Foreign Affairs,1 March 1927. Archives diplomatiques Paris, Vol. 340. Nicholas Rowland Clifford, Spoilt children of empire:Westerners in Shanghai and the Chinese revolution of the 1920s, (Hanover, University Press of New England,1991),251; Martin, Green Gang,114.
    289 John Benjamin Powell, My twenty-five years in China, (New York:The Macmillan company,1945),158-60.
    290 Extrait 'Journal de Shanghai',29 March 1929. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete stir la police,1930-1932. Police Chief Fiori was awarded the 'Croix de guerre'distinction in 1927 after the crisis. See the digital album of photographs, A000334, Archives diplomatiques Nantes.
    291 Note, Legation de la Republique Francaise en Chine,24 July 1930,19. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930.
    292 Note, Legation de la Republique,20.
    293 Letter, Remond and Collet to the Minister of Foreign Affairs by the French Consul in Shanghai,16 January 1930,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818.
    294 Note, Legation de la Republique,20.
    295 Letter, M. d'Auxion de Ruffe to J. Hennesy,10 July 1930,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819.
    296 Parks M. Coble, The Shanghai capitalists and the Nationalist government,1927-1937 (Cambridge, Mass.: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University,1986),32,35.
    297 Coble, The Shanghai capitalists,45.
    298 Note, Legation de la Republique,16-7.
    299 Letter, Nouveau repondre a M. Violette,27 March 1930. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818.
    300 "A.S. Critique dirigees contre le Consulat General de Shanghai. (Fonctionnement de la police en affaires d'opium)", Letter, Wilden, Ministre Plenipotentiaire de la Republique Francaise en Chine to A. Briand, Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres,30 July 1930,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930.
    301 "A. S. Critique dirigees contre le Consulat General de Shanghai",4.
    302 Note relative a la letter adressee an departement par M. Violette, Senateur d'Eure et Loir,11 June 1930,4. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-1932.
    303 "Fond speciaux du Consulat General de France a Shanghai preleves sur les recettes de la Concession francaise", Letter, Minister of Foreign Affairs to Wilden, Ministre plenipotentiaire de la republique francaise a Pekin,7 November 1930,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-1932.
    304 Fond speciaux du Consulat General de France,3.
    305 Fond speciaux du Consulat General de France,4.
    313 "A. S. de la Concession Francaise de Changhai", Letter, M. A. Wilden, French Consul in Shanghai to Poincare, President du Conseil, Minister of Foreign Affairs,18 February 1924,19. Archives diplomatiques Paris, 336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    314 "A. S. de la Concession Francaise de Changhai", Letter, M. A. Wilden, French Consul in Shanghai to Poincare, President du Conseil, Minister of Foreign Affairs,18 February 1924,18. Archives diplomatiques Paris, 336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    315 Alain Roux, Greves et polilique a Shanghai, les desillusions (1927-1932),25. Martin, Green Gang,72.
    316 Martin, Green Gang,72-3.
    317 "La Clique de l'opium a Shanghai, visile de M. Nouveau",23 August 1932,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris, 819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-1932.
    318 "La Clique de l'opium a Shanghai, visite de M. Nouveau",2.
    319 La Lumiere,1932. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-1932; Note remise a l'Amiral Herr; 19 February 1932. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police, 1930-1932.
    320 Traduction d'un article paru dans The China Daily Review,2 April 1932. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-1932.
    321 321 "A. S. du Groupe de l'Opium sur la Concession Francaise", Letter, M. J. Meyrier to Minister of Foreign Affairs,28 April 1933,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,820 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-1933.
    322 Letter, Minister of Foreign Affairs to French Consul in Shanghai,2 December 1938,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,814 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite,1938-1940.
    323 Journal de Shanghai,10 March 1932. Archives diplomatiques Paris,809 Concession francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite,1931-1933.
    324 "Note pour la Direction de la police de la Concession Francaise cle Shanghai", Minister of Foreign Affairs, Direction des Affaires politiques et commerciales, Asie-Oceanie, Paris,14 December 1931,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,809 Concession francaise de Shanghai. personnel pour la Municipalite,1931-1933.
    323 "Note pour la Direction de la police de la Concession Francaise de Shanghai",3.
    326 Letter, Directeur des Services de Police to Consul General,30 October 1934,1-2. Archives diplomatiques Paris, Correpspondance politique et commerciale Serie E Asie 1918-1940 Sous serie CHINE,803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    327 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police de 1932 a 1934",2. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    328 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police",3.
    329 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police",8.
    330 Brigadier is a grade of French police above Constable (Agent) and below Sergeant (Sergent). I cannot find the correct English translation for this grade.
    331 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police",9.
    332 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police",10.
    333 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police",10.
    334 "A.S. du Capitaine Cazes", Letter, Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to Minister of Foreign Affairs,23 June 1933. Archives diplomatiques Paris,811 Concession francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite, 1926-1934.
    333 "A.S. Maintien de M. Jobez a Shanghai", Letter, Hoppenot, Charges d'affaires de la republique francaise en Chine to Paul-Boncour, Minister of Foreign Affairs,21 December 1933. Archives diplomatiques Paris,810 Concession francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipality,1933.
    336 Compte rendu de la gestion,1932.
    337 Campte rendu de la gestion,1933.
    338 Compte rendu de la gestion,1934.
    339 Compte rendu de la gestion,1934.
    340 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police",12.
    341 Letter, Directeur General des Services Municipaux to Consul General to President de la Commission d'Administration Municipale,31 December 1931. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise [Translation as follows: Anything that will pertain to the life of the city, enforcement, administrative investigations, etc..., Will report to the Guards. Criminal matters, general security, surveillance of individuals, political intelligence and investigations, will report to the Crime Branch and Political Service, of which only the Consul General knows.]
    342 Shanghai Yearbook 1935, Second Special District the French Concession, L12.
    343 Organisation des Services de police, Reglement relatif an personnel francais, 1934, 1. SMA, U38-2-2075.
    344 Organisation des Services tie police, 2.
    345 Organisation des Services de police, 3.
    346 Organisation des Services de police, 4.
    347 Shieh, Dans le jardin des aventuriers, 153.
    348 Anderson and Killingray, Policing and Decolonisation,2. Martin Thomas, Empires of intelligence:security services and colonial disorder after 1914, (Berkeley:University of California Press,2008).
    Christian Henriot, Shanghai 1927-1937. Elites locales et modernisation dans la Chine nationaliste,168,172.
    350 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-1937.
    351 Compte rendu de la gestion, 1911-1937.
    352 See the list of revenue in 1911 and 1931 at the appendix Ⅱ.
    353 Compte rendu de la gestion, 1911-1937.
    354 Compte rendu de la gestion,1910.
    355 Bareme des Taxes 1924-1933. SMA U38-1-2044, Shuilu, zhizhao feizhang1934-1937税率,执照费章(1934-1937年)(Table of taxes and fees).
    356 Bareme des Taxes 1937,17. SMA, U38-1-2044.
    357 Bareme des Taxes 1935,14-5. SMA U38-1-2044.
    358 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession.167.
    359 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,174-5.
    360 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,184.
    361 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,261-2.
    362 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,263.
    363 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,263.
    364 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,273.
    365 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,283.
    366 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,284.
    367 Maybon and Fredet, Hisloire de la concession,334-5.
    368 Letter, Chef de la Garde to French Consul in Shanghai,24 April 1873. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B29.
    369 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,343.
    370 Compte rendu de la gestion,1871-1906.
    371 "Tableau de l'effective du personnel Chinois pour l'annee 1936",SMA, U38-1-1435.
    372 Maybon and Fredet, Hisloire de la concession,263.
    373 Compte rencdu de la gestion,1893.
    374 Archives Diplomaticques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    375 Consulat de France a Shanghai an sujet d'envoi de gendarmes de Cochinchine pour forces la garde du Consulat,27 December 1882. ANOM, GGI 13946.
    376 Shanghaishi gong'anju gong'an shizhi bianzuan weiyuanhui上海市公安局公安史志编纂委员会,shanghai gong'an zhi上海公安志(History of polices in Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe, 1997),74.
    377 Letter, Ratard French Consul in Shanghai to Governor of Indochina,14 February 1907. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373. [Translation as follows:'The riots, which took place in Shanghai in December 1905, showed how it could be dangerous, at some point to rely completely on the Chinese policemen that we have on our concession. The International Settlement is better protected than us because of their considerable body of Europeans; they also have a Sikh force, who would not hesitate in case of danger, to side with the white against Chinese policemen. Conversely, in the French Concession, we have only 50 French alongside a group of about 100 Chinese and as you can understand, under these conditions, it is absolutely impossible to control them in case of danger.']
    378 Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police de 1932 a 1934,6. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358. [Translation as follows:Our Vietnamese guards are far from being good policemen; they do not have the essential leadership skills and initiatives. In fact, they make up for the Concession a security force, which would be valuable for us in case of troubles and defections from Chinese policemen.]
    379 Compte rendu de la gestion,1907.
    380 Compte rendu de la gestion,1908.
    381 Compte rendu de la gestion,1908.
    382 Compte rendu de la gestion,1910.
    383 Dossier 38787 "Renforcement du detachement de troupes franqaise a Shanghai 1927i". ANOM, GGI 38631-38790. A)'Sous la forme de renfort de police mis a la disposition de l'Autorite Consulaire,l'arrivee de cette unite a passe presque inapercue el n'a provoque aucune reactions de l'opinion chinoise.'"A.S. du detachement Tonkinois de Changhai":Letter from Naggiar, French Consul in Changhai to Governor of Indochine,11 February 1927. B)'Presence a Shanghai pour une duree indeterminee d'un detachement blanc avec arlillerie pent etre denoncee par les chinois comme contraire aux traites tandis qu'un detachement Tonkinois muni mitrailleuses beneficiaire plus facilement l'obligation sejour acclimation an camp Kou-ka-za.' Telegram from GOUGAL to Admiral Frochot,6 February 1925.
    384 Shanghai gong'an zhi,74.
    385 Wang zhicheng汪之成,Shanghai e qiao shi上海俄侨史(History of Russians in Shanghai) (Shanghai: Shanghai San lian shu dian,1993),15.
    386 Compte rendu de la gestion,1923.
    387 Comple rendu de la gestion,1923.
    388 Shanghai e qiao shi,69.
    389 Shanghai e qiao shi,70.
    390 Compte rendu de la gestion,1923.
    391 Elude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police de 1932 a 1934,5.
    392 Compte rendu de la gestion,1932.
    393 Compte rendu de la gestion,1936. Comple rendu de la gestion,1935.
    394 Compte rendu de la gestion,1937.
    395 Compte rendu de la gestion,1937.
    396 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession, Recueil de textes diplomatiques. legislatifs et reglementaires, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 110.
    397 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,84.
    398 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,84.
    399 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,85.
    400 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,86.
    401 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,87.
    402 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,263.
    403 Compte rendu de gestion,1877.
    404 Compte rendu de gestion,1898.
    405 Compte rendu de gestion,1893.
    406 Compte rendu de gestion,1901.
    407 Compte rendu de gestion,1902.
    408 Compte rendu de gestion,1904.
    409 Compte rendu de gestion,1906.
    410 Rapport sur le Personnel Europeen de la Garde Municipale,30 April 1907,2. Archives Diplomaliques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 68.
    411 Compte rendu de la gestion,1907.
    412 Compte rendu de la gestion,1908.
    413 Etude sur lefonctionnement,1.
    414 Etude sur lefonctionnement,2.
    415 "Candidature a un poste dans la Garde Municipale", Letter, M. J. Meyrier, French Consul in Tianjin to Ministry of Foreign Affairs,8 September 1930,91-2. Archives Diplomatiques Paris,808 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, Personnel pour la municipalite,1930-1931.
    416 Letter, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Robert Hocquart,6 December 1932. Archives Diplomatiques Paris,809 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite,1931-1933.
    417 Letter, M. J. Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to Ministry of Foreign Affairs,25 June 1934. Archives Diplomatiques Paris,810 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite,1933.
    418 Concession Francaise de Changhai, Organisation des Sen-ices de police. Reglement relatif an personnel francais,1934,7. SMA, U38-2-2075, Shanghai Fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu zuzhi qingkuang上海法租界公董局警务处组织情况(Organisation of the police in the French Concession of Shanghai).
    Concession Francaise de Changhai,8.
    420 Concession Francaise de Changhai, 8.
    421 Concession Francaise de Changhai, 11.
    422 Concession Francaise de Changhai,12.
    423 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession.97.
    SMA, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu youguan bufang de geren cailiao上海法租界公董局警务处有关捕房的个人材料(The personnel archives of the police in the French Concession) U38-2-1768, U38-2-1769, U38-2-1770, U38-2-1772, U38-2-1776, U38-2-1781, U38-2-1782, U38-2-1783, U38-2-1784, U38-2-1794, U38-2-1799, U38-2-1836, U38-2-1837, U38-2-1885, U38-2-1900, U38-2-1914, U38-2-2046.
    425 Fa bufang tianzhao hua bu法捕房添招华捕(The French Concession police recruits Chinese policemen), Shenbao,14 January 1931.
    426 SMA, U38-1-1433, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju ji gongbuju nei zhongguo zhiyuan de gongzi biao 1918-1941上海法租界公董局及工部局内中国职员的工资表1918-1941(The salary scales of Chinese employees in French Municipality and that of the International Settlement 1918-1941).
    427 "Xunbu lei ji baoren巡捕累及保人(The disappearance of a Chinese policeman brought his guarantor in trouble), Shenbao,10 November 1916.
    428 "Rapport sur la Reorganisation de la police de la Concession Francaise", Letter, Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to Ratard, French Consul in Shanghai,24 November 1906,4. Archives Diplomatique s Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 68.
    429 See the 1902 police report:'As there are more candidates than needed, only those candidates who have the best guarantee and family relationship could be enrolled'. Compte rendu de lageslion,1902.
    430 See the 1906 police report. Compte rendu de la gestion,1906.
    431 "Rapport sur la Reorganisation ", Letter, Mallet to Ratard,3-4.
    432 See 1934 police report. Compte rendu de la gestion,1934.
    433 SMA, U38-2-2597,Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu gnanyu fazujie bufang tanbu kaoshi shixiang上海法租界公董局警务处关于法租界捕房探捕考试事项(The exams for the detectives and constables of the French Concession police), December 1935.
    434 SMA, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu youguan bufang de geren cailiao上海法租界公董局警务处有关捕房的个人材料1911-1937(The personnel archives of the police in the French Concession) U38-2-1768, U38-2-1769, U38-2-1770, U38-2-1772, U38-2-1776, U38-2-1781, U38-2-1782, U38-2-1783, U38-2-1784, U38-2-1794, U38-2-1799, U38-2-1836, U38-2-1837, U38-2-1885, U38-2-1900, U38-2-1914, U38-2-2046.
    435 The immigrants from Jiangsu constituted 43% of the total Chinese population in the International Settlement in 1910,42% in 1920, and 54% in 1930. The immigrants from Zhejiang were the second largest and constituted 40% of the total Chinese population in the International Settlement in 1910,34% in 1920, and 33% in 1930. See Luo Zhiru罗志如, Tongjibiao zhong de shanghai统计表中的上海(Shanghai statistics), Nanjing guoli zhongyang yanjiuynan shehui kexue yanjiusuo jikan南京国立中央研究院社会科学研究所季刊,No.4,1932.114-5.
    436 Christian Henriot, Shanghai,1927-1937:municipal power, locality, and modernization (Berkley, Calif.: University of California Press,1994), chap.5.
    437 Wakeman, Policing Shanghai 1927-1937,49,331.
    438 Shi gong anju zai ping luqu市公安局在平录取(The PSB is recruiting policemen from Beijing), Shenbao 5 February 1935.
    439 Letter, Ratard, French Consul in Shanghai to Beau, Governor of Indochina,14 February 1907. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    440 "Note sur le detachement Tonkinois (Annee 1924), Garde Municipale Concession Francaise de Changhaii" Dossier 44356, Recrutement de gardes indigenes pour la Concession francaise de Shanghai 1916-1936. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    441 Annexe:Recrutement de 51 Tonkinois pour la Garde municipale de la Concession francaise de Shanghai. Letter, Ratard to Beau,14 February 1907.
    442 Letter, M. J. Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to Governor of Indochina,13 May 1933.Dossier 44356.
    443 Notice sur le detachement Tonkinois de la garde de la Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1909. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    444 Note sur le detachement Tonkinois (Annee 1924).
    445 Letter, M. J. Meyrier to Governor of Indochina,12 June 1934. Letter, Baudez, French Consul in Shanghai to Governor of Indochina,25 March 1935. Letter, Governor of Indochina to Resident Superieur in Tonkin,3 February 1936. Dossier 44356.
    446 "Le recrutement de 50 Gardes Tonkinois pour complete l'effect if de la Garde Municipale". Letter, M. J. Meyrier to Governor of Indochina,12 June 1934. Dossier 44356, Recrutement de gardes indigenes pour la Concession francaise de Shanghai 1916-1936. ANOM. GGI 44325-44373.
    447 Letter, Resident Superieur in Tonkin to Governor of Indochina,24 August 1934. Dossier 44356.
    448 Letter, Resident Superieur to French Consul,21 February 1927.
    449 Letter, Fiori to French Consul in Shanghai,22 May 1920. Dossier 44356.
    (?) See the Appendjx Ⅲ.
    451 Concession Francaise de Changhai,23.
    452 Concession Francaise de Changhai,16.
    453 "Reglement sur l'Organisation de la COMPAGNIE AUXILIAIRE de la Police Francaise",3. SMA, U38-2-2129, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju guanyu fazujie bufang bai'e clui zuzhi tiaoli.上海法租界公董局警务处关于法租界捕房白俄队组织条例(The regulations on the Russian policemen in the French Concession of Shanghai).
    454 Shanghai fazujie bufang meiri gongzuo jueding上海法租界捕房每日工作决定(decision journaliere),6 January 1934. SMA, U38-2-2477.上海法租界捕房每日工作决定(decision journaliere),24 March 1934. SMA, U38-2-2477.
    455 Compte rendu de la gestion,1913.
    456上海法租界捕房每日工作决定(decision journaliere),6 January 1934. SMA, U38-2-2477.
    457 Compte rendu de la gestion,1909.
    458 Concession Francaise de Changhai,16.
    459 Compte rendu de la gestion,1893.
    460 Compte rendu de la gestion,1901.
    461 Compte rendu de la gestion,1936.
    462 SMA, U38-1-1433#1.
    463 Concession Francaise de Changhai,29.
    464 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,118-9.
    465 Reglement Administratif,1920,15. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, B62.
    466 Reglement Administratif,1920,15. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, B62.
    467 Ji Zhaojin, A history of modern Shanghai banking, the rise and decline of China's finance capitalism, (Armonk, N.Y.:ME. Sharpe,2003),184.
    468 See the Appendix IV.
    469 Reglement Administratif 1920,15. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, B62; Archives Diplomatiques Nantes Shanghai Serie A 361.
    470 See the Appendix Ⅳ.
    471 Compte rendu de la geslion,1913.
    472 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-1937.
    473 Reglement sur l'Organisation de la Compagnie Auxillaire de la Police Francaise,5. SMA, U38-2-2129.
    474 Propositions enfaveur du personnel Ewopeen de la Garde, 2 January 1897, 3. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    475 《Seances du comite des finances des 18. 28 Aout et 4 Seplemlve 1930》, 38. SMA, U38-1-1436.
    476 Echelle de soldes pour 1930. SMA, U38-1-1472#2; Echelle de soldes pour 1931 apartir du 1 July 1931. SMA, U38-1-1472#2.
    477 Letter. Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,30 June 1939,2. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    478 Report, May 1939,2. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    479 Report, May 1939.2.
    480 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    481 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    482 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    483 Rapport du Comite charge d'etudier la question des salaires du personnel europeen des services municipaux et de police,26 May 1939. (Confidential). Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    484 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,8 May 1939,1. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    485 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul,8 May 1939,2.
    486 Letter,Director of Police to French Consul,8 May 1939.
    487 SMA,U38-1-1433#1.
    488 Compte rendu de la gestion, 1926-1937; SMA, U38-1-1433#1.
    489Shanghai shekeyuan jingji yanjiusuo上海社会科学院经济研究所Ying mei yan gongsi zai hua qiye ziliao huibian英美烟公司在华企业资料汇编(British and American Tobacco companies in China), (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju,1983). Vol 3,1055-7.
    490 Robert A. Bickers, Empire made me:an Englishman adrift in Shanghai, (New York:Columbia University Press,2003),83.
    491 Elude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police.
    492 Note de Service confidentielles N°5 bis pour le personnel europeen,13 November 1930. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    493 Letter, Governor of Indochina to French Consul in Shanghai,1 September 1920. Dossier 44352, "A.S. du commandement de la Garde municipale de Shanghai",1920. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    494 Letter, Resident Superieur du Tonkin to Governor of Indochina,11 November 1923. Dossier 44372, "Recrutement de garde indigene pour les Municipality francais et russe a Hankeou,1909-1936". ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    495 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul,3 February 1940,4.
    496 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai.3 February 1940,1-2. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362. Shanghai Serie A 362.
    498 Note sur les Traitements,3.
    499 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,19 June 1939,2.Archives Diplomatique s Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    500 Note sur la police de Shanghai,12 July 1943, confidential. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    501 Concession Francaise de Changhai,30.
    502 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,115.
    503 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,116.
    504 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,111-2.
    505 Brigadier is a grade of French police above Constable (Agent) and below Sergeant (Sergent).1 cannot find the correct English translation for this grade.
    506 Concession Francaise de Changhai,30.
    507 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,113.
    508 Concession Francaise de Changhai,33.
    509 SMA, R1-18-1295, Oian fa bufang julebu gaikuang前法巡捕房俱乐部概况(Genenal situation of the police force of the French Concession),1.
    510 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911,163.
    511 Concession Francaise de Changhai,44.
    512 Concession Francaise de Changhai,44.
    513 SMA, U38-2-2477,5 January 1934.
    514 Bickers, Empire,108.
    515 Concession Francaise de Changhai,44.
    516 Concession Francaise de Changhai,49.
    517 Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police,7.
    518 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-1937.
    519 Compte rendu de la gestion,1917.
    520 Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police,7.
    521 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,108.
    522 List of single and married French policemen,16 March 1929. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 (instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes).
    513 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,109.
    524 Lettre du Chef de la Garde P.l. an Directeur General des Services Municipaux,5 October 1928. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 (instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes).
    523 Bickers, Empire,138.
    526 Bickers, Empire,145-52.
    527 Letter of Director of police to French Consul in Shanghai,9 December 1942. Archives Diplomaticques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    528 Communication telegraphique du Ministre des Affaires etrangere en date du 27 Oclobre 1942. Archive Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    529 Communication telegraphique du Ministre des Affaires,12 October 1942.
    530 Bickers, Empire,151-2.
    531 Concession Francaise de Changhai,33.
    532 Concession Francaise de Changhai,29.
    533 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,118.
    534 Concession Francaise de Changhai,29.
    535 Concession Francaise de Changhai,29.
    6 Concession Francaise de Changhai,30.
    537 Concession Francaise de Changhai,43.
    538 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,122.
    39 Notice sur le detachement Tonkinois de la Garde de la Concession Francaise de Shanghai. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    540 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,122.
    541 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911.
    542 "Affectation definitive a la Garde Municipale de Shanghai de 50 Miliciens ", Letter from French Consul in Shanghai to Governor of Indochina,22 May 1917. ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    543 Compte rendu de la gestion,1919.
    544 Dossier 44356, "Recrutement de gardes indigenes pour la Concession francaise de Shanghai 1916-1936". ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    545 Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police,6-7.
    546 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    547 Note sur le detachement Tonkinois (Annee 1924), Garde Municipale Concession Francaise de Changhai, Dossier 44356,"Recrutement de gardes indigenes pour la Concession francaise de Shanghai 1916-1936" ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    548 Propositions concernant les primes de rengagement du Personnel tonkinois, le traitemenl des Medailles Municipales, l'indemnite de funeraillies pour les familles des agents chinois decedes, et la Caisse de Prevoyance des secretaires tonkinois,5 June 1940,3. Archives Diplomatques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    549 "A.S. Affectation a la Garde Municipale de Shanghai de 50 miliciens ", Letter from Governor of Indochina to French Consul in Shanghai,8 June 1917. Dossier 44351,"Affectation a la Garde Municipale de Shanghai de 50 miliciens tonkinois 1915,1916,1917". ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    550 Compte rendu de la gestion,1917.
    551 Mote sur le detachement Tonkinois (Annee 1924), Garde Municipale Concession Franqaise de Changhai, Dossier 44356, "Recrutement de gardes indigenes pour la Concession franqaise de Shanghai 1916-1936" ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    552 SMA, U38-2-2477,6 January 1934.
    553 SMA, U38-1-1433#1.
    554 SMA, U38-1-1433#1.
    555 Concession Francaise de Changhai,34.
    556 Concession Francaise de Changhai,35.
    557 Report, May 1939,3. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    558 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,134.
    559 Concession Francaise de Changhai,28.
    560 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation cle la Concession,136.
    561 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,137.
    562 Liver Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,137-8.
    563 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,138.
    564 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,139.
    565 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,140.
    566 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,140.
    567 Concession Francaise de Changhai,27.
    568 Liver Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,140.
    569 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,140.
    570 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,144.
    571 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,146.
    572 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,146.
    573 Liver Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,94-5.
    574 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,95.
    575 Police Municipale Francaise a Shanghai, Shanghai F&C WALSH,1865,3-4. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 62.
    576 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,88.
    577 Concession Francaise de Changhai,16.
    578 Concession Francaise de Changhai,19.
    579 Concession Francaise de Changhai,19.
    580 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,90.
    581 Livre Ⅱ. Organisation de la Concession,90.
    582 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,89.
    583 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,91-2.
    584 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,93-4.
    585 Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,109.
    586Livre Ⅱ, Organisation de la Concession,110.
    587 SMA, U38-2-1799, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingzuchu youguan bufang de geren cailiao:Oian chenglong, Xu fuqing. Fangfulin, Huang jinrong上海法租界公董局警务处有关捕房的个人材料:钱乘龙、许福卿、方福林、黄金荣.
    588 Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu youguan bufang de geren cailiao.上海法租界公董局警备处有关捕房的个人材(?)(The personnel archives of the police in the French Concession) SMA, U38-2-1768, U38-2-1769, U38-2-1770, U38-2-1772, U38-2-1776, U38-2-1781, U38-2-1782, U38-2-1783, U38-2-1784, U38-2-1794, U38-2-1799, U38-2-1836, U38-2-1837, U38-2-1885, U38-2-1900, U38-2-1914, U38-2-2046.
    589 Compie rendu de la gestion,1909.
    590 Compte rendu de la gestion,1870-1871.
    591 Compte rendu de la gestion,1899.
    592 Compte rendu de la gestion,1900.
    593 Compte rendu de la gestion,1906.
    594 Letter of French Consul in Shanghai to Governor of Indochina,28 September 1918. Dossier 44356, "Recrutement de gardes indigenes pour la Concession francaise de Shanghai 1916-1936 ". ANOM, GGI 44325-44373.
    595 Lettre du Chef de la Garde an Consul General de France a Changhai,20 May 1927. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 (instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes).
    395 Maybon and Fredet, Ilistoire de la concession,262.
    597 "Yi xibao lun xunbu shi shn hou"(?)译西报论巡捕事书后(On the Chinese policemen in Shanghai), Shenbao 23 August 1886.
    598 "'Pacte de garantie', Collaboration of the French police with the gangsters in Shanghai", Chap.2 of this thesis. Martin, Green Gang.
    599 Xiangbo乡波,Huang Jinrong shilue黄金荣事略(On Huang Jinrong), in Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi shanghai shi weiyuanhui wenshi ziliao gongzuo weiyuanhui ed中国人民政治协商会议上海市委员会文史资料工作委员会,Jiu Shanghai de banghui旧上海的帮会(Secret societies in old Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,1986),133.
    600 Report of the Municipal Guards,14 February 1910. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B70.
    601 Rapport de Hoang chen tse (黄胜之),(onlroleur du Bureau de l'interdiction de l'opium concernant les renseignements sur la conduite du detective revoque Ting Zeng Woo (丁顺华))>. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B70.
    602 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,30 October 1934,18-9. Archives Diplomatiques Paris, Correspondance politicque et commerciale Serie E Asia 1918-40, Sous serie CHINE 803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    603 "A.S. de la Concession Francaise de Changhai", Letter, M. A. Wilden, French Consul in Shanghai, to Ministry of Foreign Affairs,18 February 1924,18-9.Archives Diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    604 "A.S. de M. Traissac", Letter, M. A. Wilden, French Consul in Shanghai, to Ministry of Foreign Affairs,21 July 1924,1-2. Archives Diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    605 M. Traissac, Letter,21 July 1924,2-3.
    606 (Very confidential) Telegram from Shanghai to Ministry of Foreign Affairs,11 January 1926. Archives Diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    607 Joseph Shieh and M. Holzman, Dans le jardin des aventuriers, (Paris:Seuil,1995),63.
    608 Shieh, Dans le jardin,64.
    609 Shieh, Dans le jardin,83.
    610 Letter, Deputy Director, Chief of the Guards to Director of Police,31 January 1940. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    611 "Liumang yu xunbu weinan流氓舆巡捕为难(The rogues made trouble with Chinese policemen), Shenbao 7 June 1911.
    612 "Huangbao chefu ju on xunbu"黄包车夫聚殴巡捕(The rickshaw pullers beat Chinese policemen), Shenbao 23 August 1925.
    613 Compte-rendu de la gestion,1887.
    614 Huang Zhenshi黄振世,Wo suo zhidao de Huang Jinrong我所知道的黄金荣(On Huang Jinrong), in Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi shanghai shi weiyuanhui wenshi ziliao gongzuo weiyuanhui ed中国人民政治协商会议上海市委员会文史资料工作委员会,Jin Shanghai de banghui (?)日上海的帮会(Secret societies in old Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,1986),171.
    615 Letter from Chef de la Garde P.l. to President de la commission Provisoire d'Administration Municipale de Shanghai, I March 1928. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 (instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes).
    616 Letter from Chef de la Garde to President de la commission Provisoire d'Administration Municipale,22 December 1927. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 (instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes).
    617 "Budao yunming yuebu zuori chubin "捕盗殒命越捕昨日出殡(The Vietnamese policeman killed by bandits was sent to funeral yesterday), Shenbao,20 December 1927.
    618 SMA, U38-2-2551, Shanghai fazujie bufang (zong bufang) meiri baogao上海法租界捕房(总捕房)每日报告(Daily report of the Central Police Post),19361108-19370131.
    619 SMA, U38-2-2551.
    620 Letter of Deputy Director, Chief of the Municipal Guards to Director of Police,23 February 1940,2. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    621 Letter, Deputy Director, Chief of the Municipal Guards to Director of Police,23 February 1940, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 362.
    622 Letter, Deputy Director,23 February 1940,3.
    623 Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police de 1932 a 1934,11. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes Shanghai Serie A 358.
    624 Compte rendn de la gestion,1936.
    625 Letter, Deputy Director,23 February 1940,3-4.
    626 Propositions en faveur du personnel Europeen de la Garde,2 January 1897,6. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    627 Letter, Deputy Director,23 February 1940,4.
    628 Renseignements sur l'action Bolchevique et Etrangere en Chine, 13 January 1930, 9. Archives Diplomatiques Paris, 592 Action revolulionnaire 1930, 10 January 1930-31 December 1930.
    629 The French journal Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine devoted its first volume of 2003 to articles about police and space; see the main articles:a) Clive Emsley, "Police, maintien de l'ordre et espaces urbains: une lecture anglaise", Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, (2003/1 no.50-1),5-12; b) Vincent Milliot, "Saisir l'espace urbain:mobilite des commissaires et controle des quartiers de police a Paris au ⅩⅤⅢe siecle", Revue,54-80; c) Catherine Denys,"'Logiques territoriales'La territorialisation policiere dans les villes au ⅩⅤⅢe siecle", Revue,13-26; d) Marie Vogel. "Police et espace urbain:Grenoble 1880-1930", Revue,126-44.
    630 Henri Cordier, Les origines de deux etablissements franqais dans l'extreme-Orient, Chang-hai-Ning-po, (Paris,1896),32-3.
    631 1mu= 666.67m2; 1km2= 1,000,000m2; 1 hectare=15mu= 10,000m2= 0.01 km2
    632 Proclamation du Taotai Lin,6 April 1849, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipalize francaise de Changhai, lexles fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise. Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,34.
    633 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,59.
    634 Maybon and Fredet, Hisloire de la concession,166-7.
    635 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,168.
    636 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,160-1.
    637 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,193-4.
    638 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,209-10.
    639 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,232.
    640 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,239.
    641 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,242.
    642 Proclamation du Taotai Yu,27 January 1900, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106.
    643 Shi Meiding史梅定,ed., Shanghai zujie zhi上海租界志(History of foreign settlements in Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai shehui kexue chubanshe,2001),256.
    644 Maybon and Fredet, Histoire de la concession,272-3.
    645 Map ID:329, Original Title:Plan de la Concession francaise a Shanghai [leve en 1865, rectifie en 1870] Transliteration:Plan de la Concession francaise a Shanghai, Year:1871, Virtual Shanghai http:virtualshanghai.net Accessed on September 2011.
    646Map ID:329, Original Title:Plan de la Concession frangaise a Shanghai [leve en 1865, rectifie en 1870], Transliteration:Plan de la Concession francaise a Shanghai, Year:1871, Virtual Shanghai.
    647 Comple rendu de la gestion,1871-77.
    648 Shanghai zujie zhi,257.
    649 Comple rendu de la gestion,1878-99.
    650 Extensions des concessions de Shanghai, l'extension de la concession francaise et la question des routes, Letter, French Legation in China to French General in Shanghai,17 March 1896,4. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 63. [Translation as follows:'It is necessary to me, that if the International Settlement receives an extension and if new roads are opened, the French concession should extend towards Tongkadou (DONGJIADU) and Passiejo (BAXIANQIAO), where the French road of Zikawei belongs to us, and that an agreement between the International Settlement and us should be made about the end of the road to open between the race course and the "new cemetery". The extension of the French Concession is indissolubly linked with that extension of the International Settlement.']
    651 Bryna Goodman, Native place, city, and nation:regional networks and identities in Shanghai,1853-1937, (Berkeley:University of California Press,1995),158-69.
    652 Answer to the six points examined by the Waikiaopu,1913. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 74.
    653 Proclamation du Taotai Yu du 27 Janvier 1900.
    654 http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/Collection?ID=436, accessed in March 2012.
    655 Compte rendu de la gestion,1899-1910.
    656 See the map of 1901. Map ID 181, Virtual Shanghai, http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/Source?pn=3 accessed in September 2011.
    657 Map ID 181. Virtual Shanghai.
    658 Shanghai zujie zhi,257.
    659 Compte rendu de la gestion,1907.
    660 Shanghai diming zhi上海地名志,http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node70862/node70870/node70920/node70926/userobject1ai73719.h tml accessed in September 2011.
    661 Rapport sur la Reorganisation de la police de la Concession Francaise, Letter, Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to Ratard, French Consul in Shanghai,24 November 1906,2, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes Shanghai Serie B 68.
    662 Consequences, en ce qui concerne de l'extension de la concession et de I'installation de Cour Mixte dans la Region des Routes Exterieures, Letter from G. Rabier, Director of the Municipal Guards to Gaston Kahn, French Consul in Shanghai,20 April 1914, Confidentiel,2-3. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 74.
    663 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-13.
    664 Compte rendu de la gestion,1912,1913.
    665 Shanghai shizheng gongcheng zhi上海市政工程志,http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node68289/node68305/node68460/node68532/userobject1ai66087.h tml accessed in September 2011.Mou Zhenyu牟振宇,'Jindai shanghai fazujie chengshi kongjian de kuozhan "近代上海法租界城市空间的扩展(A research on urban spatial expansion of French Concession), Urban Planning Forum城市觇划学刊N°2,2008,111-8. Mou Zhenyu牟振宇,‘Jindai shanghai fazujie kongjian kuozhan jiqi qudongli fenxi"近代上海法租界空间扩展及其驱动力分析(Research on the urban spatial expansion of the French Concession in modern Shanghai 1849-1930)中国历史地理论丛Journal of Chinese Historical Geography. Vol.23, No.4, Oct.,2008,23-32.
    666 Regularisation Administrative dans la region des 'Routes Exteriewes' de la Concession Francaise, Letter from the French Consul in Shanghai to Conty, Minister of France in Beijing,25 October 1913,2-3. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 74.
    667 'Routes Exterieures', Letter from the French Consul to Conty,25 October 1913,3-4.
    668 'Routes Exterieures', Letter from the French Consul to Conty,25 October 1913,6.
    669 'Routes Exterieures', Letter from the French Consul to Conty,25 October 1913,8.
    See Chapters 1 and 5 of this thesis.
    671 Convention relative a la region des Routes Exterieures de la Concession Francaise de Changhai,8 April 1914,1, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipalite francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    612 Routes Exterieures,8 April 1914,2-3.
    673 Shanghai shizheng gongcheng zhi bianzuan weiyuanhui上海市政工程志编纂委员会ed., Shanghai shizheng gongcheng zhi上海市政工程志,(Shanghai:Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe,1998). http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node68289/node68305/node68460/node68532/userobject1ai66087.h tml Accessed in September 2011. Shanghai zujie zhi,101.
    674 Map ID:33, Original Title:Plan of Shanghai, Author:Shanghai Municipal Council, Year:1928. Virtual Shanghai. http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/Source?ID=33 Accessed in March 2012.
    675 Consequences, Letter from Rabier to Kahn,20 April 1914,6-7.
    676 Consequences, Letter from Rabier to Kahn,20 April 1914,7.
    677 Consequences, Letter from Rabier to Kahn,20 April 1914,18.
    678 Consequences, Letter from Rabier to Kahn,20 April 1914,8.
    679 Consequences, Letter from Rabier to Kahn,20 April 1914,13.
    680 Compte rendu de la gestion,1914-17.
    681 "fa zong xunbu fang dingqi qianyi"法總巡捕房定期迁移(The French Central Police Post has moved to its new address), Shenbao,21 November 1917.
    682 Map ID:72, Original Title:Map of Shanghai, Transliteration:Map of Shanghai, Year:1918. Virtual Shanghai, http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/Source?ID=72 Accessed in March 2012.
    683 Compte rendu de la gestion,1918-30.
    684 Compte rendu de la gestion,1931.
    685 Compte rendu de la gestion,1931-37.
    686 Map ID:100, Original Title:Plan de la Concession francaise de Changhai [Shanghai], Transliteration:Plan de la Concession francaise de Changhai [Shanghai], Year:1934, http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/Source?ID= 100 Accessed in March 2012.
    687 This market had to move under the pressure of Chinese authorities in April 1936.'Malgre' le coup serieux porte ainsi a la prosperite du secteur de l'Est, il est a remarquer que nous avons reussi a conserver un commerce de demi-gros de poisons assez important et que le marche de legumes y parait de plus en plus prospere',Compte rendu de la gestion,1936.
    688 Concession Francaise de Changhai (Statistiques) 1932. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipality francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise. "Fa zujie shizheng gaikuang yanjiang ji"法租界市政概况演讲记(A speech on the history of the French Municipal Services), Shenbao,18 May 1931.
    689 Map Administrative and police districts in the French Concession (1914-1943), http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/Collection?ID=398 Accessed in March 2012.
    690 Wu Juin-Yih, "Concession de Shanghai:etude sociale" (PhD diss., University of Paris Ⅶ,1974),6. [Translation:'The figure of the census population in the French Concession in 1895 is 50,000; it is probable that this number is less than the real number, as the Chinese who wished to avoid tax would hide, as much as they could, the number of people living in the house.]
    691 Compte rendu de la gestion,1936.
    692 Comple rendit de la geslion,1936.
    693 Recensement de la population sur la concession francaise de Shanghai,20 September 1931. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipalize francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise. Shanghai zujie zhi,118.
    694 Shanghai zujie zhi, 118. Comple rendu de la gestion, 1879-1936.
    695 Shanghai zujie zhi, 121.
    696 Shanghai zujie zhi, 122.
    697 http://www.virtualshanghai.net/Maps/eAtlas?ID=431, accessed in March 2012.
    698 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    699 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    700 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    701 Joffre Post,23 October 1929. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    702 Reglement de police et voirie,39. SMA, U38-1-2148#2, U38-1-2148, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju gnanyu gezhong xingzheng guicheng上海法租界公董局关于各种行政规程(The municipal regulations of the French Concession),1930-35.
    703 Quentin Deluermoz, "Les policiers en tenue dans l'espace parisien (1854-1913):la construction d'un ordre public ", (PhD. diss., Universite Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris),2008).
    704 Service du Personnel de la Garde Municipale, Agents Europeens et Chinois,1899. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    705 Service du Personnel de la Garde Municipale, Agents Europeens et Chinois,1899. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B30.
    705 Service du personnel de la Garde 1908. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B69bis.
    707 Service du personnel de la Garde 1908,1. Archives Diplomaliques Nantes Shanghai Serie B69.
    708 Service du personnel de la Garde 1908,2.
    709 Service du personnel de la Garde 1908.
    710 Service du personnel de la Garde 1908,2.
    711 SMA, U38-2-2507, Shanghai fazujie bufang ribao上海法租界捕房日报(Daily report of the French police), 16 January 1926 to 31 December 1926,1 April 1926.
    712 "Fa zongxun yanmi fangdao"(?)法总巡严密防盗(The French police take measures to fight robberies), Shenbao,6 December 1923.
    713 Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 364 instructions, organisation du service, gestion des personnes.
    714 "Xunbu bishu zhi jiexian"巡捕避暑之界限(The policemen are treated differently when faced with hot temperatures), Shenbao,6 August 1907.
    715 "Fazujie caolian yiwu tanyuan"法租界操练义务探员(The volunteers for the French Concession police are taking exercises), Shenbao,29 September 1927.
    716 "Fazujie yan jia jienei fangwu"法捕房严加界内防务(The French Concession strengthens its defence), Shenbao,31 October 1927.
    717 "Fazujie fangwu yanmi"法租界防务严密(The French Concession continues to strengthen its defence), Shenbao,11 November 1927.
    718 "Fazujiejiancha xingren zhi leilifengxing"法租界检查行人之雷厉风行(The French Concession police searched the passengers), Shenbao,16 November 1927.
    719 "Faznjie jia yi fangfan"法租界加意防范(The French Concession pays great attention to its defence), Shenbao,16 December 1927.
    720 "Shanghai youdian zhi bianzuan weiyuanhui".上海邮电志编纂委员会ed., Shanghai youdian zhi上海邮电志(History of postal services in Shanghai), (Shanghai:Shanghai shehui kexueyuan chubanshe,1999), http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2245/node67155/node67164/index.html accessed in September 2011.
    721 "Mai zongxun diaocha xunbu qin duo zhi miao ce"麥总巡调查巡捕勤惰之妙策(The Police Chief's special way to verify the presence of policemen), Shenbao,14 February 1911.
    722 Conflit avec le Conseil d'Administration Municipale, Letter from M Dejean de la Batie, French Consul in Shanghai to de Margerie, French Ambassador in China,15 April 1912. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 62.
    723 See Chapter 2,1.2:"The municipal crisis of 1913 and the controversies over police funding".
    724 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911.
    725 Compte rendu de la gestion,1914.
    Compte rendu de la gestion,1915.
    727 "Xibao ji fabufang ban an zhi shensu"出报纪法捕房办案之神速(The high efficiency of the French Concession police), Shenbao,30 October 1927.
    728 Compte rendu de lagestion,1936.
    729 Xu tao徐涛,‘'Zixingche puji yu jindai shanghai shehui" (?)自行车普及与近代上海社会(The popularization of bicycles in Shanghai and modern Shanghai society), in Historical Review史林,No.1,2007,103.
    730 Compte rendu de la seance,24 November 1906. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 68.
    731 Letter from Mallet, Director of the Municipal Guards to Dejean de la Batie, French Consul in Shanghai,8 February 1911,1. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B68.
    732 Letter, Mallet to de la Batie,8 February 1911,2.
    733 Letter, Mallet to de la Batie,8 February 1911,2.
    734 "Fazujie xunbtu jinri juxing jiaotache niansai"法租界巡捕今日举行脚踏车年赛(The annual match of bicycles for the French Concession policemen took place today), Shenbao,1 July 1928.
    735 Letter from Sergeant Agnel Leon to Blanchet, Deputy Director of the French police,15 March 1935. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B68.
    736 Compte rendu de la gestion,1927.
    737 Compte rendu de la gestion,1929.
    738 Compte rendu de la gestion,1935.
    739He Yizhong何益忠,"Jindai zhongguo zaoqi de chengshi jiaotong yu shehni chongtu"近代中国早期的城市交通与社会冲突——以上海为例’(The early modern Chinese city traffic and social conflicts in Shanghai), Historical Review史林,N°4,2005. He Lanping何兰萍,‘'Wanqing shanghai gonggong zujie de jiaotong guanli jiqi qishi"晚清上海公共租界的交通管理及其启示(The traffic regulations in the International Settlement of Shanghai), Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology:Social science河南科技大学学报,N°3,2008. Ma Changlin马长林,‘'Shanghai zujie chengshi guanli fagui de fazhan yu yanbian"上海租界城市管理法规的发展与演变(The development of municipal regulations in the foreign settlements of Shanghai), Shanghai Urban Planning Review.=海城市规划,N°2,2009.Chen Wenbin陈文彬,Jindaihua jincheng zhong de shanghai chengshi gonggong jiaotong yanjiu近代化进程中的上海城市公共交通研究(1908-1937) (The public transport in Shanghai 1908-1937), (Shanghai:Xuelin chubanshe,2008). Xing Jianrong邢建榕,“Zaoqidaolu jiaotong jianshe yu jindai shanghai chengshi fazhan-yi yingzujie wei zhongxin de kaocha"早期道路交通建设与近代上海城市发展——以英租界为中心的考察(The road constructions and the development of modern Shanghai, an example of the International Settlement), Shanghai dang 'anguan上海市档案馆,ed.,Shanghai dang' anshiliao yanjiu Volume3上海档案史料研究第三辑,(Shanghai:Shanghai sanlian shudian, 2007.)
    740 Ma Changlin马长林,‘'Shanghai zujie chengshi guanli fagui de fazhan yu yanbian"上海租界城市管理法规的发展与演变(The development of municipal regulations in the foreign settlements of Shanghai), Shanghai Urban Planning Review上海城市规划,N°2,2009.
    741 In Paris, the police were also faced with the problem of traffic. The first traffic regulation regarding vehicles with mechanical engines was published in 1893, and included 35 articles. It was rapidly replaced and completed by the new regulation in 1897, on the driving and circulation of animals and vehicles of all kinds; it constituted 426 articles. See Jean-Marc Berliere, "L'institution policiere en France sous la troisieme repubique 1875-1914", (PhD. diss., Universite de Bourgogne,1991),707.
    742 Reglemenls Municipaux,1910,SMA, U38-1-2148#2.
    743 Compte rendu de la gestion,1908.
    744 Compte rendu de la gestion,1908.
    745 In most large American cities, police traffic regulation had appeared by about 1910; it came earlier in New York and later in smaller cities. See Peter D. Norton, Fighting Traffic, the dawn of the motor age in the American city, (Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press,2008),49.
    746 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911.
    747 Clive Emsley used the concept of'criminalization'when studying the criminal laws to control the motorist in the first third of the twentieth century. According to him, a scapegoat,'the road hog', was created as the focus for criticism and the offender thus ceased to be member of society and became an outsider, threatening respectable law-abiding citizens. Clive Emsley,"'Mother, What Did Policemen Do When There Weren't Any Motors?" The Law, the Police and the Regulation of Motor Traffic in England,1900-1939", The Historical Journal, Vol.36, No.2 (Jun.,1993),357-81.
    748 Compte rendu de la gestion,1920.
    749 Compte rendu de la gestion,1922.
    750 Compte rendu de la gestion,1928.
    751 Compte rendu de la gestion,1936.
    752 Xiong Yuezhi熊月之,‘Lun wanqing shanghai zhengzhi yimzuo tedian -yi xiaoche gongren kangjuan shijian wei ge 'an"论晚清上海政治运作特点——以小车工人抗捐事件为个案(On the local politics of Shanghai in late Qing, a case study of the strikes of wheel barrowers against taxes), Quarterly Journal of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences学术季刊,N°3,2001. Yan Changhong严昌洪,'Malu shang de duikang——Minguo shiqi renli chefu guanli wenti toushi"马路上的对抗——民国时期人力车夫管理问题透视 (Conflicts on the roads, a study on the management of rickshaw pullers in Republican China), Journal of Hubei University (Philosophy and Social Science,s)湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版),N°2,2010.
    753 L'Echo de Chine,15 September 1919. "Michael Loy Sinclair, The French settlement of Shanghai on the eve of the Revolution of 1911", (PhD. diss., Stanford University,1973),225.
    754 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur la circulation",16. SMA, U38-1-2148#2.
    755 Reglements Municipaux 1935,"Reglement sur les brouettes et les diables",18.
    756 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement concernant les permis de conduire les vehicules automobiles",23.
    757 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement...vehicules automobiles",24.
    758 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement...vehicnles automobiles",25.
    759 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur la circulation",12.
    760 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les vehicules automobiles de toute nature",27.
    761 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... toute nature",28.
    762 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... toute nature",28.
    763 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... toute nature",33.
    764 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les bicyclettes",23.
    765 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglemenl... toute nature",31.
    766 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur la circulation",13.
    767 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglemenl sur la circulation des tramways ".17.
    768 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les bicyclettes",23.
    769 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les motocyclettes ",26.
    770 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... toute nature",27.
    771 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les Jinrickshaws publics",19-20.
    772 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... tonte nature",32.
    773 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... tonte nature",31.
    774 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... touts nature",30.
    775 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les brouettes et les diables",18.
    776 Reglements Municipaux 1935,"Reglement... toute nature",37.
    777 Reglements Municipaux 1935,"Reglement... toute nature",27,32.
    778 Reglements Municipaux 1935, "Reglement... toute nature",35.
    779 Regternents Municipaux 1935, "Reglement sur les voitures", 21.
    780 He Yizhong, "Jindai zhongguo...".
    781 "Reglement sur la circulation, 1935", 16.
    782 "Reglement de police et voirie, 1941", 19.
    783 "Reglement sur la circulation,1935",14.
    784 SMA, U38-2-2477,上海法租界捕房每日工作决定,3 January 1934 to 27 March 1934,4 January 1934.
    785 SMA, U38-2-2477,16 February 1934.
    786 SMA, U38-2-2477,24 March 1934.
    787 Marie Vogel, "Les polices des villes entre local et national:I'administration des polices urbaines sous la Troisieme republique", (PhD. diss., Universite Pierre Mendes France-Grenoble Ⅱ,1993),138.
    788 Vogel, "Les polices des villes",143.
    789 Stella Dong, Shanghai, the rise and fall of a decadent city, (New York:William Morrow,2000),13.
    790 Xia Dongyuan夏东元,ed., Zheng Guanyingji郑观应集(The articles of Zheng Guanying), (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe,1982),663.
    791 Mark Elvin,'The Gentry Democracy in Chinese Shanghai 1905-14', Modern China's search for a political form, ed. Jack Gray, (Oxford,1969),56-7. Mark Elvin, "The gentry democracy in Shanghai", (Ph D. diss., Cambridge University,1968). Xiong Yuezhi熊月之,“Lishi shang de shanghai xingxiang sanlun "历史上的上海形象散论(The images of Shanghai through history), Historical Review史林,N°3,1996.148-9.Peng Shanmin彭善民Gonggong weisheng yu shanghai dushi wenming(1898-1949)公共卫生与上海都市文明(1898-1949) (Public hygiene and the urban civilization of Shanghai, (1898-1949)), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,2007). He Yizhong何益忠,"Wanqing zizhi zhong de chengshi minzhong, yi shanghai chengshi weisheng wei zhongxin de kaocha "晚清自治中的城市民众,以上海城市卫生为中心的考察(The reactions of the citizens towards public hygiene in the autonomous movement), Journal of East China University of Political Science and Law华东政法学院学报,N°3,2005.He Yizhong何益忠,“Wancjing zizhi shiqi shanghai jietou de jingmin chongtu "晚清自治时期上海街头的警民冲突(The conflicts between the police and citizens on the streets of Shanghai during the autonomous movement), Academic Monthly'学术月刊,N°3,2007.
    792 "Reglement de police et de voirie 1898", Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B62.
    792 "Reglement de police et de voirie 1898".
    794 "Fazujie laji guize" (?)去租界垃圾规则(Regulation of rubbish in the French Concession), Shenbao,23 March 1931.
    795 Wang Di, Street culture in Chengdu:public space, urban commoners, and local politic.1870-1930, (Stanford:Stanford University Press,2003).
    796 Alan M. Beck, The ecology of stray dogs:a study of free-ranging urban animals, (Purdue University Press, 1973),70.
    797 Avis du Conseil d'Administration Municipale de la Concession Francaise a Shanghai, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 62.
    798 "Reglements,Municipaux; 1910",54-6. SMA, U38-1-2148#2.
    799 Compte rendu de la gestion,1895.
    800 Compte rendu de la gestion,1898.
    801 Compte rendu de la gestion,1899.
    802 Compte rendu de la gestion,1902.
    803 Compte rendu de la gestion,1906.
    804 Compte rendu de la gestion,1903. Compte rendu de la gestion,1906.
    803 "Fa bufang qudi wizhu yegou"法捕房取缔无主野狗(The French Concession police eliminate the stray dogs), Shenbao,6 May 1927. "Fazujie fenggou changjue"法租界疯狗狷獗(Mad dog rampant in the French Concession), Shenbao,17 June 1935.
    806 Christian Rom on, "Mendiants et policiers a Paris an ⅩⅧe siecle",Histoire, economie et societe, Volume 1, Numero 1-2,1982,259-95. Jean-Francois Wagniart, "La penalisation du vagabondage et la repression de la pauvrete errante a la fin du ⅩⅨe siecle", Cahiers d'Histoire,1996, n°64.77-90. Jean-Francois Wagniart, Le vagabond a la fin du XIXe siecle, (Paris:Belin,1999). Timothy B. Smith, "Assistance and Repression:Rural exodus, Vagabondage and Social Crisis in France,1880-1914 ", Journal of Social History, Volume 32, N°4 (Summer 1999),821-46.
    807 'The offences that the police are often called to notice:1. Begging,2. Vagrancy,3. Insult and rebellion,4. Assault and injuries,5. Theft.'Police Municipale Francaise a Shanghai, (Shanghai F&C Walsh,1865),10, Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B62.
    808 Police Municipale Francaise a Shanghai,10.
    809 "Reglement de police et de voirie 31 Decembre 1889".
    810 Compte rendu de la gestion,1893.
    811 Compte rendu de la gestion,1894.
    812 Compte rendu de la gestion,1894.
    813 Compte rendu de la gestion,1895.
    814 Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu guanyn fazujie bufang youguan baohu zhiming renshi zhusuo de shuoming tubiao上海法租界公董局警务处关于法租界捕房有关保护知名人士住所的说明图表(A list of addresses of the celebrities who live in the French Concession),4 November 1936, SMA, U38-2-486.
    815 Shanghai fazujie bufang ribao上海法租界捕房日报(Daily report of the French police),16 January 1926 to 31 December 1926,31 December 1926, SMA, U38-2-2507.
    816 Feng xi 凤兮, Shanghai de gai上海的丐(Beggars in Shanghai), Nu sheng女声,Vol.3,N°9,1935,12.
    817 Christian Henriot, Shanghai,1927-1937:municipal power, locality, and modernization (Berkley, Calif.: University of California Press,1994), Chap.9.
    818 "Gong' anju choujian nanmin sanbing shourongsuo"公安局筹建难民散兵收容所(The PSB plans to construct a shelter for refugees and abandoned soldiers in Shanghai), Shenbao,15 November 1935. "Gong'anju ming chun qi zhengdun caichang shourong qigai'公安局明春起整顿菜场收容乞丐(The PSB will reform the markets and shelter beggars from the next spring), Shenbao,23 December 1935.
    819 "Zuzhi qigai jiuji dui'组织乞丐救济队(Set up an organisation to help beggars), Shenbao,13 December 1935. "Shanghai pinmin pihansuo fangwenji"上海贫民庇寒所访问记(A visit to the shelter for the poor). Shenbao,13 January 1937.
    820 "Ben shi jiu gai wentii"木市救丐问题(The problem of helping the beggars in Shanghai), Shenbao,21 May 1935.
    821 Zwia Lipkin, Useless to the state: 'social problems' and social engineering in nationalist Nanjing, 1927-1937, (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Asia Center:Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2006). Frederic Wakeman, Policing Shanghai,1927-1937.
    822 Christian Henriot,"'Invisible Deaths, Silent Deaths':'Bodies Without Masters' in Republican Shanghai", Journal of Social Ilistory, Vol.43, Winter 2009,408-37.
    823 Police Municipale Francaise a Shanghai,14.
    824 Compte rendu de la gestion,1894.
    825 Compte rendu de la gestion,1895.
    826 Compte rendu de la gestion,1899.
    827 Compte rendu de la gestion,1902.
    828 Compte rendu de la gestion,1909.
    829 "Chengfa qingshi minming zhi xunbi”憋罚轻视民命之巡捕(The policemen who ignored the lives of citizens should be punished), Shenbao,19 May 1911.
    830 Compte rendu de la gestion,1911-37.
    831 Deaths caused by vehicles were not included.
    832 Deaths caused by vehicles were not included. The deaths caused in the Grand Monde on 14 August 1937 were also included.
    833 Those injured by vehicles were not included. The deaths caused in the Grand Monde on 14 August 1937 were also included.
    834"Raglement de police et de voirie 1898".
    835 Shanghai zujie zhi,569.
    836 "Reglement sur les Etablissements Classes",1. Archives Diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    837 "Reglement sur les Etablissements Classes",3.
    838 "Reglement sur les Etablissements Classes",6.
    839 For the regulation of brothels by the International Settlement and the Great Shanghai Municipality authorities, see Christian Henriot, Prostitution and Sexuality in Shanghai, a social history 1849-1949, (Cambridge University Press,2001), Chap.11-13. For the study of prostitutes and brothels in Shanghai, see Henriot, Prostitution and Sexuality. Gail Hershatter, Dangerous pleasures:prostitution and modernity in twentieth-century Shanghai, (Berkeley:University of California Press,1997).
    840 Henriot, Prostitution and Sexuality,273.
    841 "Reglement de police et voirie,1889".
    842 "Reglement Municipal de police et voirie,1910", SMA, U38-1-2148#2.
    843 Reglement sur les maisons de Tolerance,1933", SMA, U38-1-1936#1. Shanghai fazujie gongdongju guanyu jiyuanjuanshui wenti de laiwang xinjian上海法租界公董局关于妓院捐税问题的来往信件(Letters of the French Municipality about the tax on the brothels),1883-1942.
    844 "Reglement Mimicipaux 1941. Hygiene",21-2, SMA, U38-1-1936#1.
    845 "Maison des tolerances sur Boulevard des 2 Republiques et Rue prote", Letter from Rabier to Kahn,17 September 1914. SMA, U38-1-1936#2.
    846 SMA, U38-1-1936#2.
    847 Letter from representatives of the Society Dong Zeu Wei to the Secretary of the French Municipality,19 March 1929.1,SMA, U38-1-1936#1.
    848 "Rapport confidentiel d'administration Municipale de la Concession",16 May 1929,1, SMA, U38-1-1936#2.
    849 "Rapport confidentiel d'administration Municipale de la Concession".
    850 "Rapport confidential d'administration Municipals de la Concession".
    851 "Rapport confidential d'administration Municipale de la Concession".
    852 Letter from Society Dong Zeu Wei to Secretary of the French Municipality,19 March 1929,1.
    853 Compte rendu de la Garde Municipale,13 May 1929, SMA, U38-1-1936#2.
    854 "Note concernant l'Association des maisons de tolerance",23 April 1929, SMA, U38-1-1936#2.
    855 "Rapport confidentiel d'administration Municipale de la Concession"
    856 Archive de Shanghai. U38-1-1936#1. Letter from Director of Finances to General Director of Municipal Services,10 September 1936.
    857 Letter from the Director of Police to the French Consul in Shanghai,30 October 1934,16. Archives Diplomaliques Paris, Correpspondance politique et commerciale Serie E Asie 1918-1940 Sous serie CHINE, 803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    858 "Fazujie jiancha hanzhuang"法租界检查韩庄(The French Concession police searched brothels), Shenbao, 11 February 1935.
    859 "Jingcha da zhuo yeji"警察大捉野鸡(The policemen arrested those prostitutes without licenses), Shenbao, 14 April 1935.
    860 Letter from brothel bosses to the Secretary of the French Municipality in Shanghai,27 April 1932.1,SMA, U38-1-1936#1.
    961 Letter,brothel bosses to Secretary of the French Municipality,27 April 1932,2.
    962 Letter,brothel bosses to Secretary of the French Municipality,27 April 1932,1.
    863 Jean Louis Loubet Del Bayle, Police et Politique, une approche sociologique, (Paris:L'Harmattan,2006), 101.
    864 Compte rendu de la gestion,1919.
    865 Compte rendu de la gestion,1920.
    866 "Propagande bolcheviste en Chine", Letter, Tripier, French Ambassador in China to President du Conseil, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,28 August 1924,1-2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,197 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme,1922-1925.
    867 Compte rendu de la gestion,1921.
    868 Compte rendu de la gestion,1921.
    869 Compte rendu de la gestion,1922.
    870 S. A. Smith, A road is made:Communism in Shanghai,1920-1927, (Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press, 2000),12-4. Yang Yunruo and Yang Kuisong杨云若,杨奎松,Gongchan guoji he zhongguo geming共产国际和中国革命(The Comintern and Chinese revolution), (Shanghai:Shanghai renmin chubanshe,1988),3,15.
    871 Smith, A road is made,28. Yang Yunruo and Yang Kuisong, Gongchan guoji he zhongguo geming,32.
    872 "Les agents bolcheviques et les troubles actuels en Chine", Letter, D. de Martel, French Ambassador in China to A. Briand, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris,9 July 1925. Archives diplomatiques Paris,197 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme,1922-1925.
    873 "Envoi d'une Note sur la propagande bolchevique en Chine", Letter, Martel to Briand,7 August 1926. Archives diplomatiques Paris,197 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme,1922-1925.
    874 "Note sur la Propagande des bolcheviks en Chine", French Legation in China,7 August 1925,1. Archives diplomaliques Paris,197 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme,1922-1925.
    875 "Note sur la Propagande",7 August 1925,2-3.
    876 "Note sur la Propagande",7 August 1925,6.
    877 "A.S. de la propagande bolchevik a Shanghai (Etude d'ensemble pour la periode Juillet-Decembre 1925)",1. Archives diplomatiques Paris,198 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme,1925-1926. [Translation as follows: Due to its geographical position, its commercial and industrial importance, its eminently cosmopolitan nature, Shanghai has become, since the reopening of the Soviet Consulate in 1924, a hotbed of Bolshevik agitation of the first degree, to reach the masses of workers and for Chinese liaison between the Russian Far East, on the one hand, Indochina, Java and India, on the other hand.]
    878 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Garde Municipale, Service de la Surete,3eme Division,28 December 1926, 4. Archives diplomatiques Paris,200 Action revolutionnaire, Communisme 1926-1927.
    879 "A.S. Action bolchevique a Changhai",Letter, E. Naggiar, French Consul in Shanghai to Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris,22 June 1926. Archives diplomatiques Paris,198 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme, 1925-1926.
    880 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Garde Municipale, Service de la Surete,3eme Divison, Shanghai 16 October 1926,1. Archives diplomaliques Paris,199 Action revolutionnaire, Comnmnisme,1926.
    881 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,16 October 1926,6.
    882 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Shanghai 6 December 1926,9.
    883 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Garde Municipale, Seivice de la Surele,3eme Division, Shanghai 20 December 1926,11-2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,200 Action revolutionnaire. Communisme,1926-1927. Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Shanghai 27 December 1926,10.
    884 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Shanghai 10 January 1927,14-5.
    885 Yang Kuisong杨奎松,Guomindang de liangong yu fangong国民党的联共与反共(Guomindang:unity with Communists and Anti-communists), (Beijing:Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe,2008),1-7.
    Yang Kuisong, Guomindang de liangong yu fangong,87-96.
    887 Wang Jianmin王健民,Zhongguo gongchandang shigao'中国共产党史稿(History of the Chinese Communist Party), Volume 1:the period of Shanghai第一篇上海时期,(Hongkong:zhongwen tushu gongyingshe,1974), 284-98.
    888 Yang Kuisong, Guomindang de liangong yu fangong,153-59.
    Yang Kuisong, Guomindang de liangong yu fangong,159-64. Li Yunhan李云汉,Cong rong gong dao qing dang从容共到清党(From tolerating Chinese communists to expelling the CPC), (Taibei:Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan,1966).
    890 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Shanghai 21 February 1927,1.
    891 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai, Shanghai 28 March 1927,5.
    892 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,4 April 1927,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,201 Action revolutionnaire communisme,1927, April-July.
    893 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,4 April 1927,4.
    894 Smith, A road is made,190.
    895 Smith, A road is made,192.
    896 Smith, A road is made,198.
    897 Smith, A road is made,199.
    898 Garde Municipale, Service de la Surete,3eme Division,11 April 1927,7. Archives diplomatiques Paris,201 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1927, April-July.
    899 Garde Municipale, Service de la Surete,11 April 1927,16-7.
    900 Garde Municipale, Service de la Surete,18 April 1927,6.
    901 Smith, A road is made,200.
    902 Yang Kuisong, Guomindang de liangong yu fangong,229.
    903 Shieh, Dans le jardin des aventuriers,70.
    904 Thomas, Martin, Empires of intelligence:security services and colonial disorder after 1914, (Berkeley: University of California Press,2008),261.
    905 Compte rendu de la gestion,1930.
    906 Compte rendu de la gestion,1931.
    907 Shanghai Municipal Police Files, Roll 1, File 8/6, Work of S2 (Foreign Section), Report of the Special Branch,23 April 1931.
    908 Compte rendu de la gestion,1932.
    909 "Etude sur le fonctionnement des Services de Police de 1932 a 193-1",17-8. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 358.
    910"Etude sur le fonctionnement",18.
    911 "Etude sur le fonctionnement", 18. Compte rendu de la gestion. 1033. Compte rendu de la gestion, 1934.
    912 "Etude sur le fonctionnement", 18-9.
    913 Organisation des Services de police, Reglement reglement an personnel francais, 1934, 4. SMA, U38-2-2075.
    914 Compte rendu de la gestion,1913.
    915 Compte rendu de la gestion,1913.
    Compte rendu de la gestion,1913.
    917 Convention relative a la region des Routes Exterieures de la Concession Francaise de Changhai,8 April 1914, 2-3. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie A 106 Municipality francaise de Changhai, textes fondamentaux sur la Concession Francaise.
    918 "Accord en 4 articles,7 April", Letter, A.R. Conty, French Ambassador in China to Kahn, French Consul in Shanghai,14 May 1914. Confidential. Archives diplomatiques Nantes, Shanghai Serie B 74.
    919 Shanghai tongzhi, http://www.shtong.gov.cn/node2/node2247/node4565/index.html (accessed in November 2011).
    920 Letter, J. Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to de Martel, French Ambassador in China, I October 1925,7. Archives diplomatiques Paris 336.
    921 Letter, Meyrier to de Martel,1 October 1925,8-9.
    922 "Adfairws interessant la concession francaise de Shanghai", Letter, de Martel, to Briand, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris,8 October 1925,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,336.
    923 "Fermeture du Bureau Koumintang sur la Concession Francaise", Letter, Naggiar, French Consul in Shanghai to de Martel,12 October 1926,1. Archives diplomatiques Paris,337 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1926-1927.
    924 "Fermeture du Bureau Koumintang sur la Concession Francaise", Letter, Naggiarto de Martel,12 October 1926,2.
    925 "Mesures prises contre les agitateurs politiques sur la Concession Francaise", Letter, Naggiar, French Consul in Shanghai to Ministry of Foreign Affairs,12 November 1926,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,337 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1926-1927.
    926 Shieh, Dans le jardin des aventuriers,69.
    927"A.S. de Tchen Ton Sioui", Letter, G. Dufaure Dela Prade, Deputy French Consul in Shanghai, to De Fleurieau, French Ambassador in China,19 August 1922,1-2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,197 Action Revolutionnaire, communisme,1922-1925.
    928 Article Ⅰ:Any publisher of magazines, brochures, leaflets or newspapers in Chinese characters can only be opened in the French Concession with the permission of the French Consul in Shanghai. Article Ⅳ:If the police discover that any of the publications issued contravene public order or morals, the manager, the author responsible, and the printer will be prosecuted in the Mixed Court and punished according to law.
    929 "A.S. de Tchen Ton Siou", Letter, Dela Prade to Fleurieau,19 August 1922,2.
    930 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,4 July 1927,9.
    931 "Propagande communiste aupres des marins et soldats Francais", Letter, Naggiar, French Consul in Shanghai to Minister of Foreign Affairs,2 July 1927. Archives diplomatiques Paris,201 Action revolutionnaire, communisme, April-July 1927.
    932 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,23 July 1927,10.
    933 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,1 August 1927,8. Archives diplomatiques Paris,202 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1927.
    934 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,26 September 1927,14.
    935 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,15 August 1927,7.
    936 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,15 August 1927,6.
    937 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,28 November 1927,4.
    938 Action Bolchevique a Shanghai,18 Junel 928,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,205 Action revolutionnaire, Communisme 1928.
    939 "La reaction chinoise contre le bolchevisme", Letter, de Martel to Briand,20 December 1927,4-5.
    942 Wang Chonghui王宠惠,Zhonghua minguo xingfa中华民国刑法(Penal Law of Republic of China), (Beijing:zhongguo fangzheng chubanshe,2006),50.
    943Archive of Taiwan Academia Historica, File number 001012032007, Weihai minguo jinji zhizu fa危害民国紧急治罪法(The Special Law for Endangering the Republic of China),671-74, http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/13/ec/c5.html,accessed December 2011.
    944 Zhonghua minguo waijiaobu中华民国外交部, Zhongwai tiaoyue jibian中外条约辑编(Treaties between the Republic of China and the Foreign States 1927-1961),1958,135.
    945 "Exercice de la police sur les concessions de Shanghai", Letter, Henri Hoppenot, French Ambassador in China to Minister of Foreign Affairs,23 October 1934,4. Archives diplomatiques Paris,802 Concession Francaise de Shanghai 1931-1934.
    946 Zhonggong shanghai shi dangshi yanjiush(?)中共上海市党史研究室Zhonggong zhongyang zai shanghai 1921-1933中共中央在上海(The CCP in Shanghai 1921-1933), (Beijing:zhonggong dangshi chubanshe, 2006),213-32.
    947 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,30 October 1934,33. Archives diplomatiques Paris, 803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    948 Comple rendu de la gestion,1930.
    949 Compte rendu de la gestion,1931. politics of survival,1927-1937, (Lanham:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1998),105-7. Wakeman detailed the Gu Shunzhang Affair in his book Policing Shanghai 1927-1937,151-60.
    951 Wakeman, Policing Shanghai 1927-1937,155.
    952 Letter, Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to Minister of Foreign Affairs, July 1933,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,595 Action revolutionnaire 1933-1934,5 June 1933-29 March 1934.
    953 Compte rendu de la gestion,1932.
    954 Compte rendu de la gestion,1932.
    955 Renseignements hebdomadaires concrnant la situation politique et l'activite communiste,15-21 June 1933, 9. Archives diplomatiques Paris,595 Action revolutionnaire 1933-1934,5 June 1933-29 March 1934.
    956 Letter, Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai, to Minister of Foreign Affairs, July 1933,3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,595 Action revolutionnaire 1933-1934,5 June 1933-29 March 1934.
    957 Renseignements hebdomadaires concernant la situation politique et l'activite communiste,23-31 August 1933,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,595 Action revolutionnaire 1933-1934,5 June 1933-29 March 1934.
    938 Compte rendu de la gestion,1933.
    959 http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/64093/64105/64393/4525313.html, accessed in January 2012.
    960 Renseignements hebdomadaires concernant la situation politique et l'activite communiste,28 April-3 May 1933,10. Archives diplomatiques Paris,594 Action revolutionnaire 1932-1933,4 October 1932-31 May 1933.
    961 Compte rendu de la gestion,1934.
    962 Compte rendu de la gestion,1934.
    963 Renseignements hebdomadaires concernant la situation politique el l'activite communiste,22-28 March 1934, 6. Archives diplomatiques Paris,595 Action revolutionnaire 1933-1934,5 June 1933-29 March 1934.
    964 Zou Yiren, Jiu shanghai renkou bianqian de yanjiu,84.
    Christian Henriot,"'Little Japan' in Shanghai:an insulated community,1875-1945", New Frontiers: Imperialism's new communities in East Asia,1842-1953, (Manchester:Manchester University Press,2000), 147.
    966 Hirobumi Takatsuna, The Japanese settlers in Shanghai, in Shanghai de waiguoren上海的外国人(1842-1949) (The foreign settlers in Shanghai 1842-1949), eds. Xiong Yuezhi, Ma Xueqiang, Yan Kejia熊月之,马学强,晏可佳(Shanghai:Shanghai guji chubanshe,2003),155. Shanghai zujie zhi,133.
    967 Christian Henriot, "Little Japan",163. Shanghai zujie zhi,136.
    968 Renseignements sur l'action Bolchevique et etrangere en Chine, Garde Municipale, Service de la Surete, 3eme Division, Shanghai,6 May 1929,5. Archives diplomatiques Paris,209 Action revolutionnaire, Communisme 1929.
    969 Renseignements sur l'action Bolchevique,6 May 1929,6.
    970 Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,1. Archives diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    971 "Revolutionnaires Careens a Changhai", Letter, J. Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to French Ambassador in China.6 March 1925,4. Archives diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, 1922-1926.
    2 Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,2.
    5 Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,3.
    (?) Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,4.
    975 Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,4-5.
    976 Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,
    977 Renseignements sur la Colonie Coreenne a Changhai,23 July 1925,6-7.
    978"A.S. des Revolutionnaires Coreens sejournant sur la Concession Francaise de Changhai", Letter, de Martel, French Ambassador in China to Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai,9 March 1925,1. Archives diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    979 "Revolutionnaires Coreens a Changhai", Letter, Meyrier, French Consul in Shanghai to French Ambassador in China,6 March 1925,2-3. Archives diplomatiques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    980 "Revolutionnaires Coreens", Letter, de Martel to Meyrier,9 March 1925,2.
    981 "Revolutionnaires Coreens", Letter, Meyrier to French Ambassador in China,6 March 1925,3.
    982 "Revolutionnaires Coreens", Letter, de Martel to Meyrier,9 March 1925,2.
    983 The study of Tran My-Van, from the Japanese archives, also showed the diplomatic efforts between the Japanese and French in 1925 to control and monitor Cuong De and his associates. See Tran My-Van, A Vietnamese Royal Exile in Japan, Prince Cuong De (1882-1951), (Routledge 2005),112.
    984 "A.S. refugies Coreens a Shanghai", Letter, Minister of Colonies to Minister of Foreign Affairs,4 July 1925, 1. Archives diplomaliques Paris,336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    985 "Revolutionnaires Coreens", Letter, Meyrier to French Ambassador in China,6 March 1925,3.
    986 "Revolutionnaires Coreens", Letter, Meyrier to French Ambassador in China,6 March 1925,2.
    987 "Coreens a Changhai", Letter, Marel to Meyrier,12 June 1925.
    988 "Coreens a Changhai", Letter, Marel to Meyrier,12 June 1925.
    989 "Refugies Coreens a Shanghai", Letter, Minister of Colonies to Minister of Foreign Affairs,4 July 1925,2.
    980 "Coreens a Changhai", Letter, Meyrier to de Martel,23 July 1925.
    991 Shi Yuanhua石源华,ed., Shenbao yougnan hanguo chili yundong ji zhonghan guanxi shiliao xuanbian (1910-1949)<申报>有关韩国独立运动暨中韩关系史料选编(1910-1949) (A selection of the reports of Shenbao on the Sino-Korean relations), (Beijing:Renmin wenxue chubanshe,2000),209.
    992 Shi Yuanhua, Shenbao youguan hanguo duli yundong,211.
    993 Shi Yuanhua, Shenbao youguan hanguo duli yundong,240.
    994 Shi Yuanhua, Shenbao youguan hanguo duli yundong,305.
    995 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,30 October 1934,38. Archives diplomatiques Paris, 803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    996 Letter, Director of Police to French Consul in Shanghai,30 October 1934,39. Archives diplomatiques Paris, 803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    997 Shi Yuanhua, Shenbao youguan hanguo duli yundong,325.
    1000 SMA, U38-2-50,8.
    1001 SMA, U38-2-50,3. Xu Youwei徐有威,931-1937 nian jian guomin zhengfu yu chaoxian duli yundong, 1931-1937年间国民政府与朝鲜独立运动(The Guomindang government and the Korean Independent movement 1931-1937), The Journal of Studies of China's resistance war against Japan, N°2,1994,167.
    1002 "Rappori sur violation de la Concession francaise de Shanghai par des gendarmes japonais 1932", Confidential,2eme Section, Bureau de l'Asie. ANOM, Dossier 38789 Violation de la Concession francaise de Shanghai par des gendarmes japonais 1932.
    1003 Letter, de Lens, French Ambassador in Japan to Herriot, Minister of Foreign Affairs,4 October 1932. ANOM, Dossier 38789 Violation de la Concession francaise de Shanghai par des gendarmes japonais 1932.
    1004 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire:1830-1940,11-2.
    1005 Rhoads Murphey, Shanghai, key to modern China, (Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1953),9.
    1005 John K. Fairbank, Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast:The Opening of the Treaty Ports,1842-1854, (Stanford, California:Stanford University Press,1969),7.
    1007 Note, Legation de la Republicque Francaise en Chine,24 July 1930,20. Archives diplomatiques Paris,818 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930.
    1008 Letter, M. d'Auxion de Ruffe to J. Hennesy,10 July 1930,2. Archives diplomatiques Paris,819 Concession francaise de Shanghai, Affaire Remond Collet; enquete sur la police,1930-32.
    1009 Bickers, Empire,65.
    1010 Gilles Manceron, Marianne et les colonies:une introduction a l'histoire coloniale de la France, (Paris: Decouverte,2003). Nicolas Bancel, Pascal Blanchard and Francoise Verges, La republique coloniale:essai sur une utopie, (Paris:Albin Michel,2003).
    1011 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire:1830-1940,6.
    1012 Anderson and Killingray, Policing the empire:1830-1940,11.
    1013 Ernest O. Hauser, Shanghai, City for sale, (New York:Harcourt, Brace and Co.,1940),70-1. Frances Wood, No dogs and not many Chinese:treaty port life in China 1843-1943, (London:John Murray,1998).
    1014 A pizza restaurant in Shanghai was fined for advertising its location in the'old French Concession'(上海披萨店自称位于“法租界”被罚4.75万),http://news.sina.com.cn/s/2012-03-04/013524054152.shtml,accessed March 2012.
    1015 Wang Dingwang 王丁旺, ed., Gong'an xue wenxian cankao shumu公安学文献参考书目(Bibliography of police), (Beijing:Qunzhong chubanshe,1991).
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    197 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1922-1925.
    198 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1925-1926
    199 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1926.
    200 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1926-1927.
    201 Action revolutionnaire, communisme, April-July 1927.
    202 Action revolutionnaire, communisme,1927.
    203 Action revolutionnaire, communisme 1927.
    205 Action revolutionnaire, communisme 1928.
    209 Action revolutionnaire, communisme 1929.
    211 Action revolutionnaire, communisme 1929.
    336 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1922-1926.
    337 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1926-1927.
    Correspondance politique et commerciale, Serie E Asie, Chine 1918-1940.
    592 Action revolutionnaire 1930,10 January-31 December 1930.
    594 Action revolutionnaire 1932-1933,4 October 1932-31 May 1933.
    595 Action revolutionnaire 1933-1934,5 June 1933-29 March 1934.
    802 Concession Francaise de Shanghai 1931-1934.
    803 Concession Francaise de Shanghai,1935-1937.
    808 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, Personnel pour la municipalite,1930-1931.
    809 Concession Francaise de Shanghai.
    810 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite,1933.
    814 Concession Francaise de Shanghai, personnel pour la Municipalite,1938-1940.
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    U38-2-2129, Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingwuchu guanyu fazujie bufang bai e dui zuzhi tiaoli上海法租界公董局警务处(?)于法租界捕房白俄队组织条例1932-1933Regulation on the organisation of the Brigade of Russian Auxiliaries of the French Concession police 1932-1933).
    U38-2-2477, Shanghai fazujie bufang meiri gongzuo jueding上海法租界捕房每日工作决定19340103-19340327 (Daily decisions of the French Concession police,3 January-27 March 1934).
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    U38-2-2597,Shanghai fazujie gongdongju jingzuchu guanyu fazujie bufang tanbu kaoshi shixiang上海法租界公董局警务处(?)于法租界捕房探捕考试事项(The examinations for the detectives and constables of the French Concession police), December 1935.
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    Shanghai Municipal Police Files Roll 1, File 8/6, Work of S2 (Foreign Section), Report of the Special Branch, April 23th, 1931.
    File number 001012032007, Weihai minguo jinji zhizui fa危害民国聚急治罪法(The Special Law for Endangering the Republic of China),671-674. Accessed in December 2011. http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/13/ec/c5.html

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