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Philosophical hermeneutics differs from traditional hermeneutics in that it focuses on the way in which interpretation through understanding is achieved rather than the result of interpretation. It opens up a new perspective for translation studies, shaking the basis of the traditional ideas with the ST's uniqueness and determinacy as precondition.
    The relationship between philosophical hermeneutics and translation studies is: while providing a strong theoretical basis for translation studies, philosophical hermeneutics may, on the contrary, draw ample empirical support from them.
    In this thesis, the writer tries to redefine translation and elaborate its whole process with the basic ideas of philosophical hermeneutics and also some concepts of the aesthetics of reception as amendment, and then, further illustrate her viewpoints with some typical examples drawn from two English versions of Laotse.
    In the"Introduction", a brief introduction is given to the translation studies in and abroad from the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics; and then, an explanation is made about the purposes and the procedure of the current research; and lastly, an interpretation is made about the importance of applying the theory of philosophical hermeneutics to the translation study of Chinese classics.
    Chapter One contains a brief review of the development of hermeneutics, underlining the influence of the ontological turn of hermeneutics on the Western
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