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Quinolone is a kind of synthetical antibiotics and has been widely used in human and veterinary medicine. It has brought some problems about health and safety for its wide use. So the analysis of quinolones attracts people's attentions. Developing reliable, sensitive and practical methods is the precondition of pharmaceutical quality control and residue analysis, and is necessary to assure the safety of food and to avoid international trade issue.
     Electrochemical analysis is characterized by high sensitivity, high selectivity, fast response and wide use. Because what are detected are electricity signals, it is easy to realize automation, series and on-line analysis. Especially nowadays, the appearance of modified electrode has attracted analysts' attentions with special characteristics. Modified electrode is to design on the surface of the electrode, to make microstructure and to give electrode special chemical and electrochemical characteristics, in order to improve the sensitivity and selectivity. It has been improved in biological and pharmaceutical samples analysis.
     In this paper, the surface of glassy carbon electrode was modified in different ways and the electrochemical characteristics of quinolones on this electrode were studied. Modified electrode can improve the sensitivity and detection of quinolones, and can be applied on pharmaceutical analysis. It includes four chapters as follows:
     Chapter 1:The electrochemical methods and quinolone were reviewed, and the applications of electrochemical methods on quinolone analysis were introduced in details, especially the behaviors on mercury and glassy carbon electrode.
     Chapter 2:The glassy carbon electrode was treated by electrochemical method, and the electrochemical behaviors of norfloxacin on this electrode were studied. The electrochemical process was irreversible and fundamentally controlled by adsorption. The sensitivity of norfloxacin detection was improved, the detection limit was 0.2μg/mL and the linear range was 0.5-5.0μg/mL. This methond was used for determination of norfloxacin in capsule.
     Chapter 3:The glassy carbon electrode was modified with multi-wall carbonnanotubes functionalized with carboxylic group, and the electrochemical behaviors of enoxacin on this electrode were studied. The electrochemical process was irreversible. The sensitivity of enoxacin detection was improved, the detection limit was 0.01μg/mL and the linear range was 0.02-0.20μg/mL. This methond was used for determination of enoxacin in capsule.
     Chapter 4:The glassy carbon electrode was modified with poly (crystal violet) film, and the electrochemical behaviors of ofloxacin on this electrode were studied. The electrochemical process was irreversible. The sensitivity of ofloxacin detection was improved, the detection limit was 0.02μg/mL and the linear range was 0.1-1.0μg/mL. This methond was used for determination of ofloxacin in tablet.
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