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众所周知,许多金属氧化物是具有特殊物理化学性能的功能材料,在催化剂、微电子器件、能量储存与转化等诸多领域有着广泛的应用。氧化锌(ZnO)和氧化锡(SnO_2)以其优异的光电性质以及高灵敏的气敏性质一直被认为是金属氧化物中最有应用前景的两种功能材料,它们都是典型的n型宽禁带直接半导体,其室温禁带宽度分别为3.37 eV和3.65 eV。最近几年,科研人员投入了相当大的精力对各种类型ZnO和SnO_2纳米材料的合成、表征以及它们在纳米器件领域中的应用进行了深入研究。鉴于它们在未来功能器件中的重要性,ZnO和SnO_2这两种金属氧化物被确定为本人博士论文期间的研究内容。
     第四章:以单根ZnO纳米线和SnO_2纳米线为结构基元,利用光刻、聚焦离子束沉积等微加工技术在硅片基底上构筑了简单的纳米线器件。基本电学测试结果表明金属氧化物半导体纳米线与金属电极的接触情况可以通过用聚焦离子束沉积金属Pt的方式显著改善,而与它们的功函数大小无关。热敏测试结果表明,SnO_2纳米线属于负温度系数热敏材料,但是其热敏常数B仅为433 K,不适合作为热敏电阻。光电导测试结果表明,对于365 nm的紫外光,ZnO纳米线的响应灵敏度远远大于SnO_2纳米线。这种响应灵敏度上的差别来源于两种纳米线的光电导效应产生机制的不同。场效应晶体管测试结果则提供了跨导、电子迁移率等SnO_2纳米线器件的基本性能参数。纳米线器件的成功构筑为我们进一步研究纳米线在纳米传感器领域的应用打下了良好的基础。
     第六章:以核壳型ZnO/SnO_2四角叉为例,在两种存在较大结构差异的晶体之间实现了三维外延生长,并且发现了外延界面对金属氧化物半导体发光性质的调制作用。电镜表征结果证实了合成得到的产物是以ZnO四角叉为内核,厚度为15~30 nm的SnO_2外延层为外壳的核壳型复合结构,它们之间的外延关系为:(010)SnO2‖(01(?)0)ZnO和[100]SnO2‖[0001[ZnO。光致发光和阴极荧光分析结果表明在ZnO/SnO_2外延界面的诱导下,四角叉的光学性质发生重大改变,在450~600nmn范围内出现了强烈的绿光发射。这项研究工作为今后类似的异质外延结构的合成以及光学性质的调制开辟了一条新的道路。
     第十章:以四氯化碳为原料、以金属钾为还原剂,运用溶剂热的方法在相对较低的温度下(60~100℃)合成得到了厚度仅为3~8 nm的碳纳米薄膜。X射线粉末衍射和拉曼光谱表征结果表明这些膜状产物是石墨化的碳;BET测试结果表明碳纳米薄膜具有较大的比表面(97.2 m~2.g~(-1))。此外,以六氯苯为原料、以金属钠为还原剂,运用相似的方法成功地合成得到纳米球、纳米管等各种碳空心结构。这些碳空心结构将在催化剂载体、药物传输等许多领域具有潜在的应用。
As is well known,many metal oxides are functional materials with excellent physical and chemical properties,and widely applied in many fields including catalysts,microelectronic devices,energy storage and conversion.Among these metal oxides,ZnO and SnO_2 have been considered as the most promising functional materials due to highly sensitive gas sensing property and excellent photoelectrical property.Both of them are n-type wide direct band-gap semiconductors(Eg = 3.37 eV for ZnO and Eg = 3.65 eV for SnO_2,respectively).Recently,much effort has been devoted into the fabrication and their potential application in nanodevices based on various nanostructures of ZnO or SnO_2.Considering their potential importance in future functional materials,ZnO and SnO_2 are selected as research targets of my thesis.In this thesis,our research focus on three fields including:(1) fabrication and characterization of sole ZnO or SnO_2 nanostructures;(2) construction and application of single ZnO or SnO_2 nanowire-based nanodevices;(3) fabrication and characterization of core-shell ZnO/SnO_2 nanocomposites with epitaxial relation and related hollow SnO_2 nanostructures.Major results have been summarized as follows:
     Chapter 1.Briefly review the basic characteristic and recent development of ZnO and SnO_2 nanostructures and clarify my research significance and detailed plan.
     Chapter 2.By using tin alklane(SnH_4) as the gaseous precursor,high-yield SnO_2 nanowires are successfully synthesized on the Au-coated Si substrates by means of chemical vapor deposition.Electronic microscope characterization results demonstrate that the growth of these SnO_2 nanowires follows the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism.In addition,a kind of flower-like SnO_2 nanorod assembly can be acquired via a self-catalytic VLS mechanism.Cathodoluminescence analysis indicates the luminescence properties of the SnO_2 nanowires are related with the concentration of oxygen vacancies in the nanocrystals.
     Chapter 3.Three typical morphologies of ZnO nanostructures including tetrapods, nanorods and nanowires are successfully fabricated by means of various synthetic strategies.Combining electronic microscope characterization results with intrinsic features of wurtzite-type crystal,possible growth mechanisms of these ZnO nanostructures are proposed and deep discussed.In addition,their optical properties are carefully investigated by means of photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence.
     Chapter 4.Using ZnO or SnO_2 nanowires synthesized in chapter 2 and 3 as building blocks,single metal oxide semiconducting nanowire-based devices are successfully fabricated on the silicon substrates via photolithography and focused ion beam deposition(FIB).Measurement results indicate that the contact behavior between metal oxide nanowires and metal electrodes are markedly improved by FIB deposition.And SnO_2 nanowires belong to NTC thermal-sensitive material while they don't suit thermal-sensitive resistor because its calculated thermal-sensitive constant B is only 433 K.In addition,it is found that the photoconductance of single ZnO nanowire is more sensitive to 365 nm UV light than that of single SnO2 nanowire due to the difference between their generating mechanisms.Finally,transconductance(g_m) and electron mobility(μ_e) of single SnO_2 nanowire are successfully acquired based on field-effect-transistor measurement.This research work laid a good foundation for further investigation of nanowire-based devices on the application in chemical nanosensors.
     Chapter 5.Single ZnO and SnO_2 nanowire-based devices are applied for the detection of relative humidity and toxic gas in the environment.Humidity-sensing results indicate that the resistance of a single SnO_2 nanowire has linear response to the relative humidity of atmospheres.Humidity-sensing properties of the nanowire should originate from competitive physical adsorption between water molecular and oxygen molecular on the surface of nanowires.At the same time,a simple gas sensor array constructed with a ZnO nanowire-based sensor and a SnO_2 nanowire-based sensor on the same substrate is successfully built up by double FIB process although this sensor array failed in the detection of CO and H_2S mixture gas.In addition,it is found that sensitivity and selectivity of single ZnO or SnO_2 nanowire-based gas sensor could be improved by surface functionalization.This research work will accelerate the practicability of metal oxide semiconductor nanodevices.
     Chapter 6.Using a ZnO/SnO_2 core-shell heterostructure as an example,we demonstrate the possibility of establishing a three-dimensional epitaxial interface between two materials with different crystal systems for the first time and show possible tailoring optical properties by building the heteroepitaxial crystal interface. The electron microscopy characterization results reveal that as-prepared ZnO/SnO_2 heterostructure has a tetrapod-like ZnO core and a SnO_2 shell with 15-30 nm,and their special epitaxial relation is(010)_(SnO2)|(01(?)0)_(ZnO) and[100]_(SnO2)|[0001]~(ZnO). In addition,a strong green luminescence in the 450~600 nm is induced by epitaxial interface.This research work will break a new path to fabricate epitaxial hetero -structures and tailor the luminescence properties of metal oxide semiconductors.
     Chapter 7.Using ZnO hexagonal micro-prisms and micro-pyramids as two typical templates,epitaxial growth of SnO_2 on three typical ZnO crystal planes including {01(?)0},±(0001) and {10(?)1} is systematically investigated.Various nanostructures of the epitaxial SnO_2 from nanoparticles,to self-assembled nanowire arrays,and to continuous single-crystalline thick films,are controlled prepared on ZnO template under appropriate kinetics conditions.Structural analysis reveals that lattice-mismatch between two epitaxial planes plays a crucial role in the growth of self-assembled SnO_2 nanowire arrays on the ZnO surface.SnO_2 has a preferential growth direction along the minimum lattice-mismatch direction(i.e.[2(?)0]ZnO| [001]_(SnO2)),and the width of SnO_2 nanowires is strictly confined by the accumulated strain which is induced by large lattice-mismatch.Cathodoluminescence characterization indicates that as-prepared ZnO/SnO_2 composite nanostructures exhibit different optical properties from the original ZnO templates or SnO_2 hollow shells.A clear understanding of the role of lattice-mismatch-strain in ZnO / SnO_2 system will inspire great interest in exploring other epitaxial metal oxide heterostructures and their potential applications.
     Chapter 8.Using prefabricated ZnO nanorod arrays as sacrificial templates, various SnO_2 nanotube arrays are successfully synthesized via two-step process including SnO_2 coating and hydrochloric acid etching.Depending on the size of original ZnO templates and experimental parameters,these SnO_2 nanotubes are constructed with four possible types:nanoparticles,nanorods,nanorings and single-crystalline film.Epitaxial growth of SnO_2 on ZnO surface plays a key role on the formation of SnO_2 walls.These hollow SnO_2 nanostructures are believed to have potential application in high-sensitive gas sensors and photocatalysts.
     Chapter 9.A simple and efficient approach for coating multiwalled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) with size-controllable SnO_2 nanoparticles by chemical vapor deposition has been developed using SnH_4 as the source of SnO_2 at 550℃.The size and coverage of SnO_2 nanoparticles can be adjusted by simply controlling the deposition time and the flow rate of SnH_4/N_2 mixture gas during the CVD procedure. In addition,by using the MWCNTs as a sacrificial template,a kind of one-dimensional chain-like SnO_2 nanostructure has been synthesized by increasing the deposition temperature to 730℃.This technique may provide a good way to produce tunable SnO_2-MWCNT composites.
     Chapter 10.Crumpled carbon nanosheets with 3~8 nm thickness have been successfully synthesized via a catalyst-free solvothermal route at a very low temperature range(60℃~100℃),using tetrachloromethane(CCl_4) as carbon source and potassium as the reductant.The X-ray powder diffraction pattern and Raman spectrum indicates that the products are hexagonal graphite.The result of BET experiment shows carbon nanosheets have a large surface area(97.2 m~2·g~(-1)).In addition,various hollow carbon nanostructures were prepared by means of similar method where C_6Cl_6 acted as carbon source and metal sodium acted as reductant. Such hollow carbon nanostructures should have potential application in many fields including catalysts supporter and drug delivery.
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