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     通过简单的40°C低温水浴法合成了ZnO QDs修饰的石墨烯复合材料。通过调整反应参数,可以调节ZnO QDs在石墨烯表面的分布,实现了ZnO QDs/石墨烯复合材料的可控制备。SEM、TEM结果表明,ZnO QDs均匀分布在石墨烯表面,其粒径在5nm左右。ZnO QDs/石墨烯复合传感器表现出高的敏感性、快的响应/恢复特性、高的选择性和好的重复性;其对100ppm甲醛的敏感性是纯石墨烯器件的4倍。在气敏过程中石墨烯基体起着导电网络的作用,而修饰的ZnO QDs起到催化反应活性中心的作用。催化过程中亚稳态的中间产物对气敏过程至关重要。催化实验和DRIFTS实验结果从实验上证实提出的气敏响应机理。
     通过溶剂热的方法合成了一系列化学键结合的TiO2/graphene复合材料。XPS和TG-DTA测试结果证实了Ti-C键的存在。合成的TiO2/graphene复合光催化剂有很高的矿化效率、好的稳定性及高的催化活性。其降解效率是纯TiO2样品的2.6倍。化学键结合导致的界面电荷转移效应(chemical bonding interface charge transfer,CB-IFCT)能有效分离电荷,抑制光生电子-空穴对的复合,增加参与反应的电子/空穴数目,进而提高光催化活性。EIS测试和气相光电流测试有力的支持了上述机理解释。
Metal oxide semiconductor is a class of widely researched traditional inorganicmaterials, which are widely applied for the degradation and detection of air pollutants, i.e.,metal oxide semiconductor gas sensing materials and photocatalytic materials. Both gassensing materials and gaseous photocatalytic materials are all involved the interactionsbetween gas melocules and material surface. For gas sensing materials, the interactionsbetween the detected gas melocules and sensing materials cause the change of electronicperformance of sensing materials, which generates sensing signals. For gaseousphotocatalytic materials, the interactions between the photocatalyst and polluted gasmelocules cause the destructiveness and degradation of gas molecules, which are finallymineralized as nonpolluting CO2and H2O. The above two processes are all involved thecharge transfer between materials and gas melocules. It is urgent and practical to researchnew materials to enhance the gas sensing and photocatalytic performance.
     Graphene is a new found carbon material. Once it was found, it is widely hybridedwith all kinds of metal oxide for its excellent physical and chemical properties, andapplied in photocatalysis, gas sensing, energy and other fields. It is considered that metaloxide semiconductor gas sensor and semiconductor photocatalysis are effective methodsfor the detection and degradation of common air pollutant. This thesis is focused thedetection and degradation of common air pollutant, research a serials of graphene basedmetal oxide semiconductor materials, and provide new sight for the development of newgraphene based materials.
     This thesis starts from the fabrication of graphene. First based on solvothermalmethod, graphene with controlled defect was prepared with cheap sugar and high activealkali metal. The results of SEM, XRD, IR, Raman and XPS show that with different kinds of sugar, different mount of defect was generated at the surface of graphene. Withsucrose, the mount of oxygen-containing group is24.7%. The room temperature humiditysensing performance of graphene with different mount of defect shows difference. And thebest humidity performance enhanced by4.5times.
     ZnO QDs decorated graphene composites were prepared by a facilesolution-processed method under40°C. ZnO QDs/graphene composites were controlledby reaction parameter to adjust the distribution density of ZnO QDs on graphene surface.The results of SEM and TEM showed that ZnO QDs with a size ca.5nm are nucleatedand grown on the surface of the graphene template. ZnO QDs/graphene composites gassensor showed high sensitivity, fast response and recovery property, high selectivity andgood repeatability. The sensitivity to100ppm HCOH is4times to that of pure graphenesensor. During sensing process, the graphene substrate plays a role of conducting network;and the decorated ZnO QDs play a role of reaction center. The metastable intermediateproduct is crucial to gas sensing process. The proposed gas sensing mechanism isexperimentally supported by catalysis experiment and DRIFTS result.
     Chemically bonded TiO2/graphene composites were fabricated by solvothermalmethod. The results of XPS and TG-DTA confirmed the existence of Ti-C bond. the/graphene composites photocatalyst showed high mineralization efficiency, good stabilityand high catalytic reactivity. The degradation efficiency is2.6times to that of pure TiO2sample. Chemical bonding induced interface charge transfer can effectly separate charge,inhibit the recombination of electron-hole pairs, increase the mount of electron-hole pairsinvolved photocatalytic reaction, and enhance the photocatalytic reactivity. The results ofEIS and gaseous phase photocurrent effective support the above mechanism explanation.
     Photo-activated gas sensing WO3/graphene composites were fabricated by lowtemperature chemical synthesis. The WO3/graphene composites and pure WO3weredetailed characterized by XRD, Raman, SEM, TEM, XPS and EPR. The sensing performance to different concentration of toluene under UV, blue and white light weretested. The results showed that the WO3/graphene composites demonstrate higherperformance than pure WO3, and the sensitivity enhanced by3.2times to100ppm tolueneunder blue light. The main photo-activated gas sensing mechanisn is due to the increasingof oxygen vacanvy induced by graphene.
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