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  • 英文篇名:Comparison of yield and nitrogen use efficiency-related traits of cotton cultivars released during the last sixty years
  • 作者:白灯莎·买买提艾力 ; 孙良斌 ; 刘忠山 ; 冯固
  • 英文作者:BAIDENGSHA·Maimaitiaili;SUN Liangbin;LIU Zhongshan;FENG Gu;Institute of Nuclear Technology and Biotechnology, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Desert Oasis Region, Ministry of Agriculture;Institute of Industrial Crops, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences;College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University;
  • 关键词:棉花育种 ; 品种 ; 皮棉产量 ; 经济系数 ; 氮利用效率 ; 氮素偏生产力
  • 英文关键词:Cotton breeding;;Cultivars;;Lint yield;;Economic factors;;Nitrogen use efficiency;;Partial factor productivity of nitrogen
  • 中文刊名:中国生态农业学报(中英文)
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
  • 机构:新疆农业科学院核技术生物技术研究所/农业部荒漠绿洲作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室;新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所;中国农业大学资源与环境学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-06-15
  • 出版单位:中国生态农业学报(中英文)
  • 年:2019
  • 期:06
  • 基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41461051,U1703232)资助~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:70-79
  • 页数:10
  • CN:13-1432/S
  • ISSN:2096-6237
  • 分类号:S562
棉花品种培育过程与土壤培肥、栽培技术、气候变化等因素密切相关,品种产量性状的选育也与养分吸收利用性状存在协同选择性。为了理解品种选育过程对棉花养分效率的影响,采用单因素随机区组设计,比较了新疆1950s—2013年不同年代培育的22个棉花品种(系)的产量性状和氮素利用效率的特征,分析了各棉花品种不同生育期生物量积累规律、产量性状和氮素利用效率的差异。结果表明:不同品种生物量、产量、氮素利用效率和氮素偏生产力差异较大,生物量苗期、蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期分别为2.87~11.67 g·株~(-1)、20.8~38.6 g·株~(-1)、42.3~88.3 g·株~(-1)和58.2~120.4 g·株~(-1),变异系数分别为30.2%、8.2%、5.6%和5.6%。产量构成因素中单株铃数变异系数最大(29.0%),衣分最小(1.0%)。氮素利用效率和氮素偏生产力分别为1.12~4.47kg·kg~(-1)和2.87~11.67kg·kg~(-1),变异系数分别为35.3%和27.6%。氮素偏生产力与生物量、皮棉产量呈极显著正相关。新疆过去60年棉花品种更替过程中,经济系数没有发生明显改变,始终维持在0.20~0.24 g·g~(-1);棉花皮棉产量性状逐渐提升,由1950s的853.6 kg·hm~(-2)增加到2013年的1 569.8 kg·hm~(-2);氮素偏生产力氮素利用效率变化较大,分别由4.12 kg·kg~(-1)增加到7.58 kg·kg~(-1)、由2.32 kg·kg~(-1)增加到3.07 kg·kg~(-1)。基于生物量、产量构成因素、氮肥利用效率和氮素偏生产力等性状指标的综合评价和聚类分析,将22个品种分为氮高效型、氮中效型和氮低效型3组,‘新陆早50号’‘新陆早57号’为氮高效型品种。与氮低效型组相比,氮高效型组的品种具有较高的皮棉产量和生物量。通过上述结果可以认为,棉花高产育种过程提高了氮素利用效率和偏生产力
        The cotton breeding process is closely related to the improvement of soil fertility, innovation of culturing technology, climate change, and so on. The selection of lint yield-related traits is connected to the selection of traits of nutrient uptake and use efficiency. To understand the impact of the cotton breeding process on the nutrient efficiency of cotton, 22 cotton varieties released from the 1950 s to 2013 in Xinjiang were grown together in a field with a randomized block design. The biomass, lint yield, N content and N use efficiency of each cultivar were analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences in N use efficiency and partial factor productivity among the analyzed varieties. The biomass of the seeding stage, befuddling stage, flower and boll stage, and boll opening stage were 2.87-11.67 g, 20.8-38.6 g, 42.3-88.3 g, and 58.2-120.4 g per plant, respectively. Coefficients of variation were 30.2%, 8.2%, 5.6%, and 5.6%, respectively. For the yield components, the coefficient of variation of the boll number per plant was the highest(29.0%), and lint percent the lowest(1.0%). The variation of N use efficiency was 1.12-4.47 kg·kg~(-1), and the partial factor productivity of N(PFPN) was 2.87-11.67 kg·kg~(-1), with the coefficients of variation of 35.3% and 27.6%, respectively. It showed that PFPN had a significant correlation with biomass and lint cotton yield. The cotton economic coefficient had not changed significantly during the past 60 years and remained in a range of 0.20-0.24 g·g~(-1). The lint yield of cotton increased gradually from 853.6 kg·hm~(-2) in the 1950 s to 1 569.8 kg·hm~(-2) in 2013. There were significant changes in PFPN and N use efficiency: these factors increased from 4.12 kg·kg~(-1) to 5.78 kg·kg~(-1), and from 2.32 kg·kg~(-1) to 3.07 kg·kg~(-1), respectively. Based on lint yield components, N use efficiency and PFPN, the cotton varieties were divided into three groups: a high N efficiency group, a medium N efficiency group, and a low N efficiency group. Cluster analysis showed that ‘Xinluzao 50' and ‘Xinluzao 57' were the high N efficient varieties. Compared with the low-efficiency cultivar, the high N-efficiency cultivar had a higher lint yield and biomass. It can be concluded that high-yield cultivar selection could improve N use efficiency and PFPN of cotton.
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