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  • 英文篇名:Tree species recognition of UAV aerial images based on FC-DenseNet
  • 作者:林志玮 ; 涂伟豪 ; 黄嘉航 ; 丁启禄 ; 周铮雯 ; 刘金福
  • 英文作者:LIN Zhiwei;TU Weihao;HUANG Jiahang;DING Qilu;ZHOU Zhengwen;LIU Jinfu;College of Computer and Information Science,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;College of Forestry,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;Forestry Post-Doctoral Station of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;Key Laboratory for Ecology and Resource Statistics of Fujian Province;
  • 关键词:FC-DenseNet ; 光学图像 ; 树种识别 ; 无人机 ; 深度神经网络
  • 英文关键词:FC-DenseNet;;optical image;;tree species recognition;;unmanned aerial vehicle;;deep neural network
  • 中文刊名:国土资源遥感
  • 英文刊名:Remote Sensing for Land & Resources
  • 机构:福建农林大学计算机与信息学院;福建农林大学林学院;福建农林大学林学博士后流动站;福建省高校生态与资源统计重点实验室;
  • 出版日期:2019-08-30 14:29
  • 出版单位:国土资源遥感
  • 年:2019
  • 期:03
  • 基金:中国博士后科学基金面上项目“基于DNN与植被特征关系的无人机图像解译植被信息研究”(编号:2018M632565);; 海峡博士后交流资助计划项目“基于深度学习的智能湿地覆盖变化监测技术研究”;; 福建省自然科学基金项目“基于生物多样性的湿地保护区土地使用分区规划设计研究——以泉州湾河口湿地自然保护区为例”(编号:2016J01718)共同资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:228-236
  • 页数:9
  • CN:11-2514/P
  • ISSN:1001-070X
  • 分类号:TP751;S757.2
使用低空遥感图像进行图像识别为森林调查和监测提供了新的技术契机。基于无人机低空航拍光学图像,以福建省安溪县崩岗区为研究区,建立FC-Dense Net模型进行树种识别。首先,利用Dense模块提取树种图像特征并增强深层网络信息,透过下采样模块降低图像维度,凸显图像的纹理特征和光谱特征;然后,使用上采样模块还原预测图至原始图像大小,并融合浅层Dense模块信息的丰富特征;最后,采用Softmax分类器实现像素分类,完成树种识别。结果显示,基于低空航拍光学图像,FC-Dense Net模型能够准确区分植被与非植被,定位其空间分布特征,其中,FC-Dense Net-103模型的二分类识别精度为92. 1%,表明FC-Dense Net模型加深网络深度后具有较好的识别效果;将植被与非植被细分为13类,FC-Dense Net-103模型的平均识别正确率达到75. 67%。研究结果表明,基于低空航拍光学图像建立的FC-Dense Net模型具有较高的树种分类精度。由于低空航拍光学图像的成本较低,数据获取费用小,时间周期短,可便于森林资源调查和森林树种检测,为深度学习在树种识别领域的应用提供了新思路。
        Image recognition based on low-altitude remote sensing imageries provides a new technological opportunity for forest survey and monitoring. In this study,the authors took the permanent gully in Benggang District,Anxi County,Fujian Province,as an instance and constructed the FC-DenseNet to identify tree species based on the low-altitude aerial optical image of UAV. First,the dense module in the FC-DenseNet model can extract the features of spectral images and enhance the information of the deep network,and the transition down block has an impact on reducing the image dimensions and highlighting the texture and spectral features; then,the transition up block can resize the scale of the predicted image to that of the original image,combined with information fusion of the shallow Dense module; finally,the Softmax classifier is used to achieve pixel-level classification so as to complete the tree species recognition. The results are as follows: ①The FC-DenseNet model based on the low-altitude aerial images not only could identify the difference between vegetation and non-vegetation but also could detect the their spatial distribution. The accuracy of the FC-DenseNet-103 model for vegetation and non-vegetation pixels is 92. 1%,and the 103 layers' network layer is the best network layer. ②Tree species are subdivided into 13 categories,and the accuracy of FC-DenseNet-103 model for dominant species reaches 79%. Some conclusions have been reached: The FC-DenseNet model based on low-altitude aerial optical images has a high tree classification accuracy. With the low cost of low-altitude aerial optical imagery,low data acquisition costs and short time cycles,forest resource surveys and forest species detection can be facilitated. The results obtained by the authors provide a new method in the field of tree recognition using deep learning.
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