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  • 英文篇名:Effects of Pre-Winter Compaction and Irrigation on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Flag Leaf at Grain Filling Stage of Winter Wheat
  • 作者:蔡斌 ; 王法宏 ; 张宾 ; 冯波 ; 司纪升 ; 李升东 ; 王宗帅 ; 李华伟
  • 英文作者:CAI Bin;WANG Fahong;ZHANG Bin;FENG Bo;SI Jisheng;LI Shengdong;WANG Zongshuai;LI Huawei;The Crop Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science;College of Agronomy,Qingdao Agricultural University;
  • 关键词:小麦 ; 镇压 ; 灌溉 ; 光合特性 ; 叶绿体超微结构
  • 英文关键词:Wheat;;Compaction;;Irrigation;;Photosynthetic characteristics;;Chloroplast ultrastructure
  • 中文刊名:麦类作物学报
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Triticeae Crops
  • 机构:山东省农业科学院作物研究所;青岛农业大学农学院;
  • 出版日期:2018-12-07 10:05
  • 出版单位:麦类作物学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:01
  • 基金:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0300105-5);; 泰山产业领军人才-高新农业类项目(SF1405303301);; 山东省重点研发计划项目(2016CYJS03A01);; 国家小麦产业技术体系项目(CRAS-3-1-21)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:77-85
  • 页数:9
  • CN:61-1359/S
  • ISSN:1009-1041
  • 分类号:S512.11
        In order to clarify the effects of pre-winter compaction and irrigation on the function of flag leaf at grain filling stage of winter wheat,a field experiment was carried out during the wheat growing season of 2016-2017,and pre-winter compaction and irrigation(C+I),irrigation(I)and compaction(C)were applied to the winter wheat Jimai 22.With the normal growing plant as the control(CK),and the chlorophyll content(SPAD),maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm),net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),chloroplast ultrastructure during grain filling stage and the final yield were analyzed.The result showed that water content and temperature of the soil during the lategrain filling stage were all increased under C+I,I and C treatments,among which,the maximum increment was achieved under C+I.The SPAD in the flag leaf was higher during the late grain filling stage(14-28 days after anthesis(DAA))under the C+I and C treatments than that under I and CK treatments.The Fv/Fm,Pnand Trof the flag leaf during the whole grain filling period showed highest under C+I treatment,followed by those under I and C treatments.C+I,C or I can relief the reduction of SPAD,Fv/Fm,Pnand Tr.Among them,C+I treatment showed the most effect.Under the control conditions,the chloroplast of flag leaf was circular,and most of the grana lamellaes were deformed and disorderly arranged and a lot of osmiophilic granules appeared at 21 DAA.However,under the C+I,C and I treatments,the chloroplasts was ellipsoidal,and the number of chloroplasts and chloroplasts grana were significantly higher than those under CK treatment,and the grana lamellaes were clear and tightly packed,with a much less number of osmiophilic granules.The damage degree of chloroplasts in the flag leaf was decreased under C+I,C and I treatments.Based on the result of the SPAS,Pn,Trand Fv/Fm,the C+I treatment in this experiment was more conducive than C,I and CK treatments by improving the photosynthetic function of flag leaf during grain filling and alleviating aging of flag leaves at late grain filling stage.Thus,C+I treatment is more conducive to improve wheat production.
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