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  • 英文篇名:Soil Heavy Metal Contamination and Enrichment of Dominant Plants in Coal Waste Piles in Pingdingshan Area
  • 作者:陈昌东 ; 张安宁 ; 腊明 ; 齐光 ; 赵干卿 ; 楚纯洁
  • 英文作者:CHEN Changdong;ZHANG Anning;LA Ming;QI Guang;ZHAO Ganqing;CHU Chunjie;Key laboratory of Ecological Restoration in Hilly Area, Pingdingshan University;Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Northwestern China of Ministry of Education/Ningxia University;
  • 关键词:土壤重金属 ; 污染评价 ; 优势植物 ; 富集能力 ; 平顶山矿区
  • 英文关键词:soil heavy metal;;pollution assessment;;dominant plant;;enrichment capacity;;Pingdingshan mining area
  • 中文刊名:生态环境学报
  • 英文刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  • 机构:平顶山学院低山丘陵区生态修复重点实验室;宁夏大学/西北土地退化与生态恢复国家重点实验室培育基地;
  • 出版日期:2019-06-18
  • 出版单位:生态环境学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:06
  • 基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41601057);; 河南省科技攻关项目(142102310462;152102310202)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:150-157
  • 页数:8
  • CN:44-1661/X
  • ISSN:1674-5906
  • 分类号:X53;X173
为筛选出适应该地区修复土壤重金属污染的首先目标植物,通过测定河南省平顶山市某煤矿废弃地8种优势植物根际与非根际土壤及植物本身Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn和Pb含量,分析了矿区土壤重金属污染状况及优势植物对重金属元素的富集和转移能力。结果表明,(1)研究区土壤Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu污染最为严重,单因子污染指数分别达到了66.04、5.24、2.89、1.80;内梅罗综合污染指数为47.94,达到重度污染级别。(2)猪毛蒿(Artemisiascoparia)地上部分、紫马唐(Digitaria violascens)地上部分和根部Cd含量分别超标1.52、1.25和1.35倍,全叶马兰(Kalimeris integrifolia)根部、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)地上部分和根部Cr含量分别超标1.30、3.06和1.79倍,并且狗尾草地上部分Pb含量超标1.71倍。(3)苍耳(Siberia Cocklebur)对Cd和Cu的生物富集系数和生物转移系数均大于1,对Cu的生物转移系数高达4.939。狗尾草对Cd、Cr、Pb的生物转移系数均大于1,且对Cr的生物富集系数大于1,对Pb的生物转移系数高达3.883。蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolica)对Cr和Pb的生物转移系数均大于3,且对Cd的生物富集系数大于1。猪毛蒿对Cd的生物富集系数和生物转移系数均大于1。研究表明,平顶山矿区矸石山周边土壤是受重金属Cd-Cr-Pb-Cu复合污染的土壤。苍耳、猪毛蒿、蒙古蒿和狗尾草具有较强的富集重金属的能力,可作为治理该地区环境污染的目标植物。
        In order to screen out the target plants adapted to soil heavy metal pollution in the studied area, the concentration of Cd,Cr, Cu, Mn and Pb from the rhizophere and non-rhizophere soils of 8 dominant plants and their solid plant organs were determined in coal waste piles of Pingdingshan area, Henan province. The present study was to probe into the ability of dominant plants to enrich and transfer heavy metal elements. The results showed that(1) there was the most heavy soil pollution in terms of Cd, Cr, Pb and Cu dominated in soils of the studied area. The values of single factor pollution index reached the level of 66.04, 5.24, 2.89, 1.80,respectively. The values of Merero comprehensive pollution index was 47.94, resulting in a heavy pollution.(2) The Cd concentration of aboveground part of Artemisia scoparia, and the aboveground part and root of Digitaria violascens were 1.52, 1.25 and 1.35 times greater than the standard levels. The Cd concentration of the root of Calimeris integrifolia, aboveground part and root Setaria viridis were 1.30, 3.06 and 1.79 times greater than the standard levels. The Pb concentration of aboveground part of Setaria viridis was 1.71 times greater than the standard levels. And(3) the bioconcentration factor and a biotransfer coefficient of Xanthium sibiricum in terms of Cd and Cu content was beyond 1, with the biotransfer coefficient of 4.939 in terms of Cu content. The biotransfer coefficients of Setaria viridis in terms of Cd, Cr and Pb content were all beyond 1, with the values of 3.883 in terms of Pb; and its bioconcentration coefficient in terms of Cr content was beyond 1. The biotransport coefficient of Artemisia mongolica was beyond 3 in terms of Cr and Pb content, and its bioconcentration factor in terms of Cd content was beyond 1. The bioconcentration factor and a biotransfer coefficient of Artemisia scoparia both were beyond 1 in terms of Cd content. It was suggested that there should be a type of soil pollution subjected to the combination of Cd-Cr-Pb-Cu contamination in coal waste piles of Pingdingshan area. The plants including Xanthium sibiricum, Artemisia scoparia, Artemisia mongolica and Setaria viridis have the enrichment potential for soil heavy metals, and could be used to serve as targeted plants for pollution control in the region.
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