Mapping global impervious surface area and green space within urban environments
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  • 英文篇名:Mapping global impervious surface area and green space within urban environments
  • 作者:Wenhui ; KUANG
  • 英文作者:Wenhui KUANG;Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • 英文关键词:Impervious surface area;;Green space;;Habitat environment;;Remote sensing classification;;Global scale
  • 中文刊名:Science China(Earth Sciences)
  • 英文刊名:中国科学:地球科学(英文版)
  • 机构:Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-26 09:59
  • 出版单位:Science China(Earth Sciences)
  • 年:2019
  • 期:10
  • 基金:supported by the Major Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41590842);; the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Pan-Third Pole Environment Study for a Green Silk Road(Pan-TPE)(Grant No.XDA20040400);; the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2013AA122802)
  • 语种:英文;
  • 页:123-138
  • 页数:16
  • CN:11-5843/P
  • ISSN:1674-7313
  • 分类号:TU984;X87
The mapping of impervious surface area(ISA) and urban green space(UGS) is essential for improving the urban environmental quality toward ecological, livable, and sustainable goals. Currently, accurate ISA and UGS products are lacking in urban areas at the global scale. This study established regression models that estimated the fraction of ISA/UGS in global 30 cities for validation using MODIS NDVI and DMSP/OLS nighttime light imageries. A global dataset of ISA and UGS fraction with a spatial resolution of 250 m×250 m was developed using the regression model, with a mean relative error of 0.19 for its ISA. The results showed the global urban area of 76.29×10~4 km~2, which was primarily distributed in central Europe, eastern Asia,and central and eastern North America. The urban land area in North America, Europe, and Asia was 66.3×10~4 km~2, accounting for 86.91% of the world's urban area; the urban land area of the top 50 countries accounted for 59.32% of the total urban land area in the world. The global ISA of 45.26×10~4 km~2 was mainly distributed in central and southern North America, eastern Asia, and Europe, as well as coastal regions around the world. The proportion of ISA situated in built-up areas on the continental scale followed the order of Africa(>70%)>South America>Oceania>Asia(>60%)>North America>Europe(>50%), and these areas were mostly in southeastern North America, southwestern Europe, and eastern and western Asia. North America, Europe, and Asia accounted for 89.44% of the world's total UGS. The cities of developed countries in Europe and North America exposed a dramatic mosaic of ISA and UGS composites in urban construction. Therefore, the proportion of UGS is relatively high in those cities. However, in developing and underdeveloped countries, the proportion of UGS in built-up areas is relatively low, and urban environments need to be improved for livability.
        The mapping of impervious surface area(ISA) and urban green space(UGS) is essential for improving the urban environmental quality toward ecological, livable, and sustainable goals. Currently, accurate ISA and UGS products are lacking in urban areas at the global scale. This study established regression models that estimated the fraction of ISA/UGS in global 30 cities for validation using MODIS NDVI and DMSP/OLS nighttime light imageries. A global dataset of ISA and UGS fraction with a spatial resolution of 250 m×250 m was developed using the regression model, with a mean relative error of 0.19 for its ISA. The results showed the global urban area of 76.29×10~4 km~2, which was primarily distributed in central Europe, eastern Asia,and central and eastern North America. The urban land area in North America, Europe, and Asia was 66.3×10~4 km~2, accounting for 86.91% of the world's urban area; the urban land area of the top 50 countries accounted for 59.32% of the total urban land area in the world. The global ISA of 45.26×10~4 km~2 was mainly distributed in central and southern North America, eastern Asia, and Europe, as well as coastal regions around the world. The proportion of ISA situated in built-up areas on the continental scale followed the order of Africa(>70%)>South America>Oceania>Asia(>60%)>North America>Europe(>50%), and these areas were mostly in southeastern North America, southwestern Europe, and eastern and western Asia. North America, Europe, and Asia accounted for 89.44% of the world's total UGS. The cities of developed countries in Europe and North America exposed a dramatic mosaic of ISA and UGS composites in urban construction. Therefore, the proportion of UGS is relatively high in those cities. However, in developing and underdeveloped countries, the proportion of UGS in built-up areas is relatively low, and urban environments need to be improved for livability.
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