Evaluation of relative tectonic activity along the Priene-Sazl? Fault(S?ke Basin, southwest Anatolia): Insights from geomorphic indices and drainage analysis
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  • 英文篇名:Evaluation of relative tectonic activity along the Priene-Sazl? Fault(S?ke Basin, southwest Anatolia): Insights from geomorphic indices and drainage analysis
  • 作者:Sava? ; TOPAL
  • 英文作者:Sava? TOPAL;Pamukkale University, Department of Geological Engineering, K?n?kl? Campus;
  • 英文关键词:Geomorphic indices;;Tectonic activity;;Earthquake;;Priene-Sazl? Fault;;S?ke basin;;Western Anatolia
  • 中文刊名:Journal of Mountain Science
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Mountain Science 山地科学学报(英文版)
  • 机构:Pamukkale University, Department of Geological Engineering, K?n?kl? Campus;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-11
  • 出版单位:Journal of Mountain Science
  • 年:2019
  • 期:04
  • 语种:英文;
  • 页:188-202
  • 页数:15
  • CN:51-1668/P
  • ISSN:1672-6316
  • 分类号:P315;P931
The West Anatolia Extensional Zone, which has a width of about 300 km, is located within the Alpine-Himalayan belt and is one of the regions with intense seismic activity in the world. The most important geomorphological structures in this area are three main graben structures resulting from regional N-S extension since the Early Miocene. These structures are the E-W trending Büyük Menderes, Kü?ük Menderes, and Gediz grabens. S?ke Basin is located at the SW end of the Büyük Menderes graben. The lineaments which control the NW of S?ke Basin have a length of approximately 40 km and have been defined as the Priene-Sazl? Fault(PSF). The PSF is seismically active, and the last large earthquake(the S?ke-Balat earthquake; Ms: 6.8) was produced on July 16 th of 1955. The ancient city of Priene, which was located in the study area, suffered from destructive earthquakes(in the 4 th century and 2 nd century BC, in the 2 nd century AD, during the Byzantine period and after the 12 th century BC). This study aims to reveal the effect of the PSF on the morphotectonic evolution of the region and the relative tectonic activity of the fault. To this end, it was the first time the stream length gradient index(SL: 130-1303), mountain-front sinuosity(Smf: 1.15-1.96), valley floor height and valley width ratio(Vf: 0.27-1.66), drainage basin asymmetry(AF: 0.15-0.76), hypsometric curve(HC) and hypsometric integral(HI: 0.22-0.86) and basin shape index(Bs: 1.04-5.75) along the mountain front that is formed by the PSF. Using a combination of the mountain-front sinuosity(Smf), valley floor height and valley width ratio(Vf), it is found that the uplift ratio in the region is not less than 0.05 mm/yr and the relative tectonic activity of PSF is high. According to the relative tectonic activity index(Iat) obtained from geomorphic indices, the southwest part of the PSF is relatively more active than the northeast part. As a result, I posit that the PSF has the potential to produce earthquakes in the future similarly to those that were produced in the past, and that the most destructive earthquakes will likely occur on the southwest segments of the fault according to geomorphic indices.
        The West Anatolia Extensional Zone, which has a width of about 300 km, is located within the Alpine-Himalayan belt and is one of the regions with intense seismic activity in the world. The most important geomorphological structures in this area are three main graben structures resulting from regional N-S extension since the Early Miocene. These structures are the E-W trending Büyük Menderes, Kü?ük Menderes, and Gediz grabens. S?ke Basin is located at the SW end of the Büyük Menderes graben. The lineaments which control the NW of S?ke Basin have a length of approximately 40 km and have been defined as the Priene-Sazl? Fault(PSF). The PSF is seismically active, and the last large earthquake(the S?ke-Balat earthquake; Ms: 6.8) was produced on July 16 th of 1955. The ancient city of Priene, which was located in the study area, suffered from destructive earthquakes(in the 4 th century and 2 nd century BC, in the 2 nd century AD, during the Byzantine period and after the 12 th century BC). This study aims to reveal the effect of the PSF on the morphotectonic evolution of the region and the relative tectonic activity of the fault. To this end, it was the first time the stream length gradient index(SL: 130-1303), mountain-front sinuosity(Smf: 1.15-1.96), valley floor height and valley width ratio(Vf: 0.27-1.66), drainage basin asymmetry(AF: 0.15-0.76), hypsometric curve(HC) and hypsometric integral(HI: 0.22-0.86) and basin shape index(Bs: 1.04-5.75) along the mountain front that is formed by the PSF. Using a combination of the mountain-front sinuosity(Smf), valley floor height and valley width ratio(Vf), it is found that the uplift ratio in the region is not less than 0.05 mm/yr and the relative tectonic activity of PSF is high. According to the relative tectonic activity index(Iat) obtained from geomorphic indices, the southwest part of the PSF is relatively more active than the northeast part. As a result, I posit that the PSF has the potential to produce earthquakes in the future similarly to those that were produced in the past, and that the most destructive earthquakes will likely occur on the southwest segments of the fault according to geomorphic indices.
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