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Conventional reservoir modeling methods are based on the well data; the model contains the porosity, permeability and oil saturation et al. The optimal reservoir model is obtained by using history matching method with the production data. Under no well condition, the paper uses the seismic forward modeling and similarity analysis to build the optimal turbidite channel reservoir model in the center canyon in the deepwater area of northwestern South China Sea. The clastic reservoir seismic geological model is built by the deterministic modeling and continuous stochastic modeling methods. First, the paper analyzes the characteristics of clastic reservoirs, and uses the continuous stochastic modeling method to simulate the reservoir distribution in space. And then, the paper analyzes the seismic data and geological data. The stratum architecture model is obtained by sequence stratigraphy interpretation. On the basis of the stratum architecture model, the reservoir architecture model is established by using the fine interpretation of human-computer interaction method and combining with the seismic data analysis, such as wave impedance analysis and conventional seismic attributes analysis. The paper uses the algorithms of ‘replacement’ and ‘merge’ on reservoir architecture model and stochastic medium of sand and shale interbed to establish the turbidite channel reservoir architecture. The stochastic modeling method can effectively depict the fine architecture of the reservoir. The paper uses forward modeling, conventional seismic data processing analysis and similarity analysis et al. to obtain the ideal reservoir model. The research focuses on constructing reservoir seismic geologic model method under no well condition, reveals the spatial distribution and internal architecture features of turbidite channel reservoir in the center canyon in the deepwater area of northwestern South China Sea.
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