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In this paper, the dynamic response analysis for the sliding base-isolated long-span structures, subjected to the underground explosion waves caused by accidental explosion inside underground tunnels, is performed considering soil-structure interactions. In the analysis of soil-structure interactions, a coupling calculation model of the tunnel and the finite soil around, the surrounding semi-infinite soil, and the sliding base-isolated long-span structure is established using the finite elements, the infinite elements and the frame system. In the analysis for sliding base isolation, the continuous friction model instead of the traditional Coulomb friction model is proposed in order to avoid the tracing of the transient boundary between meshing and sliding and to reduce the calculated error. Finally, the numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the effect of sliding base isolation for a long-span structure, subjected to the underground explosion waves, and the influence of different isolation parameters on its effect. This provides an important reference to either related academic research or practices in engineering for the construction of underground tunnels in cities.
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