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Constraints provided by field observation,laboratory experiments and seismic data have lead to a general consensus that the shallow crust deforms by brittle faulting,while the lower crust deforms by crystal plastic flow.These constraints provide the basis for the dual mechanism model for the rheology of the crust and lithosphere in which the strength of the upper brittle crust is limited by Byerlee's law,while the strength of the lower ductile crust is limited by power law creep.The maximum depth of microseismic activity is controlled by the broad zone of brittle-plastic transition that lies between the two extreme brittle and plastic layers.While the dual mechanism model is so simple that overestimates the strength of rocks near the brittle-plastic transition zone.Although many studies about the deformation mechanism of brittle-plastic transition zone have been made,a'flow law'representation,which can describe the strength for the brittle-plastic transition,has not been formulated,and there has been little research about fluid effects;In addition,research on brittle-plastic transition usually focuses on temperature effects,while the research on the aspects of strain rate and fluid are relatively weak.Studies of deformation mechanisms of minerals in faults have indicated that brittle-plastic transition of some faults occurred in the same depth(temperature and pressure) and this phenomenon,which has been considered to be relevant to synseismic loading and postseismic creep in earthquake cycles and confirmed by distribution of focal depth,is due to the strain rate.The presence of high-pressure fluid in active fault at depth is proved by analysis of characteristics of fault fluids,and these fluids,which can evolve in pressure pertaining to fracturing and sealing processes,play a key role during the seismic cycle.The formation of high-pressure fluid(cracks sealing) has several mechanisms,but researches show pressure solution deposition is one of the main mechanisms which controls crack sealing kinetics around active faults.Studies on pressure solution under the action of water can supplement and correct the crustal strength profile defined by traditional relations describing brittle /frictional behavior(Byerlee's law) and dislocation creep.As a consequence,we believe it is necessary to further study the impact of strain rate and fluid pressure on the brittle-plastic transition through deformation samples both from field and high-pressure high-temperature experiments.Simultaneously,we may establish the equation for the pressure solution to approximately estimate the strength of brittle-plastic transition zone.
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