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Pore pressure of fluid in earth's crust is one of the key roles in earthquake triggering and process of swarm earthquakes and aftershocks.This paper reviews different mechanics of earthquake triggering when pore pressure elevate and decline,discuss the linear pore pressure diffusion and non-linear pore pressure diffusion which related to the dynamic process of swarm earthquakes and aftershocks.By applying pore pressure diffusion mechanism we analyzed typical spatiotemporal characteristics of swarm earthquakes and aftershocks sequences.We summarized the dynamic process and hydraulic diffusivities of swarm earthquakes,fluid-injection induced seismicity,reservoir induced seismicity,volcano seismicity and aftershocks.We discuss the role of pore pressure in Wenchuan MS 8.0 earthquake and aftershocks,and physical meaning of hydraulic diffusivity.Finally existing problems and works need doing in the future have been presented.Comprehensive analysis in this field will help us to deepen analysis of dynamic mechanism of earthquake triggering and process of swarm earthquakes and aftershocks,it is meaningful to understand the role of fluid in earthquake preparation.
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