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The turbidity and bottom currents are two basic flowing mechanisms in deep-water basins, and the study about interaction between them is the leading edge and weak point of present sedimentology. Bottom current and bottom-current-reworked deposits have special sedimentary structures such as truncated tops, double mud layers and traction origin beddings, and lenticular units, migrating sediment waves are typical characteristics of the drifts in seismic profiles. According to the research about the interplay of gravity and bottom currents, and the leading sedimentation mechanism in different geological periods, there are four different patterns of the interaction between the two currents: ① bottom current reforms prophase gravity flow deposits; ② the turbidite reworks the prophase bottom current sediment; ③ gravity flow and the bottom current dominate the sedimentation respectively in the same area, and ④ the turbidite and bottom current affect the sediments together. The relative sea level change, climate (glacial—interglacial) change, tectonic activity, topography and other factors control the interplay between the gravity flow and bottom current by means of affecting the relative strength of the two sedimentation mechanisms. The South China Sea has favorable geological conditions for the development of interaction between gravity flow and bottom current, and the one-way migrating canyons and sediment waves are excellent interaction geological products.Intensifying the observation of the present bottom currents means a lot to the bottom current framework construction in South China Sea.
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