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Arakan fold belt ( Bay of Bengal ) located at thewest piedmont of Indo-Burma Ranges consists of a series of NNW—SSE-trending anticlines , but its structural characteristics are very poorly studied. Integration of well data and 2D seismic reflection profiles was used to study the late Cenozoic structural characteristics of Arakan fold belt ,with a focus on the characteristics of detachment levels and geometry and kinematics of anticlines.Arakan fold belt is characterized by multiple detachment levels :( 1 ) basal detachment level ,which situates at about 6.5s ( Two-way travel time );(2 ) intermediate detachment levels ,which situates at the bottom of Quaternary or underlying upper Miocene at about2.5s.Those detachment levels generate two sets ofdetachment folds under regional compression. The basal detachments level controlled the development of Arakan fold belt ,while the intermediate detachment level affected the deformation locally.The deformation time recorded by growth strata shows that the deformation of Arakan fold belt propagates from east towest with the leading edge formed in Quaternary. Based on structural analysis resultswe propose two end-member kinematic models for folding in Arakan fold belt.Model 1 without intermediate detachment level ,detachment fold formed above basal detachment level ; Model 2 with intermediate detachment level , two sets of detachment folds developed above basal and intermediatedetachment levels , respectively.The wave length of anticline in Model 2 is much shorter than that of Model 1 , therefore , thewavelength of anticline can be used to judgewhether intermediate detachment level developed or not indeformed strata pile.The geometry and kinematics of anticline is primarily controlled by underlying detachment level ( s ), the formation of overlapping anticlines or anticline bifurcation in Arakan fold beltwould imply the underlying detachment level ( s ) changed along strike.Fluid overpressure could be an important deformation controlling factor in formation of Arakan fold belt.
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